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The Airport City Six Main Buildings - Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall, Terminal, Reserve Hangar, Operative Hangar

I have written this user guide to provide information to those of you who are new to the game of Airport City and new to the members forum. It is intended to help you with the six main buildings in your game, Repair Base (Levels 1-7), Control Tower (Levels 1-13), Town Hall (Levels 1-11), Terminal (Levels 1-12), Reserve Hangar (Levels 1-5) and Operative Hangar (Levels 1-10). You will be able to use the information to plan ahead, beyond your current game and building levels. It will be extremely useful if you plan your moves in advance, so you know what you want to achieve, how long it will take you to achieve them and how much it will cost you in gold coins and green notes to do so. In the long run it will save you time and money, by having clear game play objectives, both short term and long term.

The user guide is divided into six sections, section one deals with the Repair Base (levels 1-7), section two deals with the Control Tower (levels 1-13), section three deals with the Town Hall (levels 1-11) and section four deals with the Terminal (levels 1-12), section five deals with the Reserve Hangar (levels 1-5) and section six deals with the Operative Hangar (levels 1-10). The main buildings are key to your game. As you progress your game, you will need to keep a close eye on each of the buildings threshold levels, it is all too easy to run out of building capacity and then find you are unable to progress your game any further, until you upgrade your buildings.

It is important to mention that each of the buildings will need building gift items, for each of their levels, to complete the upgrade process and then make the buildings solid and live. The building gifts items can be gifted by some of your neighbours, obtained through some flight drops, through some helicopter flight drops, guest planes landing at your airport and by watching videos. Once you have collected all the gift items needed, there will be a period of time, where you will need to wait, measured in days, before buildings can be made solid and live.

If you study the upgrade gifts items, for each of the main buildings and each of their levels, you will see that the higher the building level, the greater the number of gift items needed to complete the upgrade. Also, the higher the building levels, the longer you will need to wait for the building to appear. You will of course have the option to speed up the process, but this will come at a price. The amount, in gold coins or green notes, will be determined by your game level and by your buildings levels.

It is extremely important you upgrade your repair base buildings first, before you upgrade your airplanes. If you do not do so in this order, you will not be able to repair your airplanes, when they become broken. This is a common mistake, made by those who are new to the game of Airport City, a mistake not repeated twice.

You will see from Table One how long it will take for repair base buildings to become solid and live, and the types of airplanes which can be repaired for each building level. You will see from Table Two it will take time to collect the gift items needed, to upgrade each building level. You will see from Table Three the repair items needed to repair your fleet of airplanes. You will see from Table Four where the repair items drop from. You will see from Table Five the repair drop items from airplanes and the flight destinations. You will see from Table Six the repair item drops from helicopters. You will see from Table Seven how long it will take and how much it will cost for airplanes to be repaired. You will see from Table Eight how much repair base slots will cost. You will see from Table Nine how much it will cost to purchase repair chests:

Level 01 - Gold Coins 100, Construction 30 Seconds, Speed Up 50 Gold Coins, Level 5, Swallow/Swift (2 repair slots)​
Level 02 - Gold Coins 900, Construction 1 Hour, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Level 6, Owl (4 repair slots)​
Level 03 - Gold Coins 8,000, Construction 4 Hours, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Level 12, Hawk (5 repair slots)​
Level 04 - Gold Coins 20,000, Construction 1 Day, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Level 18, Raven/Eagle (6 repair slots)​
Level 05 - Gold Coins 80,000, Construction 1 Day, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Level 30, Jumbo/Giant (7 repair slots)​
Level 06 - Gold Coins 150,000, Construction 2 Days, Speed Up 2 Green Notes, Level 50, Falcon/Thunderbird (8 repair slots)​
Level 07 - Gold Coins 500,000, Construction 3 Days, Speed Up 3 Green Notes, Level 71, Condor (9 repair slots)​
Level 01 - Non Required​
Level 02 - Generator x2, Welder x2​
Level 03 - Drill Machine x2, Insulation x2, Power Source x2​
Level 04 - Amperemeter x3, Hull Parts x3, Laser Cutter x3, Lining Plate x3​
Level 05 - Air Vent Filter x3, Controller x3, Grinding Machine x3, TV Panels x3​
Level 06 - Calibration Module x6, Hardness Tester x6, Pneumatic Cutter x6, Riveter x6​
Level 07 - Ultrasonic Flaw Detector x10, Magnetic Flaw Detector x10, X-Ray Flaw Detector x10, Thermographic Flaw Detector x10​
When your airplanes break down you will be able to repair them straight away, if you have the right repair items, for your fleet of airplanes, stored in your warehouse. It will be important for you to have a healthy supply of all the repair items, so you can repair your airplanes as soon as they become broken. If you do not, you will have to wait for the airplanes to be repaired, which will take time, see Table 7. The repair items can drop from some of your airplane flights, drop from some of your helicopters flights, drop from some guest airplanes, gifted by some of your neighbours and by watching videos:​
Aircraft Tire - Hawk, Hawk S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Raven, Raven S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Air Lab, Fighter Jet
Altimeter - Eagle, Eagle S1, S2, S3, Tropical
Autopilot - Falcon, Falcon S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Thunderbird, Thunderbird S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Snow Thunderbird
Cockpit Glass - Owl, Owl S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Rainbow Owl, Air Lab, Hawk, Hawk S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Fighter Jet
Differential Relay - Giant, Giant S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Falcon, Falcon S1, S2, S3, Tropical
Empennage - Swallow, Swift, Swift S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Carpet Plane, Aerobatic Plane, Owl, Owl S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Rainbow Owl
Gyroscope - Eagle, Eagle S1, S2, S3, Tropical
Head-Up Display - Thunderbird, Thunderbird S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Snow Thunderbird, Condor, Condor S1, S2, S3, Tropical
Hydraulic Cylinder - Falcon, Falcon S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Thunderbird, Thunderbird S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Snow Thunderbird
Jet Engine - Hawk, Hawk S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Raven, Raven S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Air Lab, Fighter Jet
Lamp Shade - Giant, Giant S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Falcon, Falcon S1, S2, S3, Tropical
Landing Gear - Raven, Raven S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Eagle, Eagle S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Jumbo, Jumbo S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Jumbo Ranger
Light Engine - Swallow, Swift, Swift S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Carpet Plane, Aerobatic Plane, Owl, Owl S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Rainbow Owl
Paint - Owl, Owl S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Rainbow Owl, Air Lab, Hawk, Hawk S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Fighter Jet
Pilot Headset - Thunderbird, Thunderbird S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Snow Thunderbird, Condor, Condor S1, S2, S3, Tropical
Pitot Tube - Condor, Condor S1, S2, S3, Tropical
Spoiler - Jumbo, Jumbo S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Jumbo Ranger, Giant, Giant S1, S2, S3, Tropical
VSI - Condor, Condor S1, S2, S3, Tropical
Warning System - Jumbo, Jumbo S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Ranger, Giant, Giant S1, S2, S3, Tropical, Ranger
Jumbo Ranger - Landing Gear, Spoiler, Warning System, Light Engine. This plane can be obtained by completing the Cold War collection of flights. You will need to complete the collection ten times to be awarded this plane.

