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Winter dream


350+ Star Club
Active Member
@R P International

I run several game events. On one event, I started at about 30 and now at 202 so about 165-170 ( got AC from free gifts and Friday bonus) in about 2-3 days. On constellation festival event, I timed the rate of AC from clicking on cars. On average you get about 5AC per hour. If you need AC just keep clicking without missing cars. It is tiring but worth it. This and and Cons Festival will be marked on my calendar for AC gaining even if I don't get top 3 for platinum boxes.

I run the events from multiple accts so I have to decide which acct will be focused on getting AC. The other accts are not getting much AC since I have two hands. You have to decide spending 20 hours of constant car clicking worth getting 100 AC. Since you can get that amount with about $10US during sale so you need to decide either spending 20 hours or $10US depending on your priority.
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