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Warming Set - Side Quest Award?

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
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Just got a warming set containing 10 warming drinks for finishing side quest (?)
I think Winter's Tale would be better, since the drop rate is so horrible even with SG and SC (n)
How about you friends?
Aaaaaa, there I got this chest. I just start to think i might click on any popup and lost greenies to buy this chest. Thanks for info! (y)
Feels so relief now :D


350+ Star Club
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Thor (needed items)
yes, i think all we need is a (much) better drop rate
have only finished Green Belt Collection, Into White (2 collections) and Let it Snow (1 collection)
Santa's bad mood is little harder than Age of Ash :banghead:

Agreed @GIE, I'm just moving up in levels and aircraft. Saved tons of fuel. Completed two stars at event airports...have not completed anything. :cry::cry: Used 2 Sky Capt, 1 spy glass and several dice. Looking at this one as a multi year event...:whistle: Gained three levels also(y)
  1. Android
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pm please
Agreed @GIE, I'm just moving up in levels and aircraft. Saved tons of fuel. Completed two stars at event airports...have not completed anything. :cry::cry: Used 2 Sky Capt, 1 spy glass and several dice. Looking at this one as a multi year event...:whistle: Gained three levels also(y)
have used bonuses twice also, 1st (SG+SC+D) and 2nd only SC, and the drop rate was like no difference with and without that bonuses :mad::banghead:
The "only" benefit from that bonuses is we get more experiences and coins, that helped to move to higher level faster
  1. Android
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pm please
Well, if it was easy, everyone would be here. Have to make it a challenge for you 70+ :cigar:
hahaha... all i can do, just fly and fly ... :watching:
btw. was your game crashed and you have to play again from the scratch @FrqntFlyr ? I'm on level 70+ because after reached 70, i kept all collections not to be clicked until new level introduced (i saved additional experience and coins for the next coming level)
Do GI always returning back your green, @Ddave1 ?
I have been very lucky that I have not accidentally spent any yet with this terrible pop up that is currently on the game but I've read that plenty of others have and have asked for them back and got them.

By the way, didn't they say there would be an extra confirmation pop up coming on the next update to stop all of that :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. Maybe they were too busy trying to get drops from sniw globes to work :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:


Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
I have been very lucky that I have not accidentally spent any yet with this terrible pop up that is currently on the game but I've read that plenty of others have and have asked for them back and got them.

By the way, didn't they say there would be an extra confirmation pop up coming on the next update to stop all of that :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. Maybe they were too busy trying to get drops from sniw globes to work :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Hehe @snow globe drops.

About removing popups: GI announced that they will remove it in one of the next update, so that was not ment first one. But they will do it. (y)

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