Aircraft Tire - Guest Hawk - gifts from neighbours​
Altimeter - gifts from neighbours​
Autopilot - gifts from neighbours​
Cockpit Glass - Guest Owl, Guest Hawk, gifts from neighbours​
Differential Relay - flights from Cape Town - Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Extra Repair Set - gifts from neighbours​
Empennage - Guest Swallow, flights from Cyprus, Malta, Yellowstone - Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Rookie Pilot Set, Repair Set, Large Repair Set​
Gyroscope - flights from Seoul, Angel Falls, Victoria Falls, Rideau Falls - Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium - gifts from neighbours​
Head-Up Display - flights from Stockholm, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Extra Repair Set - gifts from neighbours​
Hydraulic Cylinder - flight from Austin, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Extra Repair Set - gifts from neighbours​
Jet Engine - Guest Hawk, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Repair Set, Large Repair Set - gifts from neighbours​
Lamp Shade - flight to Cape Town, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Extra Repair Set - gifts from neighbours​
Landing Gear - Guest Raven, Guest Eagle, Guest Jumbo, Guest Giant, Guest Falcon, Guest Thunderbird, Guest Condor - Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Repair Set, Large Repair Set - gifts from neighbours​
Light Engine - Guest Swallow, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Rookie Pilot Set, Repair Set, Large Repair Set​
Paint - Guest Owl, Guest Hawk, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Rookie Pilot Set, Repair Set, Large Repair Set, gifts from neighbours​
Pilot Headset - flight from Stockholm, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Extra Repair Set, gifts from neighbours​
Pitot Tube - flights from Jakarta, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Extra Repair Set, gifts from neighbours​
Spoiler - flights from Hong Kong, Brasilia, gifts from neighbours​
VSI - flight from Jakarta, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Mystery Set Medium, Extra Repair Set, gifts from neighbours​
Warning System - flight from Hong Kong, Brasilia, gifts from neighbours​
Light Engine - Swift airplane - Egypt​
Light Engine - Owl airplane - Goa​
Light Engine - Sparrow helicopter - Yellowstone​
Empennage - Swift airplane - Cyprus​
Empennage - Owl airplane - Malta​
Empennage - Sparrow helicopter - Yellowstone​
Cockpit Glass - Owl airplane - Turkish Coast, Thailand​
Cockpit Glass - Hawk airplane - Canary Islands​
Cockpit Glass - Sparrow helicopter - Lake Baikal​
Paint - Owl plane - Bali Island, San Francisco​
Paint - Hawk airplane - Singapore​
Paint - Sparrow helicopter - Lake Baikal​
Aircraft Tire - Hawk airplane - London, Sydney​
Aircraft Tire - Raven airplane - New York​
Aircraft Tire - Eagle airplane - Delhi​
Aircraft Tire - Sparrow helicopter - Snowdonia, Fiordland​
Jet Engine - Hawk airplane - Rome, Rio​
Jet Engine - Raven airplane - Moscow​
Jet Engine - Eagle airplane - Shanghai​
Jet Engine - Sparrow helicopter - Snowdonia, Fiordland​
Landing Gear - Raven airplane - Nice, Paris​
Landing Gear - Eagle airplane - Hong Kong​
Landing Gear - Sparrow helicopter - Banff​
Landing Gear - Crossbill helicopter- Iguazu Falls, Niagara Falls​
Gyroscope - Raven airplane - Seoul​
Gyroscope - Crossbill helicopter - Angel Falls, Victoria Falls, Rideau Falls​
Altimeter - Raven airplane - Seoul​
Altimeter - Crossbill helicopter - Victoria Falls, Rideau Falls​
Spoiler - Eagle airplane - Brasilia, Hong Kong​
Warning System - Eagle airplane - Brasilia, Hong Kong​
Differential Relay - Jumbo airplane - Cape Town​
Lamp Shade - Jumbo airplane - Cape Town​
Hydraulic Cylinder - Giant airplane - Austin​
Autopilot - Giant airplane - Austin​
Pilot Headset - Falcon airplane - Stockholm​
Heads-Up Display - Falcon airplane - Stockholm​
Pitot Tube - Thunderbird airplane - Jakarta​
VSi - Thunderbird airplane - Jakarta​
Empennage, Light Engine - Sparrow Helicopter - Yellowstone​
Paint, Cockpit Glass - Sparrow Helicopter - Lake Baikal​
Jet Engine, Aircraft Type - Sparrow Helicopter - Snowdonia and Fiordland​
Landing Gear, Passenger Seat - Sparrow Helicopter - Banff​
Landing Gear, Passenger Seat - Crossbill Helicopter - Iguazu Falls​
Gyroscope - Crossbill Helicopter - Angel Falls​
Gyroscope, Altimeter - Crossbill Helicopter- Victoria Falls​
Landing Gear, Passenger Seat - Crossbill Helicopter - Niagara Falls​
Gyroscope, Altimeter - Crossbill Helicopter - Rideau Falls​
If you do not have the necessary repair items, stored in your warehouse, you will need to wait for a period of time before your airplanes are repaired. The amount of time you will need to wait will depend on the airplane in question:​

