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The Fleet of Planes - Standard, S1, S2, S3 Planes, Guest Planes, Special Planes, Guest Mail Planes, Tropical Planes, Mysterious Planes

I have written this user guide to provide information to those of you who are new to the game of Airport City and have been playing for a brief period of time. The user guide is intended to give you a brief overview as to the different types of airplanes, which will become available, as you progress through the 80 game levels.

As the game of Airport City currently stands, the maximum number of planes, you can have in your game, is fourteen. The number of planes in your fleet, up to the maximum of fourteen, will be determined by your Control Tower's level, to a maximum of thirteen levels. As the levels increase so will the purchase price, the number of items needed to upgrade each building and the construction period, before the buildings becomes solid and live.

The user guide is divided into seven sections, the first section deals with Standard Airplanes, Guest Airplanes, Special Airplanes, Guest Mail Airplanes, Tropical Airplanes and Mysterious Airplane Chests, the second section deals with S1 Class Type Airplanes, the third section deals with S2 Class Type Airplanes, the fourth section deals with S3 Class Type Airplanes, the fifth section deals with How To Obtain Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens, the sixth section deals with Airplanes Purchased During Discounted Super Sales and the seventh section deals with The Airplane Liveries.

These types of planes will become available depending on the game level you are on. Your Control Tower (levels 1-13) will determine the number and types of planes you will be able to have in your fleet:

Swallow planes
Swift planes
Owl planes
Hawk planes
Raven planes
Eagle planes
Jumbo planes
Giant planes
Falcon planes
Thunderbird planes
Condor planes

Standard Class Planes
Standard Class Purchase PriceStandard Class Sale Price
Swallow plane - Game Level 1​
Swallow plane - 200 CoinsSwallow plane - 20 Coins
Swift plane - Game Level 1​
Swift plane - 450 CoinsSwift plane - 45 Coins
Owl plane - Game Level 7​
Owl plane - 2,000 CoinsOwl plane - 200 Coins
Hawk plane - Game Level 13​
Hawk plane - 12,000 CoinsHawk plane - 1,200 Coins
Raven plane - Game Level 19​
Raven plane - 20,000 CoinsRaven plane - 2,000 Coins
Eagle plane - Game Level 19​
Eagle plane - 44,000 CoinsEagle plane - 4,400 Coins
Jumbo plane - Game Level 31​
Jumbo plane - 54,000 CoinsJumbo plane - 5,400 Coins
Giant plane - Game Level 31​
Giant plane - 300,000 CoinsGiant plane - 30,000 Coins
Falcon plane - Game Level 51​
Falcon plane - 500,000 CoinsFalcon plane - 50,000 Coins
Thunderbird plane - Game Level 51​
Thunderbird plane - 900,000 CoinsThunderbird plane - 90,000 Coins
Condor plane - Game Level 71​
Condor plane - 1,500,000 CoinsCondor plane - 150,000 Coins

Additional Information - Other Types of Planes
Besides the standard, S1, S2 and S3 class type planes, there are also a number of other types of planes, which I have included here. The reason for listing these planes, is to provide you with a more complete picture, as to the different types of planes available:

Guest Planes - Swallow planes, Owl planes, Hawk planes, Raven planes, Eagle planes, Jumbo planes, Giant planes, Falcon planes, Thunderbird planes and Condor planes. All these types of planes will land at your airport and pay you small amounts of rewards, fuel, coins, passengers, repair items and experience points (the rewards will depend on the type of plane landing). They will also drop items to complete collections that reward you with more coins, experience points, flight items and buildings. They can only land at the airport if you allow them to do so, you will have the option to refuse, if you are not able to land them, due to not having the right class of runway.​
Rainbow Owl
Jumbo Ranger
Snow Thunderbird
Air Lab

Special Planes - Aerobatic (special sale offer), Carpet (each time you complete the Persian Carpets collection x3, Sale Price 50 Gold Coins), Rainbow Owl (30 Green Notes, Sale Price 1,500 Gold Coins), Jumbo Ranger (each time you complete the Cold War collection x10 from the Age of Ash special event, Sale Price 5,400 Gold Coins), Snow Thunderbird (350 Green Notes - available through the bank), Air Lab (you will be awarded each time you complete the Above and Beyond collection, this plane flies to Area 51 and Map to Area 51, Sale Price 600 Gold Coins), Santa Jet (complete the Faster Than The Wind collection, during Santa's Bad Day special event), Fighter Jet (the airplane use to fly to Area 51 with Area 51 Map).​

Guest Mail Planes - this will only become available during the Long-Awaited Mail special event (the Golden Postage Stamp bonus will become available each time you complete the Express Delivery collection. The bonus will allow you to land mail planes during the event, each bonus will only be active for 5 minutes).
Tropical Planes - this will only become available during the World of Wildlife special event, by flying to the following nine standard flight destinations, Sri Lanka, Corsica, Galapagos Islands, Tasmania, Komodo, Madeira, Jeyu Island, Aruba, Hainan and collecting the following 'very seldom' drop items, Vertical Gyroscope, Cooling Turbine, Air Brakes, Hydraulic Pump, Starter. When you complete the Spare Parts collection, you will be rewarded with 1,500 gold coins and 300 experience points for each collection you complete. When you complete the collection ten times you will be randomly rewarded with one of the following Tropical Planes, Swift, Owl, Hawk, Raven, Eagle, Jumbo, Giant, Falcon, Thunderbird, Condor.​
Mysterious Airport Chests - these are available during the special events, through the Premium Class Pass Ticket, (you will need to purchase to access) you will receive one of the following planes, Swift S1-S3, Owl S1-S3, Rainbow Owl, Hawk S1-S3, Raven S1-S3, Eagle S1-S3, Jumbo S1-S3, Giant S1-S3, Falcon S1-S3, Thunderbird S1-S3, Condor S1-S3

