The information displayed in this user guide is for those of you who are more experienced, who have been playing for quite some time and have reached a high level with your game, and are now planning on flying Excavation Map and Adventure Map flights.
For those of you who are in the early stages of your game development, you will still find this user guide useful, because it will allow you to look ahead, help you to understand what you will need to do, to prepare for these types of map flights. As to when will be the right time to start flying excavation and adventure maps, this is not such a straight forward question to answer, it will depend very much on the player. There will be many game factors which will come into play, which you will need to consider.
When you first start playing your game, you will have plenty to think about and to deal with, setting up your game site, purchasing your buildings and upgrading them, purchasing your terminal sections, purchasing your boarding bridges, purchasing your parking lots and your planes, ensuring you have sufficent fuel and passengers for flights, collecting flights items, undertaking standard flight destinations, gifting to your neighbours, visiting your neighbours game sites, setting up your space program and undertaking launch flights, collecting QL bonuses, setting up your helicopter base and undertaking flights, undertaking weather station flights, alliance weekly mission flights and take part in special events throughout the year.
When you take all these aspects into consideration, you can understand why it would perhaps be best to leave excavation and adventure map flights to much later on in your game, when you are far better established. There are so many different aspects to the game of airport city which you could focus on, it will be important you do not overreach and/or overload yourself with too much. Time and patience is the key to the game of Airport City, without it you will not get very far or last very long.
Once you have made the decision to undertake these types of map flights, you will need to purchase the Airship Dock, which will become available from Game Level 10. It will cost you 3,000 Gold Coins to purchase the building and will have a construction period of 1 hour (you will also have the option to speed up the construction of the building for 1 green note). You will only be able to position the Airship Dock on the airport side of your game, adjacent to a road. You will also need to complete the Sky Fair side bar mission, there will be a small series of eight tasks to complete. Some of the tasks will reward you with small amount of gold coins and experience points.
You will also need to obtain the following eight upgrade building gift items, so you can make the building solid and live, and complete the process. They can all be gifted by your neighbours and some can be received from flight drops. This process should not take too long, once you have indicated in your signature page, your gift need requirements from your neighbours. It will be a good idea to start collecting the gift items and have them in place, before you need to use them, this will save you time in the long run:
There will be two options available to you to purchase maps, one will be through the Airship Store Menu and the other will be through the Game Store Menu. The main difference between these two is that the airship store will only be available twice a week, on Monday's and Thursday's, whereas the game store will always be available to you during game play. There will also be a third option, during Discount Super Sales, but this will often be infrequent, since the items offered for sale will change, each time the discount super sales become available to players.
Once the building is solid and live, the airship will then be able to dock with the tower, and you will have access to the menu, by clicking on the airship icon, located on the left hand side of your game screen. You will also be able to access the menu by clicking on the airship dock. The airship will appear twice a week and will remain docked for a full day, during each visit. When the airship is not available, you will be able to click on the airship dock, which will display the time counter, letting you know when the airship is due next.
Once the menu is open you will see five clickable tabs, labelled Adventure, Resources, Bonuses, Space and Resources. You will need to select the 1st tab, labelled Adventure, to access all of the maps for sale. This tab will display a mixer of single maps and map sets.
The remaining four tabs will offer you other items for sale e.g. fuel, passengers, tourist, mystery buildings, bonus items, mystery bonus and space program resources, many of these items will come at a heavy price. The decision to purchase these items is not something you should rush into, many of them can be obtained for free through game play, but it will take time and patience to do so.
There are 96 map flight destinations to choose from, it will be best to approach these types of flights in a systematic manner, by flying your first plane and completing all the destination flights, collecting all the rewards of coins, experience points, stars and chests, before you move on to your next destination. You will be able to access the excavation and adventure maps through the flights menu adventure section, from within your game.
The adventure maps are unique to the game of Airport City because you will only be able to purchase them through the airship store, you will have three purchase options to choose from:
The excavation map sets can also be purchased through the game store menu, the 7th icon resources section, from within your game. Each of the excavation map sets will cost you 5 green notes to purchase, you will need to scroll down through the menu to locate them.
Inside each of the 16 excavation map sets will contain 20 maps required for excavation flights. To undertake these types of flights, you will need a broad spectrum of planes in your fleet, Owl, Hawk, Raven, Eagle, Jumbo, Giant, Falcon, Thunderbird and Condor. These standard planes can all be purchased with gold coins from the game store.
