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Sunshine Bay

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   Behind Bars
   Big Catch
   Black Gold
   Czar Regalia
   Foam of Days
   Gold Rush
   High Voltage
   I, Robot
   Men of Steel
   Night Shift
   Open Water
   Sin City
   Sling Blade
   Spare Parts
   Sunshine Bay
   Super Duper
   The Tribez
   Tulip Season
  • Sunshine Bay
    Collection Requirements
    Required Items: Ship’s Wheel
    Boat Propeller
    Foldable Mast
    Aircraft: Falcon
    Destination: Ibiza
    Other Sources: Small Collections Chest
    Collections Chest
    Collections Chest 51-55
    Gold Coins: 2 000
    Experience: 1 000
    Rewarded Items: Catamaran Yacht
    Cocktail Bar (collection x5)

    Side Missions
    Mission NameMission DetailsReward
    1) The Two CaptainsComplete a flight to Ibiza
    2) A Matter of DisputeComplete a flight to Ibiza
    3) Margin of SafetyBring a Ship's Wheel from Ibiza
    4) Can't Afford to go AdriftBring an Anchor from Ibiza
    5) Corrosion Resistant PropellerBring a Boat Propeller from Ibiza
    6) Aluminium HullBring a Hull from Ibiza
    7) Collapsible MastBring a Foldable Mast from Ibiza
    8) A Great Ship Asks Deep WaterTake a flight to Ibiza
    Complete the Sunshine Bay collection
    9) Open WaterLand 25 Guest Planes
    10) Next Time It's Plane OnlyBuild a Cocktail Bar by completing the Sunshine Bay collection 5 times
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