For more information you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Standard Flight Destinations And The Plane Types Required To Undertake Them www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-standard-flight-destinations-and-the-plane-types-required-to-undertake-them-v7-16-46.18979/ The user guide will give you information on flight destinations available, the different types of planes needed to fly to the destinations, the flight items needed to undertake the flights, the passengers and fuel needed and the destination flight times.

These S1 class type planes can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. The main difference with these types of planes is that they fly at increased speeds of 10%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard planes:

Swift S1 planes
Owl S1 planes
Hawk S1 planes
Raven S1 planes
Eagle S1 planes
Jumbo S1 planes
Giant S1 planes
Falcon S1 planes
Thunderbird S1 planes
Condor S1 planes

S1 Class Planes
S1 Class Plane Purchase PriceS1 Class Plane Sale Price
Swift S1 plane - Game Level 5​
Swift S1 plane - 2 Gold, 20 SilverSwift S1 plane - 200 Coins
Owl S1 plane - Game Leve 7​
Owl S1 plane - 4 Gold, 40 SilverOwl S1 plane - 400 Coins
Hawk S1 plane - Game Level 13​
Hawk S1 plane - 6 Gold, 60 SilverHawk S1 plane - 600 Coins
Raven S1 plane - Game Level 19​
Raven S1 plane - 10 Gold, 100 SilverRaven S1 plane - 1,000 Coins
Eagle S1 plane - Game Level 25​
Eagle S1 plane - 15 Gold, 150 SilverEagle S1 plane - 1,500 Coins
Jumbo S1 plane - Game Level 31​
Jumbo S1 plane - 20 Gold, 200 SilverJumbo S1 plane - 2,000 Coins
Giant S1 plane - Game Level 41​
Giant S1 plane - 20 Gold, 250 SilverGiant S1 plane - 2,200 Coins
Falcon S1 plane - Game Level 51​
Falcon S1 plane - 25 Gold, 250 SilverFalcon S1 plane - 2,500 Coins
Thunderbird S1 plane - Game Level 61​
Thunderbird S1 plane - 30 Gold, 300 SilverThunderbird S1 plane - 3,000 Coins
Condor S1 plane - Game Level 71​
Condor S1 plane - 50 Gold, 500 SilverCondor S1 plane - 5,000 Coins

These S2 class type planes can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. They will only be available to forum members who are part of an alliance group. The Alliance Office will be needed to gain access to the alliance unique merchandise. The building will cost 10,000 gold coins, and you will also need to complete the side bar mission A United Front. The main difference with these types of planes is that they fly at increased speeds of 30%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard planes:

Swift S2 planes
Owl S2 planes
Hawk S2 planes
Raven S2 planes
Eagle S2 planes
Jumbo S2 planes
Giant S2 planes
Falcon S2 planes
Thunderbird S2 planes
Condor S2 planes

S2 Class Planes
S2 Class Plane Purchase PriceS2 Class Plane Sale Price
Swift S2 plane - Game Level 5​
Swift S2 plane - 5 Gold, 50 SilverSwift S2 plane - 500 Coins
Owl S2 plane - Game Level 7​
Owl S2 plane - 10 Gold, 100 SilverOwl S2 plane - 1,000 Coins
Hawk S2 plane - Game Level 13​
Hawk S2 plane - 15 Gold, 150 SilverHawk S2 plane - 1,500 Coins
Raven S2 plane - Game Level 19​
Raven S2 plane - 20 Gold, 200 SilverRaven S2 plane - 2,000 Coins
Eagle S2 plane - Game Level 25​
Eagle S2 plane - 30 Gold, 300 SilverEagle S2 plane - 3,000 Coins
Jumbo S2 plane - Game Level 31​
Jumbo S2 plane - 50 Gold, 500 SilverJumbo S2 plane - 5,000 Coins
Giant S2 plane - Game Level 41​
Giant S2 plane - 60 Gold, 600 SilverGiant S2 plane - 6,000 Coins
Falcon S2 plane - Game Level 51​
Falcon S2 plane - 80 Gold, 800 SilverFalcon S2 plane - 8,000 Coins
Thunderbird S2 plane - Game Level 61​
Thunderbird S2 plane - 100 Gold, 1,000 SilverThunderbird S2 plane - 10,000 Coins
Condor S2 plane - Game Level 71​
Condor S2 plane - 150 Gold, 1,500 SilverCondor S2 plane - 15,000 Coins

These S3 class type planes can not be purchased with coins, gold and silver tokens. The main difference with these types of planes is that they fly at increased speeds of 40%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard planes. They can only be obtained through the completion of alliance flight collections, you will need to complete a flight collection 6 times to be rewarded with a plane:

