Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. F

    Android HELP

    Bonjour, Suite à la réinitialisation de mon téléphone, j'ai perdu la partie que je jouais sur Airport City. Et pas moyen de recuperer les données de cette partie ? Quelqu'un connait il la procédure pour que je recupere mes données de jeu ? Et le souci, c'est que j'ai perdu mon n° ID !! Peut on...
  2. F

    Android Items Free

    zica, i understand but on android, it is possible to have free items so it is normal to use it, isn't it ? so, my question is to understand why it isn't possible at this time also it is possible a few weeks ago ?
  3. F

    Android Items Free

    Hello, Thank you for answering me. I do it at any time and I always have the same result. It lasts for 4 to 5 weeks and I begin to get bored because it bothers me in the progress of the game!
  4. F

    Android Items Free

    Hello, I have a problem when i create or update a built when i click to Free item with video ads, i see the video and at the end of video i never receive the free item. could you explain me this problem and the solution please !! Friendly
  5. F

    Android & iOS - Weekly Trading Thread - December 25, 2017

    Hello Every body, I am French My name game is : FRSLYFOX59 My Friend Code is : 04atuxdb Level 17 I need friend of course I need also all items for the reaction sled shed Thanks a lot for your help !!
  6. F

    Android flight counter

    Hi, Sorry but my english is not good i have a problem with the later version of game with helicopter the flight doesn't work for the plane but for helicopter is OK What's matter ?
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