Please Note - the S1 and S2 class type planes can only be purchased with silver tokens and gold tokens. The S3 class type planes can not be purchased with coins, silver tokens and gold tokens. They can only be obtained through the completion of flight collections, you will need to complete a flight collection 6 times to be rewarded with a plane. The following are the ten flight collections - How To Win Friends (Swift S3), I'll Think About That Tomorrow (Owl S3), Spic and Span (Hawk S3), Time Is Money (Raven S3), Easy Rider (Eagle S3), Need For Speed (Jumbo S3), Gold Reserve (Giant S3), Royal Honors (Falcon S3), The Stone Guests (Thunderbird S3), Sea Wolf (Condor S3). You will also be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins, 2,000 experience points and a Mystery Super Bonus Chest, for each completed flight collection.
There are 19 collections in this series, many of them will reward you with gold coins, experience points and a large bronze chest per collection. Three of the collections will reward you with more coins and experience points and a golden chest. After you have completed each collection six times, you will be rewarded with a building. Each of the buildings will reward you with one collectable item per day and will increase your city population +50:
The following information displays the nine planes, you will need in your fleet, to undertake excavation and adventure map flights, and the game levels when they will become available to purchase from the game store - Owl (game level 7), Hawk (game level 13), Raven (game level 19), Eagle (game level 25), Jumbo (game level 31), Giant (game level 41), Falcon (game level 51), Thunderbird (game level 61), Condor (game level 71) and all the associated information for each plane:
The discount super sales take place four times a year, during Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. When the discount super sale opens, you will find a large round yellow and gold icon, it will have a large percentage sign in the centre with a day and hour display counter, located on the top right hand side of your game screen. The icon will remain on the screen for a few days, during which time you will be able to make a purchase. There are 16 map sets, each map set will contain five flight maps, you will receive 3 random maps at a 50% discount when you make a purchase:
Once the discount super sale has closed the large round yellow and gold icon will disappear from the game screen. The next time the discount super sale icon appears the sale items will have changed. It will not be possible to know in advance what the next discount sale items will be.
For more detailed information with regards to display counters, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - The Permanent On Screen Display Counters And The Temporary On Screen Display Icons Explained,
You will be able to obtain Excavation Map Sets by completing the Basic Class Pass Ticket and Premium Class Pass Ticket levels. There are currently 26 special events which take place throughout the course of the year. For further information you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Six Special Events Throughout The Game Year -
There are a number of user guides, to be found within the Airport City Guides section of the members forum, two of the user guides will give you information on maps flights obtained through the Space Program and through being part of a successful Alliance Group. I would suggest you read through them.
The Airport City Space Program - How To Undertake Apogee, Prometheus and Lunar Space Mission Launch Flights, You should also read through the following user guide, The Airport City Space Program - How To Secure First Place Seat Position By Effectively Dealing With Hi-Jackers, the user guide will help you to avoid being hi-jacked during an open launch, The Alliance Map Flight Destinations and Plane Types Required To Undertake Them,
Last Updated: Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 08.50am London UK Time
For those of you who are in the early stages of your game development, you will still find this user guide useful, because it will allow you to look ahead, help you to understand what you will need to do, to prepare for these types of map flights. As to when will be the right time to start flying excavation and adventure maps, this is not such a straight forward question to answer, it will depend very much on the player. There will be many game factors which will come into play, which you will need to consider.
When you first start playing your game, you will have plenty to think about and to deal with, setting up your game site, purchasing your buildings and upgrading them, purchasing your terminal sections, purchasing your boarding bridges, purchasing your parking lots and your planes, ensuring you have sufficent fuel and passengers for flights, collecting flights items, undertaking standard flight destinations, gifting to your neighbours, visiting your neighbours game sites, setting up your space program and undertaking launch flights, collecting QL bonuses, setting up your helicopter base and undertaking flights, undertaking weather station flights, alliance weekly mission flights and take part in special events throughout the year.
When you take all these aspects into consideration, you can understand why it would perhaps be best to leave excavation and adventure map flights to much later on in your game, when you are far better established. There are so many different aspects to the game of airport city which you could focus on, it will be important you do not overreach and/or overload yourself with too much. Time and patience is the key to the game of Airport City, without it you will not get very far or last very long.