Swift S3 planes
Owl S3 planes
Hawk S3 planes
Raven S3 planes
Eagle S3 planes
Jumbo S3 planes
Giant S3 planes
Falcon S3 planes
Thunderbird S3 planes
Condor S3 planes

S3 Class Planes
Alliance Flight CollectionsS3 Class Plane Sale Price
Swift S3 plane - Game Level 5​
How To Win Friend x6Swift S3 plane - 3,000 Coins
Owl S3 plane - Game Level 7​
I'll Think About That Tomorrow x6Owl S3 plane - 3,000 Coins
Hawk S3 plane - Game Level 13​
Spic and Span x6Hawk S3 plane - 3,000 Coins
Raven S3 plane - Game Level 19​
Time Is Money x6Raven S3 plane - 3,000 Coins
Eagle S3 plane - Game Level 25​
Easy Rider x6Eagle S3 plane - 3,000 Coins
Jumbo S3 plane - Game Level 31​
Need For Speed x6Jumbo S3 plane - 3,000 Coins
Giant S3 plane - Game Level 41​
Gold Reserve x6Giant S3 plane - 3,000 Coins
Falcon S3 plane - Game Level 51​
Royal Honors x6Falcon S3 plane - 3,000 Coins
Thunderbird S3 plane - Game Level 61​
The Stone Guests x6Thunderbird S3 plane - 30,000 Coins
Condor S3 plane -Game Level 71​
Sea Wolf x6Condor S3 plane - 30,000 Coins

You will also be rewarded with 10,000 Gold Coins, 2,000 Experience Points and a Mystery Super Bonus Chest (you will receive one random bonus from the following five, Horn of Plenty, Spirit of Adventure, Jet Pack, A Friend In Need, Jar of Diogenes) each time you complete an alliance flight collection. You can view the 10 alliance flight collections, by clicking on the Collections Icon (the fifth icon along the bottom of your game screen), then select the Golden Wingnut Icon (the seventh icon located at the bottom of the collections menu) to view each of the 10 alliance collections. You will then be able to view the 5 items that will be required, to complete each of the 10 alliance collections.

There are four options available to you for the collection of gold tokens and silver tokens, during long term game play, which you can then use to purchase your planes:

Option One - the space program, by taking part in multiple red launch flights and completing the Water World collection, you will receive 5,000 gold coins, 2,000 experience points and a golden chest (inside there will be 3 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and two items needed for space launch preparation). You will also be awarded a Rocket Garden, every time you complete three Water World collection flights.
Option Two - flying adventure maps, each map will cost 2,000 gold coins and can only be purchased from the airship. When you complete a set, you will receive rewards of gold coins and experience points (the amount will depend on the completed set e.g. 1,600 gold coins and 600 experience points or 2,000 gold coins and 1,000 experience points) and rewarded with one of the following two chests Golden Chest (3 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 150 fuel units, and two items needed for spaceship launch preparation), Large Bronze Chest (1 gold token, 6 silver tokens, 50 fuel units, and an item needed for spaceship launch preparation).​
By completing each adventure set six times you will also be rewarded with one collectable item, and a building which will produce one collectable item per day and also increase your city population by +50. You can view all 19 adventure sets by clicking on the collections tab (the fourth icon along the bottom of your game screen, then select the fifth icon down, on the left hand side) and then scroll.
Option Three - the space program, by finishing in the top 3 places on the ratings table, following a full week of flights, for any one of the three space missions, Apogee Mission, Prometheus Mission and Lunar Mission you will be rewarded with the following chests, which will include gold and silver tokens:
Apogee Mission - Green Rocket Class
1st place finish - Golden Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 gold tokens, 20 silver tokens, 300 fuel units and 300 passengers)​
2nd place finish - Silver Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 gold tokens, 15 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and 150 passengers)​
3rd place finish - Bronze Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 50 fuel units and 50 passengers)​
Prometheus Mission - Blue Rocket Class
1st place finish - Golden Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 gold tokens, 20 silver tokens, 300 fuel units and 300 passengers)​
2nd place finish - Silver Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 gold tokens, 15 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and 150 passengers)​
3rd place finish - Bronze Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 50 fuel units and 50 passengers)​
Lunar Mission - Red Shuttle Class
1st place finish - Golden Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 gold tokens, 20 silver tokens, 300 fuel units and 300 passengers)
2nd place finish - Silver Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 gold tokens, 15 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and 150 passengers)
3rd place finish - Bronze Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 50 fuel units and 50 passengers)
Option Four - purchase of gold and silver tokens, with this you will need to spend money, the prices will vary considerably, depending on the number of gold and silver tokens on offer. You will need to visit the bank (click on the green notes icon, in the top right hand corner of your game screen), to see all the offers on sale.

With these four options, the first is by far the easiest, since it requires you to complete a Water World collection. The second option, requires you to purchase an adventure map, each map will cost 2,000 gold coins, many maps will be required before you complete a set. The third option, will require you to fly a good few hundred flights, across seven days of game play. The fourth option, will require you to spend some money.

With the first option, you are guaranteed to complete the flight collection and receive both sets of tokens, given time and patience. With the second option, the amount of gold coins you spend buying maps may well outweigh what you may get back in return. With the third option, there are no guarantees you will finish in the top 3, of any space mission vehicles, since you will be competing against other players, who will be far more experienced and advanced in their game play. With the fourth option, it could become expensive.

