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Pawn Shop

  • Views Views: 5,437
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • Pawn Shop
    Building Details
    Level: 20
    Land Required: 1x1
    Road Required: Yes
    Electricity Required: 3
    Construction Time: 01d 00h
    Construction Speed Up: 2
    Items Required: None
    Obtaining Building
    Coins: None
    Cash: 70
    Other: N/A
    Removing Building
    Selling: 3 500
    Warehouse Cost: 28 000
    Building Rewards
    Yield Time: 6 Auto Collect contracts available for collectible Items from nearby Buildings.
    Each Pawn Shop covers Radius 1

    Once you own 6 Pawn Shop, you will be able to buy a Logistical Center which will increase the radius of each Pawn Shop.
    Rewards: 1 Pawn Shop unlocks only the first contract. Each additional Pawn Shop unlocks a new contract.

    Type of ContractDurationCost
    Contract 1Express Contract01d 06h5
    OR 20 silver tokens
    Contract 2Urgent Contract02d 12h15
    OR 50 silver tokens
    Contract 3Rapid Contract03d 18h25
    OR 100 silver tokens
    Contract 4Standard Contract05d 00h35
    OR 175 silver tokens
    Contract 5Lengthy Contract06d 06h45
    OR 300 silver tokens
    Contract 6Long-term Contract07d 12h55
    OR 500 silver tokens
    Drops Items: None
    Neighbour Items: None
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