Swallow airplane - 30 Minutes Repair Time​
Swift airplane, S1, S2, S3 - 1 Hour Repair Time​
Owl airplane, S1, S2, S3, Rainbow Owl - 2 Hours Repair Time​
Hawk airplane, S1, S2, S3 - 4 Hours Repair Time​
Raven airplane, S1, S2, S3 - 8 Hours Repair Time​
Eagle airplane, S1, S2, S3 - 8 Hours Repair Time​
Jumbo airplane, S1, S2, S3 - 8 Hours Repair Time​
Giant airplane, S1, S2, S3 -12 Hours Repair Time​
Falcon airplane, S1, S2, S3 - 12 Hours Repair Time​
Thunderbird airplane, S1, S2, S3 - 12 Hours Repair Time​
Condor airplane, S1, S2, S3 - 24 Hours Repair Time​
The repair base will have one or more slots. Each slot can only repair one plane at a time. If you have multiple broken planes, but just one slot, you will need to repair them one at a time unless you purchase more slots, which can only be purchased with green notes:​

1st slot - free, 2nd slot - 10 green notes, 3rd slot - 10 green notes, 4th slot - 20 green notes, 5th slot - 20 green notes, 6th slot - 20 green notes, 7th slot - 20 green notes, 8th slot - 40 green notes, 9th slot - 60 green notes​
You will also have the option to purchase chests which will contain repair items. I would strongly advise you not to waste your green notes on these chests. Having read your way to this point in the user guide, you will know there are better ways of obtaining repair items for your fleet of airplanes (please note, the repair chests will be intermingled with other type of chests, so you will need to be careful, if you decide to purchase a chest). To access the Game Store menu, you will need to select the shopping trolley (3rd icon along the bottom row of your game screen) and then select the seventh icon along the top row of the menu store:​
Set (3)
Large Gift
Set (5)
Set Small
Mystery Set Medium
Set (3)
Repair Set (5)
Repair Set
Items (3)
Flight Items Large Set (5)

Gift Set (3) - Aircraft Repair 18 items - also contains other items - Flight, Weather, Duty Free​
Large Gift Set (5) - Aircraft Repair 18 Items - also contains other items - Flight, Weather, Duty Free​
Mystery Set Small - Aircraft Repair 18 Items - also contains other items - Flight, Weather, Duty Free​
Mystery Set Medium - Aircraft Repair 18 Items - also contains other items - Flight, Weather, Duty Free​
Mystery Set - 5 Green Notes Game Store - Aircraft Repair 18 Items (Level 5) - also contains other items - Flight, Weather, Duty Free​
Repair Set (3) - 2 Green Notes Game Store - 8 repair items for low and medium level players (Level 6)​
Large Repair Set (5) - 3 Green Notes Game Store, Special Event Store - 8 repair items for low and medium level players (Level 8)​
Extra Repair Set - 3 Green Notes Game Store - 10 repair Items for high level airplanes (Level 8)​
Flight Items (3) - 2 Green Notes Game Store - 14 items (Level 7) - 2 items are for repairs​
Flight Items Large Set (5) - 3 Green Notes Game Store, Special Event Store - 18 items (Level 8) - 2 items are for repairs​

These repair items can also be collected during events, which take place throughout the gaming year, two events in a month, is quite common. In each event there will be items to collect, which will allow you to take part in event rankings, purchase buildings, bonuses and chests e.g. Large Repair Set (5) and Flight Items Large Set (5), which will contain repair items for your fleet of airplanes.​
Depending on the game level you are on, the building level will determine the maximum number of airplanes you will be able to have in your fleet. It will also determine the countries you will be able to fly to and how much you will earn from each flight:

You will see from Table One how many planes you will be able to have for each control tower building level. You will see from Table Two the gift items needed, to upgrade each building. The higher the level, the more upgrade gift items you will need, and the longer it will take to collect them:

Level 01 - This Building Is Already Available, Game Level 1, 2 Stands and 2 Planes​
No Building Upgrade Items Required For This Structure​
Level 02 - Gold Coins 400, Construction 30 Minutes, Speed Up 100 Gold Coins, Game Level 5, 3 Stands and 3 Planes​
No Building Upgrade Items Required For This Structure​
Level 03 - Gold Coins 3,800, Construction 1 Hour, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Game Level 8, 4 Stands and 4 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Copy Machine x2, Projector x2, Dispatcher Console x2, Radar x2​
Level 04 - Gold Coins 8,200, Construction 4 Hours, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Game Level 14, 5 Stands and 5 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Textbook x2, Whiteboard x2, Wide-Angle Binoculars x2, Weather Display x2​
Level 05 - Gold Coins 20,000, Construction 1 Day, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Game Level 20, 6 Stands and 6 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Amperemeter x2, Shredder x2, Ergonomic Chair x2, Smoke Detector x2​
Level 06 - Gold Coins 200,000, Construction 2 Days, Speed Up 2 Green Notes, Game Level 26, 7 Stands and 7 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Insulation x3, Projector x3, Transmitter x3, Server Rack x3​
Level 07 - Gold Coins 250,000, Construction 2 Days, Speed Up 2 Green Notes, Game Level 32, 8 Stands and 8 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Flight Helmet x4, Flight Goggles x4, Dispatcher Console x4, Radar x4​
Level 08 - Gold Coins 500,000, Construction 4 Days, Speed Up 4 Green Notes, Game Level 42, 9 Stands and 9 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Airline Route Map x4, Headset x4, Walkie-Talkie x4, Monitor x4​
Level 09 - Gold Coins 1,000,000, Construction 6 Days, Speed Up 6 Green Notes, Game Level 52, 10 Stands and 10 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Laser Rangefinder x4, Demodulator x4, Fingerprint Reader x4, Stabilized Binoculars x4​
Level 10 - Gold Coins 1,400,000, Construction 8 Days, Speed Up 8 Green Notes, Game Level 62, 11 Stands and 11 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Infrared Camera x8, Motion Sensor x8, Coffee Machine x8, Observation Drone x8​
Level 11 - Gold Coins 2,000,000, Construction 10 Days, Speed Up Green Notes, Game Level 72, 12 Stands and 12 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Technical Pen x 10, Protractor x 10, T-square x 10, Drawing Board x 10​
Level 12 - Gold Coins 4,000,000, Construction 12 Days, Speed Up 12 Green Notes, Game Level 75, 13 Stands and 13 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Touchscreen x10, LED Lamp x10, Trackball x10, Ergonomic Keyboard x10​
Level 13 - Gold Coins 6,000,000, Construction 14 Days, Speed Up 14 Green Notes, Game Level 80, 14 Stands and 14 Planes​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Video Cube x20, Time Server x20, Monitor Mount x20, Compact Photo Printer x20​
Level 01 - This Building Is Already Built​
Level 02 - No Special Items Required For This Building​
Level 03 - Copy Machine x2, Dispatcher Console x2, Projector x2, Radar x2​
Level 04 - Textbook x2, Weather Display x2, Whiteboard x2, Wide-angle Binoculars x2​
Level 05 - Amperemeter x2, Ergonomic Chair x2, Shredder x2, Smoke Detector x2​
Level 06 - Insulation x3, Projector x3, Server Rack x3, Transmitter x3​
Level 07 - Dispatcher Console x4, Flight Goggles x4, Flight Helmet x4, Radar x4​
Level 08 - Airline Route Map x4, Headset x4, Monitor x4, Walkie-Talkie x4​
Level 09 - Demodulator x4, Fingerprint Reader x4, Laser Rangefinder x4, Stabilized Binoculars x4​
Level 10 - Coffee Machine x8, Infrared Camera x8, Motion Sensor x8, Observation Drone x8​
Level 11 - Drawing Board x10, Protractor x10, Technical Pen x10, T-square x10​
Level 12 - Touchscreen x10, LED Lamp x10, Trackballs x10, Ergonomic Keyboards x10
Level 13 - Video Cube x20, Time Server x20, Monitor Mount x20, Compact Photo Printer x20​
Depending on the game level you are on, the building level will determine the maximum population you will be able to have in your city and the number of residential buildings (you will also be able to obtain other buildings, further on in your game, which will increase your city population):

You will see from Table One the population figures you will have per building level. You will see from Table Two the gift items needed, to upgrade each building. The higher the level, the more upgrade gift items you will need, and the longer it will take to collect them:

Level 01 - This Building Is Already Available, City Population 120, Game Level 1​
No Building Upgrade Items Required For This Structure​
Level 02 - Gold Coins 800, City Population 240, Construction 1 Hour, Speed Up 180 Coins, Game Level 5​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Air Conditioner x2, Computer x2​
Level 03 - Gold Coins 6,000, City Population 360, Construction 4 Hours, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Game Level 11​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Stapler x2, Projector x2, Calculator x2, Whiteboard x2​
Level 04 - Gold Coins 22,000, City Population 480, Construction 1 Day, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Game Level 17​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Master Plan x2, City Model x2, Shredder x2, Stamp x2​
Level 05 - Gold Coins 50,000, City Population 700, Construction 2 Days, Speed Up 2 Green Notes, Game Level 22​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Guestbook x3, Copy Machine x3, Archive Box x3, Server Rack x3​
Level 06 - Gold Coins 180,000, City Population 800, Construction 4 Days, Speed Up 4 Green Notes, Game Level 26​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Stapler x4, Calculator x4, Computer x4, Cash Counter x4​
Level 07 - Gold Coins 540,000, City Population 1,000, Construction 4 Days, Speed Up 4 Green Notes, Game Level 32​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Fax x4, Office Chair x4, Mayor's Portrait x4, Laptop x4​
Level 08 - Gold Coins 950,000, City Population 1,100, Construction 6 Days, Speed Up 6 Green Notes, Game Level 35​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Podium x4, VoIP Phone x4, Intercom x4, Holographic Display x4​
Level 09 - Gold Coins 1,350,000, City Population 1,200, Construction 8 Days, Speed Up 8 Green Notes, Game Level 40​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Energy-Saving Lamp x8, Postal Drone x8, 3D Printer x8, Hand Dryer x8​
Level 10 - Gold Coins 1,900,000, City Population 1,300, Construction 10 Days, Speed Up 10 Green Notes, Game Level 52​
Building Upgrade Items Required - Flatbed Scanner x10, Paper Cutter x10, Stichter x10, Laminator x10​
Level 11 - Gold Coins 3,500,000, City Population 1,500, Construction 12 Days, Speed Up 12 Green Notes, Game Level 73​
Building Upgrade Items Required - High Speed Elevator x10, Pneumatic Capsule x10, EV Charging Station x10, Air Purifier x10​
Level 01 - Non required​
Level 02 - Air Conditioner x2, Computer x2​
Level 03 - Calculator x2, Projector x2, Stapler x2, Whiteboard x2​
Level 04 - City Model x2, Master Plan x2, Shredder x2, Stamp x2​
Level 05 - Archive Box x3, Copy Machine x3, Guestbook x3, Server Rack x3​
Level 06 - Calculator x4, Cash Counter x4, Computer x4, Stapler x4​
Level 07 - Fax x4, Laptop x4, Mayor's Portrait x4, Office Chair x4​
Level 08 - Holographic Display x4, Intercom x4, Podium x4, VoIP Phone x4​
Level 09 - 3D Printer x8, Energy-Saving Lamp x8, Hand Dryer x8, Postal Drone x8​
Level 10 - Flatbed Scanner x10, Laminator x10, Paper Cutter x10, Stitcher x10​
Level 11 - High Speed Elevator x10, Pneumatic Capsule x10, EV Charging Station x10, Air Purifier x10​
The purchasing of Grand Hotel buildings will also increase your city population by 300 per building. Each building will cost you 300 silver tokens, you can purchase up to a maximum of six buildings. The main source of silver tokens will be through the green, blue and red space program launch flights.​