For more information on the space program, you will need to read through the following two user guides ,The Airport City Space Program - How To Undertake Apogee, Prometheus and Lunar Space Mission Launch Flights and The Airport City Space Program - How To Secure First Place Seat Position By Effectively Dealing With Hi-Jackers. These two user guides will tell you what you will need to know and what you will need to do, when you enter the space program.


The S1 and S2 class type of planes can be purchased during discounted super sales, which take place throughout the game year during the four season's, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. When the discounted super sale period opens, you will find a large round yellow and orange icon, it will have a large percentage sign in the centre, located on the top right hand side of your game screen. The icon will remain on the screen for a period of time, during which you will be able to purchase S1 and S2 class type planes, at a -50% discount with green notes:

S1 Class Planes - Discounted Super Sales
S2 Class Planes - Discounted Super Sales
Swift S1 planes - 6 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Swift S2 planes - 15 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Owl S1 planes - 12 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Owl S2 planes - 30 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Hawk S1 planes - 18 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Hawk S2 planes - 45 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Raven S1 planes - 30 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Raven S2 planes - 60 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Eagle S1 planes - 45 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Eagle S2 planes - 90 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Jumbo S1 planes - 60 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Jumbo S2 planes - 151 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Giant S1 planes - 68 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Giant S2 planes - 181 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Falcon S1 planes - 75 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Falcon S2 planes - 241 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Thunderbird S1 planes - 90 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Thunderbird S2 planes - 301 Green Notes (-50% discount)
Condor S1 planes - 151 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Condor S2 planes - 452 Green Notes (-50% discount)

Players are now able to make changes to their fleet of Airplane Liveries, also known as Skins. This option became available following the issue in mid April 2021 of the v8.13.16 download update to the game of Airport City. For information on how to purchase liveries at a discount, you will need to read through Table Three: Airplane Liveries, of the following user guide, The Daily Bank Discount Sales - Buildings, Aircrafts, Liveries, Tokens, Mystery Bonus, Mystery Buildings, Collections, Event Sets, Bonuses, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-daily-bank-discount-sales-buildings-aircrafts-liveries-tokens-mystery-bonus-mystery-buildings-collections-event-sets-bonuses-v8-23-50.33377/

The Operative Hangar building, located on the airport side of your game, will have four button options, 1st Shop, 2nd Stands, 3rd Repair, 4th Reserve. The 1st Shop button option will display all the standard class airplanes for sale, they can be purchased with gold coins. The 2nd Stands button option is where you will find your fleet of airplanes.

To access and view the liveries you will first need to select your airplane, then select the blue and white square icon, located at the top right hand corner of your Operative Hangar menu, next to the airplanes Information Index Card, which displays the airplanes seat capacity, tank capacity, flight duration, airframe time and speed. You will only be able to view the liveries when the airplanes are parked at the stands, and not during flight.. Once selected, you will be able to view the liveries, for the selected airplane. Some of the liveries can be purchased with Silver Tokens and Gold Tokens, some can be purchased with Green Notes, some can be obtained through the Special Events chests, while others can be obtained through the completion of Flight Collections. The blue and white Back button will return you to the Operative Hangar menu, where you can select another airplane in your fleet. The airplanes information index card will have three button options located underneath, 1st To Flight, 2nd Sell, 3rd To Reserve. The 1st To Flight button option will take you to the flights section where you can select a destination and launch a flight, the 2nd Sell button option will allow you to sell an airplane and the price you will receive in gold coins. The 3rd To Reserve button option will allow you to place a plane in storage.

For detailed information on repairing your fleet of planes, you will need to read through the repair base section of the following user guide, The Airport City Six Main Buildings - Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall, Terminal, Reserve Hangar, Operative Hangar. By clicking on the link below you will be taken to the Airport City Guides section of the members forum, where the user guide is located, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-six-main-buildings-repair-base-control-tower-town-hall-terminal-reserve-hangar-operative-hangar-v8-12-16.18757/

Last Updated: Saturday 18th January 2025 at 11.30am London UK Time
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Cosmic Blue - I have just created a new thread and posted a new user guide - The Fleet of Planes - Standard, S1, S2 and S3 Class Types - on the members forum. If it is agreeable with you, could you please make it sticky. You user guide is not completly finished, I posted it so I can have a look at the format - how it looks in its place.

Captain WH Rollins


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PM me :)
The Fleet of Planes - Standard, S1, S2 and S3 Class Types
I have written this themed user guide to provide information to those of you who are relatively new to the game of Airport City, and have been playing the game for a short period of time. The user guide is intended to give you a brief overview as to the different types of planes, which wil become available, as you progress your game.

The user guide is devided into five sections, the first section deals with standard class planes, the second section deals with S1 class planes, the third section deals with S2 class planes, the fourth section deals with S3 class planes and the fifth section deals with gold tokens and silver tokens.

