Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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Guide Writer
  1. iPhone
I get an answer about this bug:

Mary Lempp, Nov 09 10:39 (MSK):
Thank you for reporting this matter and providing me with the details requested!
Our engineers have been informed and are taking necessary measures to troubleshoot the problem with the gifts. Anticipating your question on the time when the issue is completely resolved I would like to let you know that it is expected to be eliminated in the upcoming update.
As a note, I am going to mark the request as "solved" to avoid sending you system reminders asking to update the request. As mentioned above, fixing the issue is in the process, and it might take us some time to test the new version and make it available for you. Please, keep it in mind and check for the updates uploaded.

Thank you for choosing our application!

Mary Lempp
Your Game Insight Support Team
  1. iPhone
Got the same answer... (btw I asked about the gifts, not about visiting neighbours :rolleyes:)

Thank you for your reply!
Our engineers are already working on the issue with visiting neighbours and taking necessary measures to troubleshoot the problem so that you could play enjoying all the game features. Anticipating your question on the time when the issue is completely resolved I would like to let you know that it is expected to be eliminated in the upcoming update.
As a note, I am going to mark the request as "solved" to avoid sending you system reminders asking to update the request. As mentioned above, fixing the issue is in the process, and it might take us some time to test the new version and make it available for you. Please, keep it in mind and check for the updates uploaded.
Thank you for choosing our application!

Max Wing
Your Support Team
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