You will also need to obtain the following eight upgrade building gift items, so you can make the building solid and live, and complete the process. They can all be gifted by your neighbours and some can be received from flight drops. This process should not take too long, once you have indicated in your signature page, your gift need requirements from your neighbours. It will be a good idea to start collecting the gift items and have them in place, before you need to use them, this will save you time in the long run:
Channel Bar x2 | Handling Line x2 | Rope Block x2 | Sandbag x2 |
There will be two options available to you to purchase maps, one will be through the Airship Store Menu and the other will be through the Game Store Menu. The main difference between these two is that the airship store will only be available twice a week, on Monday's and Thursday's, whereas the game store will always be available to you during game play. There will also be a third option, during Discount Super Sales, but this will often be infrequent, since the items offered for sale will change, each time the discount super sales become available to players.
Once the building is solid and live, the airship will then be able to dock with the tower, and you will have access to the menu, by clicking on the airship icon, located on the left hand side of your game screen. You will also be able to access the menu by clicking on the airship dock. The airship will appear twice a week and will remain docked for a full day, during each visit. When the airship is not available, you will be able to click on the airship dock, which will display the time counter, letting you know when the airship is due next.
Once the menu is open you will see five clickable tabs, labelled Adventure, Resources, Bonuses, Space and Resources. You will need to select the 1st tab, labelled Adventure, to access all of the maps for sale. This tab will display a mixer of single maps and map sets.
The remaining four tabs will offer you other items for sale e.g. fuel, passengers, tourist, mystery buildings, bonus items, mystery bonus and space program resources, many of these items will come at a heavy price. The decision to purchase these items is not something you should rush into, many of them can be obtained for free through game play, but it will take time and patience to do so.
There are 96 map flight destinations to choose from, it will be best to approach these types of flights in a systematic manner, by flying your first plane and completing all the destination flights, collecting all the rewards of coins, experience points, stars and chests, before you move on to your next destination. You will be able to access the excavation and adventure maps through the flights menu adventure section, from within your game.
The adventure maps are unique to the game of Airport City because you will only be able to purchase them through the airship store, you will have three purchase options to choose from:
SINGLE EXCAVATION MAP - there are 16 of these types of maps, each will cost you 2,000 gold coins to purchase. A maximum of 5 maps per destination can be purchased on each visit from the airship store. There is a number 'remaining' figure on display, which shows how many you can purchase.
EXCAVATION MAP SET - there are 16 of these types of map sets, each will cost you 5 green notes to purchase a set, it will contain 20 items required for flights. There is no number 'remaining' figure on display for these chests.
MAP SET - there are 16 of these types of map sets, each will cost you 12 green notes to purchase a set, it will contain 3 random maps. There is no number 'remaining' figure on display for this chest.
PLEASE NOTE - it will also be possible to obtain a limited number of adventure maps by viewing video advertisements, upto a maximum of 10 per day, through the adventure flights menu, provided that you have videos available and no maps to the destinations.
To access the flights menu section you will need to select the 1st icon click button, (the silver plane in the bottom left hand corner of your game screen), then select the 3rd icon (along the top row of the menu), you will then be able to click on a map with the Red Circle, watch the video and collect the map, (this will be available for Windows, IOS and Android).
You will only be able to obtain maps from the following group, 16 Excavation Map Sets - Ancient Africa, Mesopotamia, New World, Western Europe, Oceania, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Southern Europe, Ancient Egypt, Ancient World, Stonehenge, Ancient Rome, Mesoamerica, North America, Ancient China, Ancient India. Once you have used your allocation of 10 videos for the day, the remainder of the maps, can only be purchase with green notes.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION - there will be other types of maps available during game play, which you will be able to collect e.g. through the space program (green, blue and red launch flights) and through the alliance group flights (weekly missions). These maps will come in different colour sets, each map destination will also have its own unique picture. This will help you to identify them, when they are stored in the map section of your warehouse. The reason for mentioning this here, is to provide you with a far more complete picture, as to the different types of maps available.
The excavation map sets can also be purchased through the game store menu, the 7th icon resources section, from within your game. Each of the excavation map sets will cost you 5 green notes to purchase, you will need to scroll down through the menu to locate them.
