- Device
- iPad
Shears for me too please!!!
Hi all,
Updated 9 march 15:00.
I made a list of people who need pruning shears. If you need shears, please post below and I will add you to the list. If you have enough shears, please post below so I can delete you from the list. If Butterfly-nets are giftable, I will add those to the list.
sportybear, game sportychub
Dee140157, games Dee140147 and Ducks1
LAX Regional
GamingSwiftie, game gamingswiftie2 and gamingswiftie3
Happy Helen
Uncle Mans, game uncle mans and uncle mans iPhone
Ianda11, game Ianda10
Mrstepot, game Beckyp
I Fly 2', game I Fly
jgottlieb, game Blah
Arne, game Vind Airport
Steve, game Steve74-uk
Several people will be usernames, sometimes I can see actual names on Iphone. For the Iphone players, try to send back, the Usernames can be from the forum.
If you don't need flowers but you can sent them... check the list and help the others
If you are on the list: please leave a note if you don't need them anymore, I will delete you from the list
If you need pruning shears and you are not on the list (Ipad and Iphone), please leave a note, I will add you to the list.
As I made the list, I can edit it. I will try to keep it up to date so you don't have to go through all pages...
The answer is yes and no.... With the valentine quest my cupids disappeared but the lose items were left behind.....Uncle Mans Phone still needs Shears, but Uncle Mans is done with flowers.
Does make you wonder if we should just collect them for next time....
I now have all necessary prunes.Me too, please!
flip123 - I can be completely removed from this listing.
Everyone - Many thanks for the shears! I collected my last elusive flower tonight... Now if the butterflies will just cooperate...![]()