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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Liz Savery
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  • I need a BIG favor from you for the sake of the alliance. I recently bought 2 "Giants" and I am building a second "Laundry" to provide blankets for the Giant flights. These flight will be the third task in my assigned "Mission Alliance" tasks.

    I need the following items and I hope you can help.

    Washing Machine
    Flatwork Ironer
    Liz Savery
    Liz Savery
    I just saw this message. How odd? It only came up because I looked at my profile. Sorry I wasn't able to help you out.
    It's alright. I got it. I have 2 laundaries and I upgraded city Hall. Just so long as I keep the Giants flying and the flight to Nice going -- well I hope we will be okay.
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