Depending on the game level you are on, the building level will determine the maximum number of passengers in your airport and the number of flights you will be able to undertake, with the available planes in your fleet. The amount of fuel you have, stored in your warehouse, will also come into play:

You will see from Table One the passenger figures you will have per building level. You will see from Table Two the gift items needed, to upgrade each building. The higher the level, the more upgrade gift items you will need, and the longer it will take. You will see from Table Three the price of parking lots. You will see from Table Four the price of runways. You will see from Table Five the price of terminal sections, boarding bridge stands and terminal stands:

Level 01 - This Buildings Is Already Available, Passengers 30, Game Level 1​
Level 02 - Gold Coins 600, Passengers 45, Construction 1 Hour, Speed Up 125 Coins, Game Level 4​
Level 03 - Gold Coins 4,200, Passengers 90, Construction 2 Hours, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Game Level 9​
Level 04 - Gold Coins 12,000, Passengers 180, Construction 8 Hours, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Game Level 15​
Level 05 - Gold Coins 80,000, Passengers 520, Construction 2 Days, Speed Up 2 Green Notes, Game Level 21​
Level 06 - Gold Coins 180,000, Passengers 660, Construction 4 Days, Speed Up 4 Green Notes, Game Level 25​
Level 07 - Gold Coins 360,000, Passengers 800, Construction 4 Days, 4 Speed Up Green Notes, Game Level 29​
Level 08 - Gold Coins 800,000, Passengers 950, Construction 6 Days, 6 Speed Up Green Notes, Game Level 33​
Level 09 - Gold Coins 1,200,000, Passengers 1,100, Construction 8 Days, Speed Up 8 Green Notes, Game Level 37​
Level 10 - Gold Coins 1,600,000, Passengers 1,300, Construction 10 Days, Speed Up 10 Green Notes, Game Level 41​
Level 11 - Gold Coins 3,000,000, Passengers 1,500, Construction 12 Days, Speed Up 12 Green Notes, Game Level 72​
Level 12 - Gold Coins 5,000,000, Passengers 1,700, Construction 14 Days, Speed Up 14 Green Notes, Game Level 80​
Level 01 - Non required​
Level 02 - Non required​
Level 03 - Computer x1, Copy Machine x1, Guestbook x1, Projector x1​
Level 04 - Cash Counter x2, Server Rack x2, Shredder x2, Stamp x2​
Level 05 - Archive Box x3, Ergonomic Chair x3, Smoke Detector x3, Whiteboard x3​
Level 06 - Air Conditioner x4, City Model x4, Master Plan x4, Textbook x4​
Level 07 - Arch Metal Detector x4, Beverage Cooler x4, Parking Meter x4, Wall Speaker x4​
Level 08 - Arcade Machine x4, Router x4, Smart Glass x4, X-ray Scanner x4​
Level 09 - Floor Washer x8, Information Sign x8, Patrol Drone x8, Turnstile x8​
Level 10 - Currency Detector x10, Document Detector x10, Explosives Detector x10, Lie Detector x10​
Level 11 - Patrol Robot x10, Massage Chair x10, Self-Balancing Scooter x10, Sorting Robot x10​
Level 12 - Passport Scanner x20, Fire Alarm x20, Iris Scanner x20, Water Dispenser x20​
The parking lots will increase the terminal passenger capacity of your airport:​
Parking Lot 01 - This Building Is Already Available, Passenger +2, Game Level 1​
Parking Lot 02 - Gold Coins 4,000, Passenger +6, Construction 10 Minutes, Speed Up 50 Gold Coins, Game Level 5​
Parking Lot 03 - Gold Coins 9,000, Passenger +10, Construction 1 Hour, Speed Up 500 Gold Coins, Game Level 8​
Parking Lot 04 - Gold Coins 16,000, Passenger +14, Construction 2 Hour, Speed Up 1,000 Gold Coins, Game Level 14​
Parking Lot 05 - Gold Coins 25,000, Passenger +16, Construction 4 Hour, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Game Level 20​
Parking Lot 06 - Gold Coins 36,000, Passenger +20, Construction 8 Hour, Speed Up 2 Green Notes, Game Level 26​
Parking Lot 07 - Gold Coins 49,000, Passenger +24, Construction 16 Hour, Speed Up 4 Green Notes, Game Level 32​
Parking Lot 08 - Gold Coins 64,000, Passenger +26, Construction 1 Day, Speed Up 4 Green Notes, Game Level 42​
Parking Lot 09 - Gold Coins 81,000, Passenger +30, Construction 1 Day, Speed Up 4 Green Notes, Game Level 52​
Parking Lot 10 - Gold Coins 100,000, Passenger +34, Construction 1 Day 12 Hour, Speed Up 4 Green Notes, Game Level 62​
Parking Lot 11 - Gold Coins 121,000, Passenger +36, Construction 2 Days, Speed Up 8 Green Notes, Game Level 72​
Parking Lot 12 - Gold Coins 144,000, Passenger +40, Construction 2 Days, Speed Up 8 Green Notes, Game Level 75​
Parking Lot 13 - Gold Coins 169,000, Passenger +42, Construction 2 Days, Speed Up 8 Green Notes, Game Level 80​
You are now limited to having only two runways in your game, both to a limit of level 10. The limit was introduced following the Airport City v7 game release, in early August 2019. Players with more than two runways, were compensated for the lose of their runways. The space shuttle ways lands on the second runway, unless it is being used:​