Section One:- Standard Type Planes
These types of planes will become available depending on the game level you are on. Your control tower will determine the number of hangars you will be able to have and the colour of the hangars will determine the types of planes you will be able to have in your fleet:
Blue Hangar pitch roof (level 1) price 100 coins - Propellar Driven plane (available from game level 1) price 200 coins
Green Hangar pitch roof (level 2) price 1,200 coins - Powerful Propellar Driven plane (available from game level 1) price 450 coins
Green Hangar pitch roof (level 2) price 1,200 coins - Turboprop plane (available from game level 7) 2,000 price coins
Orange Hangar pitch roof (level 3) price 4,000 coins - Jet plane (available from game level 13) price 12,000 coins
Red Hangar pitch roof (level 4) price 8,000 coins - Delta plane (available from game level 19) price 20,000 coins
Red Hangar pitch roof (level 4) price 8,000 coins - Powerful Delta plane (available from game level 19) price 44,000 coins
Dark Blue Hangar dome roof (level 5) price 80,000 coins - Jumbo plane (available from game level 31) price 54,000 coins
Dark Blue Hangar dome roof (level 5) price 80,000 coins - Giant plane (available from game level 31) price 300,000 coins
Dark Blue Hangar flat roof (level 6) price 120,000 coins - Falcon plane (available from game level 51) price 500,000 coins
Dark Blue Hangar flat roof (level 6) price 120,000 coins - Thunderbird plane (available from game level 51) price 900,000 coins
Dark Yellow Hangar flat roof (level 7) price 300,000 coins - Condor plane (available from game level 71) price 1,200,000 coins​

For more information you will need to read through the user guide Common Flight Destinations and Plane Types Required. It list's all the flight destinations available, the different types of planes required to fly to the destinations, the flight items needed to undertake the flights, the passengers and fuel required and the destination flight times.

Section Two:- S1 Class Planes
These S1 class type planes can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. The main difference with these types of planes is that they fly at increased speeds of 10%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard planes:
Powerful Propeller Driven plane - 2 Gold Tokens, 20 Silver Tokens
Turboprop plane - 4 Gold Tokens, 40 Silver Tokens
Jet plane - 6 Gold Tokens, 60 Silver Tokens
Delta plane - 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens
Powerful Delta plane - 15 Gold Tokens, 150 Silver Tokens
Jumbo plane - 20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens
Giant plane - 20 Gold Tokens, 250 Silver Tokens
Falcon plane - 25 Gold Tokens, 250 Silver Tokens
Thunderbird plane - 30 Gold Tokens, 300 Silver Tokens
Condor plane - 50 Gold Tokens, 500 Silver Tokens​

Section Three:- S2 Class Planes
These S2 class type planes can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. The main difference with these types of planes is that they fly at increased speeds of 30%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard planes:
Powerful Propeller Driven plane - 5 Gold Tokens, 50 Silver Tokens
Turboprop plane - 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens
Jet plane - 15 Gold Tokens, 150 Silver Tokens
Delta plane - 20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens
Powerful Delta plane - 30 Gold Tokens, 300 Silver Tokens
Jumbo plane - 50 Gold Tokens, 500 Silver Tokens
Giant plane - 60 Gold Tokens, 600 Silver Tokens
Falcon plane - 80 Gold Tokens, 800 Silver Tokens
Thunderbird plane - 100 Gold Tokens, 1,000 Silver Tokens
Condor plane - 150 Gold Tokens, 1,500 Silver Tokens​

Section Four:- S3 Class Planes
These planes can not be purchased with coins, gold and silver tokens. They can only be obtained through the completion of flight collections, you will need to complete a flight collection 6 times to be awarded with a plane:
How To Win Friends - Powerful Propellar Driven plane
I'll Think About That Tomorrow - Turboprop plane
Spic and Span - Jet plane
Time Is Money - Delta plane
Easy Rider - Powerful Delta plane
Need For Speed - Jumbo plane
Gold Reserve - Giant plane
Royal Honors - Falcon plane
The Stone Guests - Thunderbird plane
Sea Wolf - Condor plane​

You will also be awarded with 10,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and a mystery super bonus for each completed flight collection. You can view the flight collections by clicking on the collections tab (the fourth icon along the bottom of your game screen), and then search for each of them.

Section Five:- Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens
There are two options open to you for the collection of gold tokens and silver tokens during game play. How far along you are in your game, will make a big difference:

Option One - through the space program, by taking part in red launch flights and completing the Water World collection, you will receive 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and a golden chest (inside there will be 3 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and two items needed for space launch preparation). You will also be awarded a Rocket Garden every time you complete three Water World collection flights.

Option Two - by finishing in the top 3 of each space mission e.g. Apogee Mission, Prometheus Mission and Lunar Mission you will be awarded with the following chest, which will include gold and silver tokens:

Apogee Mission - Green Rocket
1st place
- Golden Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 gold tokens, 20 silver tokens, 300 fuel units and 300 passengers)
2nd place - Silver Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 gold tokens, 15 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and 150 passengers)
3rd place - Bronze Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 50 fuel units and 50 passengers)

Prometheus Mission - Blue Rocket
1st place
- Golden Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 gold tokens, 20 silver tokens, 300 fuel units and 300 passengers)
2nd place - Silver Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 gold tokens, 15 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and 150 passengers)
3rd place - Bronze Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 50 fuel units and 50 passengers)

Lunar Mission - Red Shuttle
1st place
- Golden Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 gold tokens, 20 silver tokens, 300 fuel units and 300 passengers)
2nd place - Silver Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 gold tokens, 15 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and 150 passengers)
3rd place - Bronze Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 50 fuel units and 50 passengers)​

With these two options, the first is by far the easier of the two, since it requires you to complete a Water World collection. Whereas the second option, may require you to fly a good few hundred flights, across seven days of game play.