Ancient Africa | Ancient China | Ancient Egypt | Ancient India | Ancient Rome | Ancient World | Eastern Europe | Mesoamerica |
Game Level 65 | Game Level 75 | Game Level 25 | Game Level 70 | Game Level 15 | Game Level 31 | Game Level 42 | Game Level 10 |
Mesopotamia | New World | North America | Oceania | Scandinavia | Southern Europe | Stonehenge | Western Europe |
Game Level 60 | Game Level 55 | Game Level 80 | Game Level 46 | Game Level 38 | Game Level 34 | Game Level 20 | Game Level 50 |
Inside each of the 16 excavation map sets will contain 20 maps required for excavation flights. To undertake these types of flights, you will need a broad spectrum of planes in your fleet, Owl, Hawk, Raven, Eagle, Jumbo, Giant, Falcon, Thunderbird and Condor. These standard planes can all be purchased with gold coins from the game store.
Please Note - the S1 and S2 class type planes can only be purchased with silver tokens and gold tokens. The S3 class type planes can not be purchased with coins, silver tokens and gold tokens. They can only be obtained through the completion of flight collections, you will need to complete a flight collection 6 times to be rewarded with a plane. The following are the ten flight collections - How To Win Friends (Swift S3), I'll Think About That Tomorrow (Owl S3), Spic and Span (Hawk S3), Time Is Money (Raven S3), Easy Rider (Eagle S3), Need For Speed (Jumbo S3), Gold Reserve (Giant S3), Royal Honors (Falcon S3), The Stone Guests (Thunderbird S3), Sea Wolf (Condor S3). You will also be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins, 2,000 experience points and a Mystery Super Bonus Chest, for each completed flight collection.
Ancient Africa x20 Maps | Ancient China x20 Maps | Ancient Egypt x20 Maps | Ancient India x20 Maps | Ancient Rome x20 Maps | Ancient World x20 Maps | Eastern Europe x20 Maps | Mesoamerica x20 Maps |
Mesopotamia x20 Maps | New World x20 Maps | North America x20 Maps | Oceania x20 Maps | Scandinavia x20 Maps | Southern Europe x20 Maps | Stonehenge x20 Maps | Western Europe x20 Maps |
There are 19 collections in this series, many of them will reward you with gold coins, experience points and a large bronze chest per collection. Three of the collections will reward you with more coins and experience points and a golden chest. After you have completed each collection six times, you will be rewarded with a building. Each of the buildings will reward you with one collectable item per day and will increase your city population +50:
Aztec Legacy (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Azrec Pyramid x6) |
City Lights (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Forbidden City x6) |
Da Vinci The Genius (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points, Large Bronze Chest, Odessa Opera Ballet Theatre x6) |
Guardians of The Forest (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Stonehenge x6) |
Out of Place Artifacts (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Temple of Ah Cacao x6) |
Polynesian Triangle (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Moa Statues x6) |
Rhythm of My Heart (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Taj Mahal x6) |
Riddles of The Pharaohs (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Sphnix x6) |
Roman Holiday (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Colosseum x6) |
Sands of Time (2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points - Golden Chest - The Louve x6) |
Tale of Bygone Years (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Winter Palace x6) |
The Ancient World (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Ancient Greek Temple x6) |
The Art of Transmutation (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Sagrada Familia x6) |
The Dawn of Man (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Greek Pyramid x6) |
The Roaring Twenties (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Stone Skyscraper x6) |
The Wheel of Time (2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points - Golden Chest - The Kremlin x6) |
Treasures of Asgard (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Egeskov Castle x6) |
Voices of The Past (2,000 Gold Coins, 1,000 Experience Points - Golden Chest - Notre Dame de Paris x6) |
Writing On The Wall (1,600 Gold Coins, 600 Experience Points - Large Bronze Chest - Tower of Babel x6) |
The Large Bronze Chest contains 1 Golden Token, 6 Silver Tokens, 50 Units of Fuel and an item needed for space preparation. | The Golden Chest contains 3 Golden Tokens, 10 Silver Tokens, 150 Units of Fuel and two items needed for space preparation. |
