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Users with Level 7 - 10 Building items

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
Since many of users looking for Level 7-10 items, it is sometimes hard to find the list of users, who have some items or who had particular items. There are few things you should know:
  1. ALL ITEMS you can collect in advance! Means, if there will be Level 11 Buildings, you can collect all needed items for Terminal, Town Hall & Control Tower in advance! Only important is, that you did a game upgrade!
  2. You can do "Send in return" even if you're not on higher (building) Level. Even if you're not able to send any item(s) for higher level building, you can still do "Send in return" and the other user will get the item for particular building level. Once again: Important is, that you did a game upgrade!
  3. Once you finished with collecting and do a building "Complete", sending dissapeared! It means, that once you complete the building, and if you were able to send one of the, for instance, Terminal item, this will dissapeared from your sending items list. BUT: You will be still able to do "Send in return", and user will receive the same item, as you were able to send before...
There are several posts with Level XY user List, and you need some time to find them all... I just collect them, and you can find the users who were(and they still are!) able to send the item(s) you might need now!

LEVEL 7 Building Items Users List:

LEVEL 8 Building Items Users List (+ LAUNDRY):


LEVEL 9 Building Items Users List:


LEVEL 10 Building Items Users List:

If you have ability to send any item(s) for Level 7-10 buildings, then just continue with copy/paste in above mentioned posts and add yourself and your items you can send! On that way, many will receive needed items faster... and we all are glad to help! (y)

PS: Please do not reply here for asking of any items, use the proper post mentioned above or Daily Trade Thread for that! Thank you!
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Nice post @Gt city
Two additions to your post

1. You can collect higher level items in advance, but if your own level is to low, it may convert into fuel3, pass5 of fuel catalyst. In the past I have tried to make a list with levels:

If you receive the fuel5 etc, you can do two things:
A. Collect and let the sender know he/she needs to wait a few levels before sending again.
B. Not collect the item and leave it in the list. If you did not collect and you reach the correct level, they turn into the original item and collect then. Be carefull, this is difficult to do.

2. A lot of people needed restores after the original updates and therefore giftlists changed. Lists may not be up to date, but the most important thing.... People on the forum will help until you have the needed items :)
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