With the first option, you are guaranteed to complete the flight collection and receive both sets of tokens, given time and patience. With the second option, there are no guarantees you will finish in the top 3, for each space vehicle, since you will be competing against other players, who may be far more experienced and advanced in their games.

For more information on the space program, you will need to read through the following two user guides - The Space Program - Green, Blue and Red Launch Flights and How To Effectively Deal With Open Launch Flight Hi-Jackers. These two user guides will tell you what you will need to know and what you will need to do, when you enter the space program.

Additional Information
There are nine other themed user guides, written to help you with your game, each user guide deals with a different subject matter. They can all be found in the Airport City Guides section of the members forum.

Last Updated: Monday 27th August 2018 at 09.25am BST London UK

thanks for this usefull guide @Captain WH Rollins !

I just wanted to add 2 things :
- could you write the speed increase thanks to S3 planes ? (is it 40% ?)
- there are, at least, 2 other ways to earn gold token : finishing in TOP 3 of any destination and flying to adventure maps !

Thanks a lot !

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
thanks for this usefull guide @Captain WH Rollins !

I just wanted to add 2 things :
- could you write the speed increase thanks to S3 planes ? (is it 40% ?)
- there are, at least, 2 other ways to earn gold token : finishing in TOP 3 of any destination and flying to adventure maps !

Thanks a lot !

Many thanks for your post, you are quite right S3 planes fly at 40%, I have added this. I have never flown adventure maps, so I'm pleased you have told me about obtaining gold tokens from them.

Captain WH Rollins


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Many thanks for your post, you are quite right S3 planes fly at 40%, I have added this. I have never flown adventure maps, so I'm pleased you have told me about obtaining gold tokens from them.

Captain WH Rollins

I am happy to help you with your gorgeous guides ! !

If I am not wrong, you earn 1 gold token each time you complete collection from adventure flights :D !

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I am happy to help you with your gorgeous guides ! !

If I am not wrong, you earn 1 gold token each time you complete collection from adventure flights :D !

Many thanks for your help, I will need to look into this in more detail, I would like to include the full spectrum of information in the user guide, not just the token information. Many thanks once again, it is very much appreciated. I always value feedback.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
A general tidy up was all that was required of this user guide, with a number of paragraphs re-written for clarity and the format adjusted so that the sections are more consistent across the user guide.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I have adjusted the on screen format for this themed user guide, Airport City Fleet of Thirteen Planes - Standard, S1, S2 and S3 Class Plane Types, creating a more balanced and readable subject matter, across the six sections.

Captain WH Rollins
  1. iPad
I did already 3 launches for Green, Blue and Red Rockets, I had got Golden Space Chests but I could not find any Gold Tokens there - Lets say for Green Launch now, I got 1st place - Golden Space Chest, which contains 8 silver Tokens, Fuel 150 units, Main Stabilizer and Items from Space Odyssey Collection

In version 6*** yes, I was able to get Golden Tokens from Space Program :)

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
A few good months have passed since I last looked at this user guide - I have this morning re-written and expanded section six and have also edited a number of other paragraphs, as well as a general tidy-up of the format.

Capatin WH Rollins
  1. iPad
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Please PM.
Airport City
The Airport City Planes - Standard, S1, S2, S3 Class Planes, Guest Planes, Special Planes, Guest Mail Planes
I have written this user guide to provide information to those of you who are new to the game of Airport City, and have been playing for a brief period of time. The user guide is intended to give you a brief overview as to the different types of planes, which will become available, as you progress through your game levels.

The user guide is divided into six main sections, the first section deals with Standard Type Planes, Guest Planes, Special Planes and Guest Mail Planes, the second section deals with S1 Class Type Planes, the third section deals with S2 Class Type Planes, the fourth section deals with S3 Class Type Planes, the fifth section deals with How To Obtain Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens and the sixth section deals with Planes Purchased During Discounted Supersales.

As the game of Airport City currently stands, the maximum number of planes, you can have in your game, is fourteen. The number of planes in your fleet, up to the maximum of fourteen, will be determined by your Control Tower's level.

Section One:- Standard Type Planes Purchased With Coins
These types of planes will become available depending on the game level you are on. Your Control Tower (levels 1-13) will determine the number and types of planes you will be able to have in your fleet:

Swallow planes - available from game level 1 - Purchase Rrice 200 coins​
Swift planes - available from game level 1 - Purchase Price 450 coins​
Owl planes - available from game level 7 - Purchase Price 2,000 coins​
Hawk planes - available from game level 13 - Purchase Price 12,000 coins​
Raven planes - available from game level 19 - Purchase Price 20,000 coins​
Eagle planes - available from game level 19 - Purchase Price 44,000 coins​
Jumbo planes - available from game level 31 - Purchase Price 54,000 coins​
Giant planes - available from game level 31 - Purchase Price 300,000 coins​
Falcon planes - available from game level 51 - Purchase Price 500,000 coins​
Thunderbird planes - available from game level 51 - Purchase Price 900,000 coins​
Condor planes - available from game level 71 - Purchase Price 1,500,000 coins​
Additional Information - Other Types of Planes
Besides the standard, S1, S2 and S3 class type planes, there are also a number of other types of planes, which I have included here. The reason for listing these planes, is to provide you with a more complete picture, as to the different types of planes available:​