Level 01 - Gold Coins 100, Construction Instant, Game Level 1, Swallow and Swift Airplane​
Level 02 - Gold Coins 2,000, Construction Instant, Game Level 7, Owl Airplane​
Level 03 - Gold Coins 15,000, Construction Instant, Game Level 13, Hawk Airplane​
Level 04 - Gold Coins 30,000, Construction Instant, Game Level 19, Raven Airplane​
Level 05 - Gold Coins 50,000, Construction Instant, Game Level 25, Eagle Airplane and Space Shuttle​
Level 06 - Gold Coins 80,000, Construction Instant, Game Level 31, Jumbo Airplane and Space Shuttle​
Level 07 - Gold Coins 140,000, Construction Instant, Game Level 41, Giant Airplane and Space Shuttle​
Level 08 - Gold Coins 210,000, Construction Instant, Game Level 51, Falcon Airplane and Space Shuttle​
Level 09 - Gold Coins 300,000, Construction Instant, Game Level 61, Thunderbird Airplane and Space Shuttle​
Level 10 - Gold Coins 500,000, Construction Instant, Game Level 71, Condor Airplane and Space Shuttle​

The terminal sections will allow you to service the airplanes on the stands in front much faster. The boarding bridge stands will accelerate the passenger loading for Hawks and higher class of airplanes:​
Terminal Section 01 - 100 Gold Coins, Construction 30 Seconds, Speed Up Free, Level 1​
Boarding Bridge Stand 01 - Pre-Built and Free​
Terminal Stand 01 - Pre-Built and Free, Speed Up Free, Level 1​
Terminal Section 02 - 2,000 Gold Coins, Construction 20 Minutes, Speed up 100 Gold Coins, Level 5​
Boarding Bridge Stand 02 - 5,500 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 02 - 100 Gold Coins, Speed Up Free, Level 1​
Terminal Section 03 - 4,500 Gold Coins, Construction 1 Hour, Speed Up 125 Gold Coins, Level 8​
Boarding Bridge Stand 03 - 5,500 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 03 - 400 Gold Coins, Speed Up 40 Gold Coins, Level 5​
Terminal Section 04 - 15,000 Gold Coins, Construction 4 Hours, Speed Up 125 Gold Coins, Level 14​
Boarding Bridge Stand 04 - 5,500 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 04 - 7,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 180 Gold Coins, Level 8​
Terminal Section 05 - 30,000 Gold Coins, Construction 6 Hours, Speed Up 750 Gold Coins, Level 35​
Boarding Bridge Stand 05 - 6,500 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 05 - 21,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 500 Gold Coins, Level 14​
Terminal Section 06 - 50,000 Gold Coins, Construction 6 Hours, Speed Up 750 Gold Coins, Level 26​
Boarding Bridge Stand 06 - 15,000 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 06 - 45,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 1,000 Gold Coins, Level 20​
Terminal Section 07 - 75,000 Gold Coins, Construction 6 Hours, Speed Up 750 Gold Coins, Level 32​
Boarding Bridge Stand 07 - 25,000 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 07 - 75,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 2,500 Gold Coins, Level 26​
Terminal Section 08 - 135,000 Gold Coins, Construction 6 Hours, Speed Up 750 Gold Coins, Level 42​
Boarding Bridge Stand 08 - 35,000 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 08 - 110,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 1 Green Note, Level 32​
Terminal Section 09 - 210,000 Gold Coins, Construction 8 Hours, Speed Up 1,000 Gold Coins, Level 52​
Boarding Bridge Stand 09 - 60,000 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 09 - 200,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 2 Green Notes, Level 42​
Terminal Section 10 - 290,000 Gold Coins, Construction 12 Hours, Speed Up 1,500 Gold Coins, Level 62​
Boarding Bridge Stand 10 - 85,000 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 10 - 290,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 4 Green Notes, Level 52​
Terminal Section 11 - 390,000 Gold Coins, Construction 16 Hours, Speed Up 2,000 Gold Coins, Level 72​
Boarding Bridge Stand 11 - 125,000 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 11 - 420,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 8 Green Notes, Level 62​
Terminal Section 12 - 440,000 Gold Coins, Construction 1 Day, Speed Up 2 Green Notes, Level 75​
Boarding Bridge Stand 12 - 165,000 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 12 - 560,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 12 Green Notes, Level 72​
Terminal Section 13 - 500,000 Gold Coins, Construction 6 Days, Speed Up 2 Green Notes, Level 80​
Boarding Bridge Stand 13 - 180,000 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 13 - 610,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 16 Green Notes, Level 75​
Boarding Bridge Stand 14 - 200,000 Gold Coins​
Terminal Stand 14 - 700,000 Gold Coins, Speed Up 20 Green Notes, Level 80​

There are five levels with these types of buildings. The first two levels are affordable, purchased with coins, and have one free slot each, the remaining slots can only be opened with green notes. The remaining three levels are far more expensive, purchased with Gold Tokens and Silver Tokens, and have one free slot for Level 3 and one each for Levels 4 and 5, the remaining slots can only be opened with green notes:

Reserve Hangar Level 1
Purchase Price 5,000 Gold Coins, Construction 8 hours, Speed up 1 Green Note. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st - free, 2nd - 5 Green Notes, 3rd - 5 Green Notes, 4th - 10 Green Notes, 5th - 10 Green Notes, 6th - 20 Green Notes.​
Reserve Hangar Level 2
Purchase Price 15,000 Gold Coins, Construction 1 day, Speed up 1 Green Note. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st - free, 2 - 40 Green Notes, 3rd - 40 Green Notes, 4th - 60 Green Notes, 5th - 60 Green Notes, 6th - 80 Green Notes​
Reserve Hangar Level 3
Purchase Price 300 Gold Tokens, 5,000 Silver Tokens, Construction 2 days, Speed up 2 Green Notes. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st - free, 2nd - 80 Green Notes, 3rd - 100 Green Notes, 4th - 120 Green Notes, 5th - 120 Green Notes, 6th - 120 Green Notes​
Reserve Hangar Level 4
Purchase Price 400 Gold Tokens, 7,000 Silver Tokens, Construction 8 days, Speed up 8 Green Notes. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st slot is free, the remaining slots will cost 120 Green Notes each.​
Reserve Hangar Level 5
Purchase Price 500 Gold Tokens, 9,000 Silver Tokens, Construction 10 days, Speed up 10 Green Notes. There are 6 storage slots with this building, 1st slot is free, the remaining slots will cost 120 Green Notes each.​
Level 01 - Wheel Block x4, Protective Cover x4​
Level 02 - Loader x4, Safety Cone x4, Fluorescent Lamp x4​
Level 03 - Exit Sign x4, Fire Extinguisher x4, Machine Oil x4​
Level 04 - Loader x8, Safety Cone x8, Fluorescent Lamp x8​
Level 05 - Exit Sign x12, Fire Extinguisher x12, Machine Oil x12​
To access the menu, you will need to select the building. Once the menu is open on your game screen, you will find four click buttons, located on the left hand side of the menu, Shop (this is where you will be able to purchase your airplanes), Stands (this is where you will be able to launch flight destinations, sell your airplanes and reserve them), Repair (this is where you will be able to repair your airplanes) and Reserve (this is where you will be able to place your airplanes in storage):

