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Joy Ride

  • Views Views: 2,772
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • Joy Ride
    joy ride.jpg
    Collection Requirements
    Items Required: Longboard
    Jumping Shoes
    Roller Skates
    Tandem Bicycle
    Electric Scooter
    How to Obtain: Drops from:
    Guest Jumbo
    Other Sources: Drops from all Adventure Buildings

    Small Collections Chest
    Collections Chest
    Guest Collections Chest
    Gold Coins: 2 000
    Experience: 1 000
    Rewarded Items: Penny-farthing
    House of Disturbance (collection x6)

    Side Missions
    Mission NameMission Details
    1) Obsolete NewspapersVisit Residential Buildings to ask everyone's opinion on mail service quality
    2) Seven-league BootsLand guest Jumbo planes until you find Roller Skates
    3) Downhill DeliveryLand guest Jumbo planes until you find a Longboard
    4) The Envy of a KangarooLand guest Jumbo planes until you find Jumping Shoes
    5) A Bicycle for TwoLand guest Jumbo planes until you find Tandem Bicycle
    6) The Power of ElectricityLand guest Jumbo planes until you find Electric Scooter
    7) Riding the High WheelGet a Penny-farthing by completing a Joy Ride collection
    8) Big WorriesBuild a House of Disturbance by completing a Joy Ride collection six times
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