The following information displays the nine planes, you will need in your fleet, to undertake excavation and adventure map flights, and the game levels when they will become available to purchase from the game store - Owl (game level 7), Hawk (game level 13), Raven (game level 19), Eagle (game level 25), Jumbo (game level 31), Giant (game level 41), Falcon (game level 51), Thunderbird (game level 61), Condor (game level 71) and all the associated information for each plane:
This standard plane will become available from game level 7 and will cost you 2,000 gold coins to purchase the plane. Excavation and Adventure Flights (Levels 1-10) Excavations: Mesoamerica Map Chest, Machu Picchu, Tollan
100 flight destinations to each map location, 6 hours flight time, 20 units of fuel, 38 passengers, rewards 100 gold coins and 60 experience points per flight. ADDITIONAL REWARDS - STARS 3 stars to collect for completing each stage of the excavation map flight destinations, Stage One Specialist 20 Flights (350 Gold Coins), Stage Two Master 50 Flights (Gift Set ) and Stage Three Expert 100 Flights (Large Gift Set)
Excavations Mesoamerica - Map Chest (seldom) | Tollan - Obsidian Knife (seldom) |
Machu Picchu - Bas Relief of the Inca (seldom) |
This standard plane will become available from game level 13 and will cost you 12,000 gold coins to purchase the plane. Excavation and Adventure Flights (Levels 1-10 and 11-20) Excavations: Ancient Rome Map Chest, Chichen Itza, Constantinople, Carthage, Veii, Ephesus, Merida, Tenochtitlan, Quetzalcoatl Temple
100 flight destinations to each map location, 6 hours flight time, 24 units of fuel, 80 passengers, rewards 120 gold coins and 80 experience points per flight. ADDITIONAL REWARDS - STARS 3 stars to collect for completing each stage of the excavation map flight destinations, Stage One Specialist 20 Flights (350 Gold Coins), Stage Two Master 50 Flights (Gift Set) and Stage Three Expert 100 Flights (Large Gift Set)
Excavations: Ancient Rome - Map Chest (seldom) | Ephesus - Furiesti Cenaurs (seldom) |
Chichen Itza - Bird Helmet (seldom) | Merida - Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelis (seldom) |
Constantinople - Seated Hermes (seldom) | Tenochtitlan - Two Headed Serpent (seldom) |
Carthage - Capitoline Wolf (seldom) | Quetzalcoatl Temple - Quetzalcoatl (seldom) |
Veii - Capitoline Brutus (seldom) |
This standard plane will become available from game level 19 and will cost you 20,000 gold coins to purchase the plane. Excavation and Adventure Flights (Levels 11-20) Excavations: Stonehenge GMap Chest, Avaricum, Gergovie
100 flight destinations to each map location, 6 hours flight time, 40 units of fuel, 160 passengers, rewards 220 gold coins and 150 experience points per flight. ADDITIONAL REWARDS - STARS 3 stars to collect for completing each stage of the excavation map flight destinations, Stage One Specialist 20 Flights (350 Gold Coins), Stage Two Master 50 Flights (Gift Set) and Stage Three Expert 100 Flights (Large Gift Set)
Excavations: Stonehenge - Map Chest (seldom) | Gergovie - Deer Helmet (seldom) |
Avaricum - Amulet Cernunnos (seldom) |
This standard plane will become available from game level 25 and it will cost you 44,000 gold coins to purchase the plane. Excavation and Adventure Flights (Levels 11-20) and (Levels 21-30) Excavations: Ancient Egypt Map Chest, Alesia, Bibracte, Luxor, Kom Ombo, Heliopolis, Cairo, Memphis, Londinium
100 flight destinations to each map location, 6 hours flight time, 40-42 unit of fuel, 160-280 passengers, rewards 160-220 gold coins and 150-180 experience points per flight. ADDITIONAL REWARDS - STARS 3 stars to collect for completing each stage of the excavation map flight destinations, Stage One Specialist 20 Flights (350 Gold Coins), Stage Two Master 50 Flights (Gift Set) and Stage Three Expert 100 Flights (Large Gift Set)
Excavations: Ancient Egypt - Map Chest (seldom) | Heliopolis - Was Sceptre (seldom) |
Alesia - Druid Sickle (seldom) | Cairo - Pschent (seldom) |
Bibracte - Healing Herbs (seldom) | Memphis - Nemes (seldom) |
Luxor - Royal Crook - (seldom) | Londinium - Druid Staff (seldom) |
Kom Ombo - Royal Flail (seldom) |
This standard plane will become available from game level 31 and it will cost you 54,000 gold coins to purchase the plane. Excavation and Adventure Flights (Levels 31-40) Excavations: The Ancient World Map Chest, Delphi, Sparta, Troy, Athens, Thebes, Excavations: Southern Europe Map Chest, Vinci, Florence, Valencia, Caprese, Siena, Excavations: Scandinavia Map Chest, Skara, Helsingborg, Bergen, Uppsala, Trondheim