Level 01 - Already Available - Repairs Swallow and Swift airplanes​
Level 02 - 200 Gold Coins - Repairs Owl airplanes​
Level 03 - 1,000 Gold Coins - Repairs Hawk airplanes​
Level 04 - 5,000 Gold Coins - Repairs Raven airplanes​
Level 05 - 15,000 Gold Coins - Repairs Eagle airplanes​
Level 06 - 30,000 Gold Coins - Repairs Jumbo airplanes​
Level 07 - 60,000 Gold Coins - Repairs Giant airplanes​
Level 08 - 120,000 Gold Coins - Repairs Falcon airplanes​
Level 09 - 240,000 Gold Coins - Repairs Thunderbird airplanes​
Level 10 - 500,000 Gold Coins - Repairs Condor airplanes​
As you will see from the table, the building level you are on will determine the type of planes you will be able to repair. It will be best to upgrade your building level first, before you purchase any new planes, otherwise you will not be able to repair your planes when they become broken.

There is a great wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written them to help you with your game, those of you who are new to the game and those of you who are further along with your game. The user guides will provide you with all the information you need, to help make a success of your game.

Last Updated: Saturday 18th January 2025 at 11.05am London UK Time
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Cosmic Blue - when you have a moment could you have a look at the above user guide, with regards to making it sticky. It is not completely finished, I have a new section to add later on today, but there is plenty of information there for new members.

Captain WH Rollins

Cosmic Blue

VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
yarcb (windows pc)
@Cosmic Blue - when you have a moment could you have a look at the above user guide, with regards to making it sticky. It is not completely finished, I have a new section to add later on today, but there is plenty of information there for new members.

Captain WH Rollins

done stickied but you should think of qualifying all sections with the fact that additional building items are needed before you can use them.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
done stickied but you should think of qualifying all sections with the fact that additional building items are needed before you can use them.

Yes of course, you are quite right. I shall make it clear with a new paragraph dealing with building items - many thanks for reminding me.

Captain WH Rollins

Cosmic Blue

VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
yarcb (windows pc)
@Captain WH Rollins

Please make note that instant repair, for red planes you will need to have repair items in stock dropped from flights or they can be bought for a price, otherwise they have to wait out the repair period which could range from 1hour to 6 hours for repairable planes

12 to 24 hours for planes that cost greenies to repair. There is no repair items that can be stocked as none are dropped.
Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall and Terminal Buildings
I have created this user guide to provide information to those of you who are new to the game of Airport City and to the members forum. It is intended to help you with the four main buildings in your game - Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall and Terminal.

You will be able to use the information to plan ahead, beyond your current game and building levels. It will be extremely useful if you plan your moves in advance, so you know what you want to achieve, how long it will take you to achieve it and how much it will cost you. It will save you time and money in the long run by having clear game objectives.

This user guide is divided into four main sections - section one deals with the Repair Base, section two the Control Tower, section three the Town Hall and section four the Terminal. These four buildings are key to your game. You will need to keep a close eye on each of the buildings threashold levels, it is all too easy to run out of building capacity and then find you are unable to progress your game, until you upgrade your buildings.

It is important to mention that each of these four buildings will need additional building gift items, for each of their levels, in order to complete the upgrade process. The building gifts items can be gifted by some of your neighbours and obtained through some flight drops. There will also be a period where you will need to wait, measured in days, before buildings can be made solid and live. The higher the building levels are, the longer you will need to wait for the buildings to appear. You will also have the option to speed up the process, but this will come at a price. The amount, in coins or green notes, will be dictated by your game level and by your buildings levels.

Section One: - Repair Base Building (Levels 1-7)
Depending on the game level you are on, the building level will determine the types of planes you will be able to repair and how long it will take to repair them. The planes in red can be repaired as soon as they become broken, with the remaining planes, you will need to wait for them to be repaired. You will also have the option to speed up the repair process but this comes at a price, the amount of green notes needed, will depend on the planes.

It is extremely important you upgrade your building first, before you upgrade your planes. If you do not do so in that order, you will not be able to repair your planes (this is a common mistake made by those who are new to the game, a mistake not repeated twice):
Level 1 - building 1,200 coins - repairs Powerful Propellar Driven planes
Level 2 - building 3,000 coins - repairs Turboprop planes
Level 3 - building 8,000 coins - repairs Jet planes
Level 4 - building 20,000 coins - repairs Delta and Powerful Delta planes
Level 5 - building 80,000 coins - repairs Jumbo and Giant planes
Level 6 - building 150,000 coins - repairs Falcon and Thunderbird planes
Level 7 - building 500,000 coins - repairs Condor planes

Instant Repair of Planes
Powerful Propellar Driven planes, Turboprop planes, Jet planes, Delta planes, Powerful Delta planes and Jumbo planes
Speed Up Repair of Planes
Giant planes - 12 hours repair time or 2 green notes
Falcon planes - 12 hours repair time or 3 green notes
Thunderbird planes - 12 hours repair time or 4 green notes
Condor planes - 24 hours repair time or 5 green notes

