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  • 1st loudspeaker just come through - thanks...how did you manage to send two items in the same day, I thought you could only send 1 per neighbour per day?? ( your biker jacket came earlier this morning)
    Somehow I missed this message and just saw it now.

    Sometimes -when i am waiting to figure out what a neighbor needs -I send gifts right before my game resets and then again right after the reset.

    You are not in my friend list anymore? I am not sure what happened.
    Hi Becky, would you be able to help me out with loudspeakers...will send you landing lamp if that's what you still need most.
    How many do you need? I sent one. Let me know if you need more. Landing lamps would be great! Thanks!
    Hi, I did need all 4, I've sent you a lamp through just a while ago, hopefully it'll come through soon. Just realised though that airship dock challenge only lasts a couple of days, so am now in need of handling line(1), channel bar(1) and 4 x sandbags and rope blocks!
    Finally launched at 8:50 PM EST. So capsule will not return until mid-evening tonight. I'll probably launch again but I'll have to try and find others. Just can't do it alone. If you find an earlier launch - go for it ! If I can't get support I'll wait until Friday morning (11-11:30) that gives me a good window if I have to go alone. Bil
    Will you be ready to launch tonight? I will check here to see your status before I start a launch. Have a great day! :)
    What happened??? Bill
    Lol! I'm a Midwest girl but I don't have anything against East coast guys!
    Bill, I am so sorry. You have helped me so much on this crazy game. If you are willing to give me another chance, I would gladly launch with you. Tomorrow night?
    Becky no worries I'm ok with what happened. Right now I'm in a launch 1960/2000. Only cost me 610 so far. I'm going to just put in minimum. I'll let you know when I can launch again. Ok?
    I will check my messages before I launch next time.
    Thanks for being so understanding.
    Becky my capsule is back and I'm ready to go again. If you start launch you can have the Gold. I can dump in 700 real quick and then I'll sit there and let you take over. Your launch your Gold. If we both get approx 700 in that would lock up the 1 & 2 spots. I'll look for your reply. Bill ps wil look for your launch
    Justgot ur msg - exchanging while the servers are down isnot possible. I had a fewneighors PMme that they had sent a gift. It never came through. I'm going tolaunch again approx 1:pM EST today. How about you ???-- Bill --
    I just got your message. I am waiting for my capsule to return. I think we are launching on alternate days. Maybe we will eventually synch up! I hope to be ready to launch again on Wednesday at 5 pm CST. Do you think we have a limited amount of time to earn the Space Travel Monument?
    Becky - Today Wednesday - I should be ready to launch again. I'll look for you at approx. 6PM EST. I still need 2 items for the STM. I think u can still get it after the Quest has ended. -- Bill --
    Hi mrstepot. Can i add you? I need 3 video boards. I can send you spare props. Tnx.
    Sure. I would be glad to help you out.
    Becky - had all kinds of problems with my launch. I did post some info about what occurred. I'm presently waiting for my capsule s/b approx. 6:30PM EST. I will not attempt another launch until Saturday (4/20) late morning. Perhaps yo will be ready at that time - Bill
    Becky - That is strange - in my neighbors list I can see both your username Beckyp and Avatar and you sent me a Spare Prop and I can see your username and avatar. I thought that GI had resolved the prolems. -- Bill -- PS I have 8 hours to go with my launch and so far I'm alone with 1120 points accumulated. It is going to be very close.
    I can see your username but not your avatar when I receive gifts from you. I'm so disappointed that I couldn't join your launch. I have only launched twice so far and once I ended up having to do it alone. Becky
    Becky - I'm still alone and I think I will make it. Takes a lot of time but I really learned something via Post from Iand11. It concerns how you cam make the most of visiting neighbors. I will PM you with what I learned. Note it takes time but it works. Bill
    I have a launch going right now. Care to join ? Bill
    I would love to, but when I tap on my launch pad, I don't see your avatar. :-(
    You are username to me but I can see your avatar. I found that sometimes when I recieve a gift from "username" if I wait for awhile the avatar will come through. This happens with Greensmith, One Bad Day and must_dash very often. I think the image just takes a bit longer than the gift itself. Try it. Bill
    Hi - been sending and receiving gifts everyday. Hope the forum has be of assistance. Bill
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    Reactions: Mrstepot
    I was glad to be able to send gifts to you as well, but I can no longer see your avatar on my Friends list, so I am trying to "return to sender" whenever I can. Having so many friends show up as "username" sure is frustrating -especially when their avatars aren't showing.
    Thank you, again, for helping me get started on the forum. :)
    I see that you added your game name. Great!
    Next - I see my former neighbor Dee140157 has sent you a freind request. She's a daily player and great gifter. . If you need any additional info - just ask. Bill
    Hi - just noticed that you are not displaying your game username under your avatar. To do so - go to the top left of the page and open the drop down box with your forum name mrstepot - select preferences and scroll down a bit and you will find a place to enter your game username beckyp -- PS Hope I'm not being a pain!! Bil
    You are definitely not being a pain. Thank you so much for helping me! I appreciate your patience.
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