Guest Planes - Swallow planes, Owl planes, Hawk planes, Raven planes, Eagle planes, Jumbo planes, Giant planes, Falcon planes, Thunderbird planes and Condor planes. All these types of planes will land at your airport and pay you small amounts of rewards, fuel, coins, passengers, and experience points (the rewards will depend on the type of plane landing). They can only land at the airport if you allow them to do so, you will have the option to refuse, if you are not able to land them, due to not having the right class of runway.​

Special Planes - Aerobatic (special offer), Carpet (each time you complete the Persian Carpets collection x3), Rainbow Owl (30 green notes), Jumbo Ranger (each time you complete the Cold War collection x10 from the Age of Ash special event), Snow Thunderbird (350 green notes - available through the bank), Fighter Jet (you will be awarded each time you complete the Above and Beyond collection, this plane flies to Area 51).​

Guest Mail Planes - this will only become available during the Long-Awaited Mail special event (the Golden Postage Stamp bonus will become available each time you complete the Express Delivery collection. The bonus will allow you to land mail planes during the event, each bonus will only be active for 5 minutes).​

For more information you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Standard Flight Destinations and The Plane Types Required To Undertake Them https://www.airportcitygame.com/thr...es-required-to-undertake-them-v7-16-46.18979/ The user guide will give you information on flight destinations available, the different types of planes needed to fly to the destinations, the flight items needed to undertake the flights, the passengers and fuel needed and the destination flight times.

Section Two:- S1 Class Type Planes Purchased With Tokens
These S1 class type planes can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. The main difference with these types of planes is that they fly at increased speeds of 10%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard planes:

Swift S1 planes - 2 Gold Tokens, 20 Silver Tokens​
Owl S1 planes - 4 Gold Tokens, 40 Silver Tokens​
Hawk S1 planes - 6 Gold Tokens, 60 Silver Tokens​
Raven S1 planes - 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens​
Eagle S1 planes - 15 Gold Tokens, 150 Silver Tokens​
Jumbo S1 planes - 20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens​
Giant S1 planes - 20 Gold Tokens, 250 Silver Tokens​
Falcon S1 planes - 25 Gold Tokens, 250 Silver Tokens​
Thunderbird S1 planes - 30 Gold Tokens, 300 Silver Tokens​
Condor S1 planes - 50 Gold Tokens, 500 Silver Tokens​

Section Three:- S2 Class Type Planes Purchased With Tokens
These S2 class type planes can only be purchased with silver and gold tokens. The main difference with these types of planes is that they fly at increased speeds of 30%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard planes:

Swift S2 planes - 5 Gold Tokens, 50 Silver Tokens​
Owl S2 planes - 10 Gold Tokens, 100 Silver Tokens​
Hawk S2 planes - 15 Gold Tokens, 150 Silver Tokens​
Raven S2 planes - 20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens​
Eagle S2 planes - 30 Gold Tokens, 300 Silver Tokens​
Jumbo S2planes - 50 Gold Tokens, 500 Silver Tokens​
Giant S2 planes - 60 Gold Tokens, 600 Silver Tokens​
Falcon S2 planes - 80 Gold Tokens, 800 Silver Tokens​
Thunderbird S2 planes - 100 Gold Tokens, 1,000 Silver Tokens​
Condor S2 planes - 150 Gold Tokens, 1,500 Silver Tokens​

Section Four:- S3 Class Type Planes From Flight Collections
These S3 class type planes can not be purchased with coins, gold and silver tokens. The main difference with these types of planes is that they fly at increased speeds of 40%, but fly to the same destinations as does the standard planes. They can only be obtained through the completion of flight collections, you will need to complete a flight collection 6 times to be rewarded with a plane:

How To Win Friends - Swift S3 plane​
I'll Think About That Tomorrow - Owl S3 plane​
Spic and Span - Hawk S3 plane​
Time Is Money - Raven S3 plane​
Easy Rider - Eagle S3 plane​
Need For Speed - Jumbo S3 plane​
Gold Reserve - Giant S3 plane​
Royal Honors - Falcon S3 plane​
The Stone Guests - Thunderbird S3 plane​
Sea Wolf - Condor S3 plane​

You will also be rewarded with 10,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and a mystery super bonus (one unique randomly selected) for each completed flight collection. You can view the 10 flight collections, by clicking on the collections tab (the fourth icon along the bottom of your game screen), and search for each of the collections. You will then be able to see the 5 items required, to complete each of the 10 collections.