Section Two: - Control Tower Building (Levels 1-11)
Depending on the game level you are on, the building level will determine the maximum number of hangars and planes you will be able to have in your fleet. It will also determine the countries you will be able to fly to and how much you will earn from each flight:
Level 1 - building 600 coins - 3 hangars and planes
Level 2 - building 3,800 coins - 4 hangars and planes
Level 3 - building 8,200 coins - 5 hangars and planes
Level 4 - building 20,000 coins - 6 hangars and planes
Level 5 - building 200,000 coins - 7 hangars and planes
Level 6 - building 250,000 coins - 8 hangars and planes
Level 7 - building 500,000 coins - 9 hangars and planes
Level 8 - building 1,000,000 coins - 10 hangars and planes
Level 9 - building 1,400,000 coins - 11 hangars and planes
Level 10 - building 2,000,000 coins - 12 hangars and planes
Level 11 - building 4,000,000 coins - 13 hangars and planes​

Hangar Buildings and Plane Types
Level 1
- blue hangar - basic planes
Level 2 - green hangar - propellar/powerful propellar driven planes
Level 3 - orange hangar - jet planes
Level 4 - red hangar - delta and powerful delta planes
Level 5 - dark blue hangar - jumbo and giant planes
Level 6 - dark blue hangar - falcon and thunderbird planes
Level 7 - dark yellow hangar - condor planes​

Section Three: - Town Hall Building (Levels 1-11)
Depending on the game level you are on, the building level will determine the maximum population you will be able to have in your city and the number of residential buildings (you will also be able to obtain other buildings, further on in your game, which will increase your city population):
Level 1 - building available - 120 population
Level 2 - building 800 coins - 240 population
Level 3 - building 6,000 coins - 360 population
Level 4 - building 22,000 coins - 480 population
Level 5 - building 50,000 coins - 700 population
Level 6 - building 180,000 coins - 800 population
Level 7 - building 540,000 coins - 900 population
Level 8 - building 950,000 coins - 1,000 population
Level 9 - building 1,350,000 coins - 1,100 population
Level 10 - building 1,900,000 coins - 1,300 population
Level 11 - building 3,500,000 coins - 1,500 population​

Section Four: - Terminal Building (Levels 1-11)
Depending on the game level you are on, the building level will determine the maximum number of passengers in your airport and the number of flights you will be able to undertake, with the available planes in your fleet:
Level 1 - building available - 30 passengers
Level 2 - building 1,500 coins - 45 passengers
Level 3 - building 4,200 coins - 90 passengers
Level 4 - building 12,000 coins - 180 passengers
Level 5 - building 80,000 coins - 520 passengers
Level 6 - building 180,000 coins - 660 passengers
Level 7 - building 360,000 coins - 800 passengers
Level 8 - building 800,000 coins - 950 passengers
Level 9 - building 1,200,000 coins - 1,100 passengers
Level 10 - building 1,600,000 coins - 1,300 passengers
Level 11 - building 3,500,000 coins - 1,500 passengers​

For further information on the purchase price of hangars, planes, buildings, upgrade building gift items needed etc. you will need to go to the store menu in your game or to the Airport City wiki website www.airportcity.wikia.com/wiki/Airport_City_Wiki

Updated: Tuesday 19th September 2017 - 17.50pm GMT London
Great job (y)

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Captain WH Rollins

Please make note that instant repair, for red planes you will need to have repair items in stock dropped from flights or they can be bought for a price, otherwise they have to wait out the repair period which could range from 1hour to 6 hours for repairable planes

12 to 24 hours for planes that cost greenies to repair. There is no repair items that can be stocked as none are dropped.

I will write it up and add both to the user guide - thanks once again.

Captain WH Rollins
  1. Windows PC
Hey can someone send me 2 city models and 1 stamp?
Hi, Arya.

Just wanted to inform you that this is not the correct thread for asking for items. This forum and post is a user-guide for AC-players.

Please navigate to these forums and post your needs in the the correct thread:

You will most likely have a better chance of neighbours reading your post, and gifting you the much needed items, there.

  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi, Arya.

Just wanted to inform you that this is not the correct thread for asking for items. This forum and post is a user-guide for AC-players.

Please navigate to these forums and post your needs in the the correct thread:

You will most likely have a better chance of neighbours reading your post, and gifting you the much needed items, there.

Thanks man! Will do that.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
With this user guide, I have written and then inserted four new sections, which were not part of the original thread post. I have also edited a number of paragraphs and inserted new sentences throughout the user guide.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Since first creating this user guide and thread, one of the more recent updates to the game of Airport City, has allowed for the repair of much larger planes, through the use of special repair gift items. With this in mind, I have not only re-written section one of this user guide, but have also expanded it with more detailed information to reflect the update. I have also re-written other sections of this user guide.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
With this user guide I have adjusted the format, so the guide is now far more consistent across all four of its main sections. I have also re-written a number of paragraphs, and have also written and inserted a number of new sections. The user guide looks and reads far better, I'm pleased with the results.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I'm currently in the process of updating the following user guide The Airport City Four Main Buildings - Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall and Terminal and need help to fill in the missing information, which pertains to Section Four: - Terminal Building (Levels 1-12) - Terminal Section and Boarding Bridge

I have already received a great deal of help from @crescent moon and @Harcourt - they both have multiple support accounts, which they were able to make use of. If you are able to help fill in the missing figures, I would be very greatful to hear from you, please post in this thread.

My thanks in advance to all of you who are able to help with this user guide.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I'm currently in the process of updating the following user guide The Airport City Four Main Buildings - Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall and Terminal and need help filling in the missing information, which pertains to Section Four: - Terminal Building (Levels 1-12) - Table 4 and Table 5

I have already received a great deal of help from @crescent moon and @Harcourt - they both have multiple support accounts, which they were able to make use of. If you are able to help fill in the missing figures, I would be very greatful to hear from you, you can send me a private message or post in this thread.

My thanks in advance to all of you who are able to help with this user guide.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Free2Play - I have been wondering if you would be able to help me with regards to this user guide, Section 4 - Table 4 and Table 5. I have received a considerable amount of help from @crescent moon and @Harcourt, they have both helped as much as they could with figures (they used their support games). As things currently stand, it bugs the hell out of me, I would like to complete the user guide update, and be bug free.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Captain WH Rollins
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