100 flight destinations to each map location, 6 hours fight time, 48-50 units of fuel, 380 passengers, rewards 170-300 gold coins and 170-200 experience points per flight. ADDITIONAL REWARDS - STARS 3 stars to collect for completing each stage of the excavation map flight destinations, Stage One Specialist 20 Flights (350 Gold Coins), Stage Two Master 50 Flights (Gift Set) and Stage Three Expert 100 Flights (Large Gift Set)
Excavations: The Ancient World - Map Chest (seldom) | Valencia - Flyer (seldom) |
Delphi - Trident of Poseidon (seldom) | Caprese - Machine (seldom) |
Sparta - Girdle of Aphrodite (seldom) | Siena - Crossbow (seldom) |
Troy - Sandals of Hermes (seldom) | Excavations: Scandinavia - Map Chest (seldom) |
Athens - Helm of Athena (seldom) | Skara - Mjolnir (seldom) |
Thebes - Hammer of Hephaestus (seldom) | Helsingborg - Draupnir (seldom) |
Excavations: Southern Europe - Map Chest (seldom) | Bergen - Brisingamen (seldom) |
Vinci - Leonardo's Parachute (seldom) | Uppsala - Gungnir (seldom) |
Florence - War Machine (seldom) | Trondheim - Gjalarhorn (seldom) |
This standard plane will become available from game level 41 and it will cost you 300,000 gold coins to purchase the plane. Excavation and Adventure Flights (Levels 41-50) Excavations: Eastern Europe Map Chest, Novgorod, Murom, Smolensk, Chernihiv, Kyiv, Excavations: Oceania Map Chest, Honolulu, Wellington, Tahiti, Samoa, Funafuti, Excavations: Western Europe Map Chest, Zaragoza, Montpellier, Basel, Strasbourg, Salzburg
100 flight destination to each map location, 6 hours flight time, 50 units of fuel, 500 passengers, rewards 240-595 gold coins and 215-380 experience points per flight. ADDITIONAL REWARDS - STARS 3 stars to collect for completing each stage of the excavation map flight destinations, Stage One Specialist 20 Flights (350 Gold Coins), Stage Two Master 50 Flights (Gift Set) and Stage Three Expert 100 Flights (Large Gift Set)
Excavations: Eastern Europe - Map Chest (seldom) | Tahiti - Jade Amulet (seldom) |
Novgorod - Slavic Pitcher (seldom) | Samoa - Hei-Tiki (seldom) |
Murom - Drinking Horn (Seldom) | Funafuti - Dagger (eldom) |
Smolensk - Talisman (seldom) | Excavations: Western Europe - Map Chest (seldom) |
Chernihiv - Temple Ring (seldom) | Zaragoza - Liquid Gold (seldom) |
Kyiv - Birch Bank Scroll (seldom) | Montpellier - Mortar (seldom) |
Excavations: Oceania - Map Chest (seldom) | Basel - Alerribic (seldom) |
Honolulu - Ceremonial Adze (seldom) | Strasbourg - Transmutation Handbook (seldom) |
Wellington - Maon Mask (seldom) | Salzburg - Aqua Regia (seldom) |
This standard plane will become available from game level 51 and it will cost you 500,000 gold coins to purchase the plane. Excavation and Adventure Flights (Levels 51-60) Excavations: New World Map Chest, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Staten Island, Excavations: Mesopotamia Map Chest, Assur, Lagash, Nineveh, Ur, Babylon
400 flight destinations to each map location, 2 hours and 42 minutes flight time, 45 units of fuel, 350 passengers, rewards 320-650 gold coins and 210-425 experience points per flight . ADDITIONAL REWARDS - STARS 3 stars to collect for completing each stage of the excavation map flight destinations, Stage One Specialist 100 Flights (Fuel 50 Units), Stage Two Master 200 Flights (Gift Set) and Stage Three Expert 400 Flights (Large Gift Set)
Excavations: New World - Map Chest (seldom) | Excavations: Mesopotamia - Map Chest (seldom) |
Manhattan - Suit (seldom) | Assur - Clay Slab (seldom) |
Brooklyn - Fedora (seldom) | Lagash - Reed Straw (seldom) |
Queens - Tommy Gun (seldom) | Nineveh - Clay Token (seldom) |
The Bronx - Switchblade (seldom) | Ur - Cylinder Seal (seldom) |
Staten Island - Brogues (seldom) | Babylon - Ideogram (seldom) |
The standard plane will become available from game level 61 and it will cost you 900,000 gold coins to purchase the plane. Excavation and Adventure Flights (Levels 61-70) Excavations: Ancient Africa Map Chest, Timbuktu, Cirta, Tipaza, Nairobi, Tripoli, Excavations: Ancient India Map Chest, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kanpur
500 flight destinations to each map location, 4 hours and 30 minutes flight time, 40 units of fuel, 150 passengers, rewards 175-205 gold coins and 185-205 experience points per flight. ADDITIONAL REWARDS - STARS 3 stars to collect for completing each stage of the excavation map flight destinations, Stage One Specialist 150 Flights (Fuel 50 Units), Stage Two Master 250 Flights (Gift Set) and Stage Three Expert 500 Flights (Large Gift Set)
