Level: | 14 |
Land Required: | 3x3 |
Road Required: | Yes |
Electricity Required: | 7 |
Population Required: | 36 |
Construction Time: | 08h 00m |
Construction Speed Up: | 730 |
Building Items Required: | None |
From Store: | 1 500 |
From Event: | N/A |
From Collection: | N/A |
Other: | N/A |
Selling: | 150 |
Warehouse Cost: | 1 200 |
Yield Time: | 04h 00m |
Coins/Passengers: | 56 Passengers |
Special Passengers: | N/A |
Drops: | During Time to Rock event: Drumsticks x4 |
Neighbour Drops: | Items from Running Wild Collection (very seldom) Items from Ready for the Journey collection: Old suitcase (very seldom) Sports bag (very seldom) Rolling Suitcase (very seldom) Duty Free Items: White Gold Bracelet (very seldom) During Time to Rock event: Drumsticks x3 |
Bonuses: | None |