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Long Awaited Mail (2017) event

  1. Windows PC
Gotcha :)

Does anyone know if there is a way to earn the Golden Postage Stamp bonus? Or is it a must buy using green?

You get Golden Postage Stamp when completing "Express Delivery" collection by clicking on the lost mail around your city.
In order to collect lost mail in your city, you need the "stationery knife". These are earned by clicking on lost mail in neighbour cities.
Last 2 days I've got 7 and 8 knives from visiting all 12 neighbors, one visit with SG one without

It's a good job I only need one item to complete, even with 5 days left the appalling drop rate on knives is going to make this easy quest a bit challenging. Even for a relatively easy quest it's like they are forcing us to use greens to buy drop items.

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