Excavations: Ancient Africa - Map Chest (seldom) | Excavations: Ancient India - Map Chest (seldom) |
Timbuktu - Afropithecus (seldom) | Mumbai - Sitar (seldom) |
Cirta - Australopithecus (seldom) | Kolkata - Veeria (seldom) |
Tipaza - Homo Habilis (seldom) | Hyderabad - Bansuri (seldom) |
Nairobi - Homo Rudolfersis (seldom) | Chennai - Tabla (seldom) |
Tripoli - Homo Erectus (seldom) | Kanpur - Sarangi (seldom) |
This standard plane will become available from game level 71 and it will cost you 1,500,000 gold coins to purchase the plane. Excavation and Adventure Flights (Levels 71-80) Excavations: Ancient China Map Chest, Nanjing, Luoyang, Xi'an, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Excavations: North America Map Chest, Los Lunas, Acambaro, Moundsville, Dorchester, Meredith
600 flight destinations to each map location, 10 hours and 48 minutes flight time, 60 units of fuel, 750 passengers, rewards 525-535 gold coins and 375-385 experience points per flight. ADDITIONAL REWARDS - STARS 3 stars to collect for completing each stage of the excavation map flight destinations, Stage One Specialist 200 Flights (Fuel 150 Units), Stage Two Master 300 Flights (Gift Set) and Stage Three Expert 600 Flights (Large Gift Set)
Excavations: Ancient China - Map Chest (seldom) | Excavations: North America - Map Chest (seldom) |
Nanjing - Bamboo Tube (seldom) | Los Lunas - Decalogue Stone (very seldom) |
Luoyang - Wick (seldom) | Acambaro - Acambaro Figure (very seldom) |
Xi'an - Coloured Gunpowder (seldom) | Moundsville - Grave Greek Stone (very seldom) |
Chengdu - Tapered Tip (seldom) | Dorchester - Dorchester Pot (very seldom) |
Guangzhou - Fireworks Holder (seldom) | Meredith - Winnipesaukee Stone (very seldom) |
THE DISCOUNT SUPER SALESThe discount super sales take place four times a year, during Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. When the discount super sale opens, you will find a large round yellow and gold icon, it will have a large percentage sign in the centre with a day and hour display counter, located on the top right hand side of your game screen. The icon will remain on the screen for a few days, during which time you will be able to make a purchase. There are 16 map sets, each map set will contain five flight maps, you will receive 3 random maps at a 50% discount when you make a purchase:
Ancient Africa | Mesoamerica | New World | Western Europe | Oceania | Eastern Europe | Scandinavia | Southern Europe |
Ancient Egypt | Ancient World | Stonehenge | Ancient Rome | Mesopotamia | North America | Ancient China | Ancient India |
Map Set Ancient Africa - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Timbuktu, Map To Cirta, Map To Tipaza, Map To Nairobi, Map To Tripoli Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Thunderbird - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 40 Units - Passengers Required - 150 |
Map Set Mesoamerica - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Machu Picchu, Map To Tollan, Map To Quetzalcoatl Temple, Map To Tenochtitlan, Map To Chichen Itza Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Owl and Hawk - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 20-24 Units - Passengers Required - 38-80 |
Map Set New World - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Manhattan, Map To Brooklyn, Map To Queens, Map To The Bronx, Map To Staten Island Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Falcon - Flight Time - 3 Hours Fuel Required - 45 Units - Passengers Required - 350 |
Map Set Western Europe - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Zaragoza, Map To Montpellier, Map To Basel, Map To Strasbourg, Map To Salzburg Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Giant - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 50 Units - Passengers Required - 500 |
Map Set Oceania - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Honolulu, Map To Wellington, Map To Tahiti, Map To Samoa, Map To Funafuti Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type- Giant - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 50 Units - Passengers Required - 500 |
Map Set Eastern Europe - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Novgorod, Map to Murom, Map To Smolensk, Map To Chernihiv, Map To Kyiv Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Giant - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 50 Units - Passengers Required - 500 |
