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Launching progress for Prometheus (blue) rocket

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
Today in the morning, when Prometeus lander was back, i joined to Prometeus launch to Jonnycash user.
2 users: Elenas - 70 points, Jonnycash - 20 points, i added 2 points till now, and 11h 16m to go. :confused:

Do not want to be hijacker, but i do not like to have failed launch :censored: :sneaky:

Helen Elizabeth

Top Poster Of The Month
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Happy Helen

Snap, am also on Blue launch, plodding along for map to Nagoya

Am getting fed up with these endless launches, I have 7 maps that I don't need

:cry: :grumpy: :meh: :bored: anyone care to keep me company ??? :nailbiting:
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