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S1 Livery

  • Views Views: 4,323
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  • S1
    For use on: All types of Plane
    Benefit: Speeds up flight time by 10%
    Instructions for use: Go into the Operative Hangar, select the plane on the stand and select the paintbrush.

    Note: Liveries cannot be removed from one plane and added to another.
    Plane must be in a stand to add a livery.
    Obtaining and Using
    How to Obtain:
    Plane TypeSourceImage
    SwiftStore: 2 Gold Tokens, 20 Silver Tokens
    s1 swift.png
    OwlStore: 4 Gold Tokens, 40 Silver Tokens
    s1 owl.jpg
    HawkStore: 6 Gold Tokens, 60 Silver Tokens
    s1 hawk.PNG
    RavenStore: 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens
    s1 raven.png
    EagleStore: 15 Gold Tokens, 150 Silver Tokens
    s1 eagle.png
    JumboStore: 20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens
    s1 jumbo.jpg
    GiantStore: 20 Gold Tokens, 250 Silver Tokens
    s1 giant.png
    FalconStore: 25 Gold Tokens, 250 Silver Tokens
    s1 falcon.png
    ThunderbirdStore: 30 Gold Tokens, 300 Silver Tokens
    s1 thunderbird.png
    CondorStore: 50 Gold Tokens, 500 Silver Tokens
    s1 condor.png
    Other Sources: Mystery Livery
    Painting Time:
    Plane TypePainting Time
    Swift05m 00s
    Owl10m 00s
    Hawk20m 00s
    Raven30m 00s
    Eagle40m 00s
    Jumbo50m 00s
    Giant01h 00m
    Falcon01h 15m
    Thunderbird01h 30m
    Condor02h 00m
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