Map Set Scandinavia - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Skara, Map To Helsingborg, Map To Bergen, Map To Uppsala, Map To Trondheim Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Jumbo - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 48 Units - Passengers Required - 380 |
Map Set Southern Europe - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Vinci, Map To Florence, Map To Valencia, Map To Caprese, Map To Siena Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Jumbo - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 48 Units - Passengers Required - 380 |
Map Set Ancient Egypt - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Luxor, Map To Kom Ombo, Map To Heliopolis, Map To Cairo, Map To Memphis Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Eagle - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 42 Units - Passengers Required - 280 |
Map Set Ancient World - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Delphi, Map To Sparta, Map To Troy, Map To Athens, Map To Thebes Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Jumbo - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 50 Units - Passengers Required - 380 |
Map Set Stonehenge - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Avaricum, Map To Gergovie, Map To Londinium, Map To Bibracte, Map To Alesia Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Raven and Eagle - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 40 Units - Passengers Required - 160-280 |
Map Set Ancient Rome - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Constantinople, Map To Carthage, Map To Veii, Map To Ephesus, Map To Merida Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Hawk - Flight Time - 6 Hours Fuel Required - 24 Units - Passengers Required - 80 |
Map Set Mesopotamia - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Assur, Map To Lagash, Map To Nineveh, Map To Ur, Map To Babylon Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Falcon - Flight Time - 3 Hours Fuel Required - 45 Units - Passengers Required - 350 |
Map Set North America - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Los Lunas, Map To Acámbaro, Map To Moundsville, Map To Dorchester, Map To Meredith Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Condor - Flight Time - 12 Hours - 20 Minutes Fuel Required - 60 Units - Passengers Required - 750 |
Map Set Ancient China - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Nanjing, Map To Luoyang, Map To Xi'an, Map To Chengdu, Map To Guangzhou Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Condor - Flight Time - 12 Hours Fuel Required - 60 Units - Passengers Required - 750 |
Map Set Ancient India - 50% Discount - Purchase Price - 6 Green Notes Set Contains - Map To Mumbai, Map To Kolkata, Map To Hyderabad, Map To Chennai, Map To Kanpur Map Duration - 6 Hours - Plane Type - Thunderbird - Flight Time - 5 Hours Fuel Required - 40 Units - Passengers Required - 150 |
Once the discount super sale has closed the large round yellow and gold icon will disappear from the game screen. The next time the discount super sale icon appears the sale items will have changed. It will not be possible to know in advance what the next discount sale items will be.
For more detailed information with regards to display counters, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - The Permanent On Screen Display Counters And The Temporary On Screen Display Icons Explained,
You will be able to obtain Excavation Map Sets by completing the Basic Class Pass Ticket and Premium Class Pass Ticket levels. There are currently 26 special events which take place throughout the course of the year. For further information you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Six Special Events Throughout The Game Year -
There are a number of user guides, to be found within the Airport City Guides section of the members forum, two of the user guides will give you information on maps flights obtained through the Space Program and through being part of a successful Alliance Group. I would suggest you read through them.
The Airport City Space Program - How To Undertake Apogee, Prometheus and Lunar Space Mission Launch Flights, You should also read through the following user guide, The Airport City Space Program - How To Secure First Place Seat Position By Effectively Dealing With Hi-Jackers, the user guide will help you to avoid being hi-jacked during an open launch, The Alliance Map Flight Destinations and Plane Types Required To Undertake Them,
Last Updated: Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 08.50am London UK Time
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