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  • Hi Rsorour, If you want you can add sari3 and I will send Yagi Uda antenna to you from sari3.
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    Just sent an invite to sari3... Thanks a bunch
    Hey - Ramy - TY for the Antenna - I need 3 more - I can send the Vivaldi. Let me know if you need any. Also - I need three Horn Antennas - pls advise who can send -if you know! Thanks Bill
    No problem Bill! Im ok on the Vivaldi antennas. So far i received Horns from pwcmvj, LAX Regional (LAX), and sari (nsari). I will send Yagi Antennas over the next few days. The days of multiple gifting are over for me not flip123
    Cheers Buddy!
    Ramy = Thanks - anytime you need something just let me know ! Bill
    Hi can you send me an invitation :)
    First off,welcome to the forum. What is your game username? or friend code if using android? I tried entering 'seza6969' in the invite; gave me a code error message. You can try adding me from your 'add friend' tab by typing 'Rsorour' and i will happily accept.
    Could you send over flight goggles to my phone game Captain Ne2 thanks mate. Any thing you could use
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Yes got it, the last one I needed thanks for your support
    Do you need more goggles for Captain Ne2?
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Goggles are OK now just updated signature with a few things thanks again
    Thank you for the huge addition to my morning launch!!! You ARE a great neighbor!!

    How is the current quest going for you? I need one more butterfly for my main game. The two support games are going to be more of a challenge though. The reward building looks pretty cool though.
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    I had 2 collections done already whne the quest started. I had to complete the butterfly collection. did that in the first 36 hours of the quest as i had nets saved from the previous year. Save stuff it always comes in handy. In the time being i will send nets to whoever needs them
    Hi - got caugth in GI's latest screwup. Started a Bluue Launch yesterday PM - or thought I did. Bottom line could not add points and it just sits there counting down. I don't know how these guys make money !! Bill
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    I was lucky enought to get spared. It started happening during my blue launch for gold (1st time in 6 months) wednesday night. Uncle Mans , Melony, and Stan Gifter were with me and got screwed during the server meltdown. My rocket launched ; theirs never left the pad Apparently i got my lander with my map and goodies. Now i cant launch anymore due to server error.
    when i click on my prometheus padd, i get the server error message. then i click one more time, i get the window where u choose whether to start your own or join. I am still hesitant as many including Tom have live launches that had to be abandoned as they never accrue points. My window doesnt even show these launches. Big GI screw up
    I don't know how we will know when this is FIXED. Right now when I try to start a launch - I get Server Msg !
    Glad you got into the launch - last minute LOL ! I'm working with pwcmvj trying to figure out the Gift Exchanges. IE I sent him HD and he returned and I got a Podium. We are both Ipaders difference is he has completed his LVL 8 buildings and all items have been removed except Laundry. If we can figure out exchanges we may be able to assist after we have completed or LVL 8 buildings. Bill
    Hi - something strange is going on - LVL 8 Gifts have almost stopped coming while I have been sending items - next I have not seen a Blue Launch for 2 days. I did get 2 msgs stating that a Neighbor had launched. Meanwhile I keep getting numerous "Server Error" msgs. For 2 days. Have you seen anything like this?? Bill
    I have been joining green launches...havent checked any blues. Got a couple of sever error messages while visiting neighbor airports a few days ago. But then apparently the glitch was resolved. and things ran smoothly. As far as lvl8 items, i have been getting some. I cant' say that i had any problems that stuck out and impeded the progress of the game. Your symptoms sound a bit fishy. I dont know....
    Thanks !!
    LVL 8 items have slowed to a DRIP!!!! I spent a lot of time this weekend trying to find neighbors that could send me items I need. Some people just don't read the signatures. Hope I'm done with this by next weekend. I'd like to get back to normal. LOL. Bill
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    Amen to that!!!! I decided to hold off on construction till everybody is sorted out with items i can gift. At this point if you need those elusive items (e.g. introscopes, laser rangefinders...etc.) just pm people in the profile posts or personal message. I had to do that as i noticed alot of my neighbors do not track signatures. Good luck!
    Just connected with vakuu He stated that he has most of the LVL 8 items but won't complete construction till February 14th. Think I'll probably do the same.
    At 9AM today I'll be launching a BLUE mission -- check it out! Bill
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    i wish timing could have been better. I joined vakuu"s blue launch with Deetee on it about an hour ago. we are at ~1400 points with 7.30 hours to go. I wish i could help....
    Thanks for the reply - perhaps next time !!!!!
    Thanks for all the gifts lately. Can you confirm that you received a passenger seat from me? I just want to make sure my gifts are still being sent. I noticed that when people visit Stan Gifter, they only see level 2.
    Yup ...i got the passenger seat. I have been getting all your gifts sent through Stan Gifter since the conception of the game.
    Thanks a million
    Christmas in October? Thanks for the two Goal Posts and five Spaceship Engines. Still not sure how you do that but appreciate that you do.
    Hi - FYI Ill be launching GREEN at approx 10AM today Friday - in case you are interested. S/B a quick one !!! Bill
    Thanks for the heads up bill...I am absolutely intersted, see ya on the launch then..dont have many heavy points though.
    Thanks for joining - I'm getting a lot of "Server" error messages - visiting neighbors and just trying to add points to the launch. How about you ?? Bill
    still getting some..not all ios players like it used to so i started alternating between the ios games that were not affected and getting the balance from android games
    Sent you friend request
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    Thanks for the invite. Request accepted...I send out my daily max of gifts @ around 8:30pm EST/1:30 am BST. Ill keep track of your signature
    Welcome to the forum btw.
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