Section Five:- How To Obtain Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens
There are four options available to you for the collection of gold tokens and silver tokens, during long term game play, which you can then use to purchase your planes:

Option One - the space program, by taking part in multiple red launch flights and completing the Water World collection, you will receive 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and a golden chest (inside there will be 3 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and two items needed for space launch preparation). You will also be awarded a Rocket Garden, every time you complete three Water World collection flights.​
Option Two - flying adventure maps, each map will cost 2,000 coins and can only be purchased from the airship. When you complete a set, you will receive rewards of coins and experience points (the amount will depend on the completed set e.g. 1,600 coins and 600 experience points or 2,000 coins and 1,000 experience points) and rewarded with one of the following two chests Golden Chest (3 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 150 fuel units, and two items needed for spaceship launch preparation), Large Bronze Chest (1 gold token, 6 silver tokens, 50 fuel units, and an item needed for spaceship launch preparation)​
By completing each adventure set six times you will also be rewarded with one collectable item, and a building which will produce one collectable item per day and also increase your city population by +50. You can view all 19 adventure sets by clicking on the collections tab (the fourth icon along the bottom of your game screen, then select the fifth icon down, on the left hand side) and then scroll.​
Option Three - the space program, by finishing in the top 3 places on the ratings table, following a full week of flights, for any one of the three space missions, Apogee Mission, Prometheus Mission and Lunar Mission you will be rewarded with the following chests, which will include gold and silver tokens:​
Apogee Mission - Green Rocket
1st place finish - Golden Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 gold tokens, 20 silver tokens, 300 fuel units and 300 passengers)​
2nd place finish - Silver Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 gold tokens, 15 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and 150 passengers)​
3rd place finish - Bronze Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 50 fuel units and 50 passengers)​
Prometheus Mission - Blue Rocket
1st place finish - Golden Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 gold tokens, 20 silver tokens, 300 fuel units and 300 passengers)​
2nd place finish - Silver Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 gold tokens, 15 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and 150 passengers)​
3rd place finish - Bronze Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 50 fuel units and 50 passengers)​
Lunar Mission - Red Shuttle
1st place finish - Golden Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 10 gold tokens, 20 silver tokens, 300 fuel units and 300 passengers)​
2nd place finish - Silver Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 7 gold tokens, 15 silver tokens, 150 fuel units and 150 passengers)​
3rd place finish - Bronze Space Chest (Quantum Leap Bonus, 5 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 50 fuel units and 50 passengers)​
Option Four - purchase of gold and silver tokens, with this you will need to spend money, the prices will vary considerably, depending on the number of gold and silver tokens on offer. You will need to visit the bank (click on the green notes icon, in the top right hand corner of your game screen), to see all the offers on sale.​

With these four options, the first is by far the easiest, since it requires you to complete a Water World collection. The second option, requires you to purchase an adventure map, each map will cost 2,000 coins, many maps will be required before you complete a set. The third option, will require you to fly a good few hundred flights, across seven days of game play. The fourth option, will require you to spend some money.

With the first option, you are guaranteed to complete the flight collection and receive both sets of tokens, given time and patience. With the second option, the amount of coins you spend buying maps may well outweigh what you may get back in return. With the third option, there are no guarantees you will finish in the top 3, of any space mission vehicles, since you will be competing against other players, who will be far more experienced and advanced in their game play. With the fourth option, it could become expensive.

For more information on the space program, you will need to read through the following two user guides, The Airport City Space Program - How To Undertake Green, Blue and Red Launch Flights and The Airport City Space Program - How To Effectively Deal With Hi-Jackers During Open Launch Flights. These two user guides will tell you what you will need to know and what you will need to do, when you enter the space program.

Section Six:- Planes Purchased During Discounted Supersales
The S1 and S2 class type of planes can be purchased during discounted supersales, which take place throughout the game year, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. When the discounted supersale period opens, you will find a large round yellow and orange icon, it has a large percentage sign in the centre, located on the top right hand side of your game screen. The icon will remain on the screen for a period of time, during which you wil be able to purchase S1 and S2 class type planes, at a 50% discount with green notes only:

Swift S1 planes - 6 green notes (50% discount)​
Swift S2 planes - 15 green notes (50% discount)​
Owl S1 planes - 12 green notes (50% discount)​
Owl S2 planes - 30 green notes (50% discount)​
Hawk S1 planes - 18 green notes (50% discount)​
Hawk S2 planes - 45 green notes (50% discount)​
Raven S1 planes - 30 green notes (50% discount)​
Raven S2 planes - 60 green notes 50% discount)​
Eagle S1 planes - 45 green notes 50% discount)​
Eagle S2 planes - 90 green notes 50% discount)​
Jumbo S1 planes - 60 green notes 50% discount)​
Jumbo S2 planes - 151 green notes - (50% discount)​
Giant S1 planes - 68 green notes - 50% discount)​
Giant S2 planes - 181 green notes - 50% discount)​
Falcon S1 planes - 75 green notes - 50% discount)​
Falcon S2 planes - 241 green notes (50% discount)​
Thunderbird S1 planes - 90 green notes (50% discount)​
Thunderbird S2 planes - 301 green notes (50% discount)​
Condor S1 planes - 151 green notes (50% discount)​
Condor S2 planes - 452 green notes (50% discount)​

Additional Information
For detailed information on repairing your fleet of planes, you will need to read through the repair base section of the following user guide The Airport City Four Main Buildings - Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall and Terminal. By clicking on the link below you will be taken to the Airport City Guides section of the members forum, where the user guide is located www.airportcitygame.com/threads/airport-city-four-main-buildings-repair-base-control-tower-town-hall-and-terminal.18757/

You will also find information in the Airport City Wiki section of the members forum, which can be accessed via the following link https://www.airportcitygame.com/wiki/ It became live in February 2020, having been set up by a dedicated group of forum members.

Last Updated: Monday 11th May 2020 at 08.45am London UK Time

Thanks for this guide @Captain WH Rollins

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