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I have written this user guide to  provide you with a brief overview as to the different types of Airport City maps available, which you will be available to collect, during long term game play. This user guide is divided into four main sections, the first section deals with Alliance Maps, the second section deals with Space Maps, the third section deals with Adventure Maps and the fourth section deals with Excavation Maps.

Alliance MapsSpace MapsAdventure MapsExcavation Maps

If you are relatively new to the game you will not be able to collect these types of maps at first, simply because your game will not be set up to do so. It will not be until you have a well established game, on the city side and airport side, that you will be able to start collecting these types of maps. You will need to be part of an Alliance Group to obtain Alliance Maps, you will need to have an active Space Program to obtain Space Maps and have access to the Airship Store to purchase Adventure Maps and Excavation Maps. This will take time to do so, as will all the other aspects of the game, that you will be involved with.

You will need to have the full spectrum of planes in your fleet (Swift, Owl, Hawk, Raven, Eagle, Jumbo, Giant, Falcon, Thunderbird and Condor) to undertake these types of map flights. All the Standard, S1, S2 and S3 class plane types can be used to fly alliance maps. You will also have the option to speed up your planes in flight by 30%, by watching a small selection of video advertisements each day, and the option to complete flights by using your fuel. You will also need to be extremely well resourced with fuel, passengers and flight items, and be able to replenish your resources, as you use them.

Although you may not be in a position to collect these types of maps at first, it will still be useful for you to read through the user guide. It will afford you the opportunity to look ahead, beyond your present game level. The user guide will help you to understand that these types of map flights, are more for advanced players, who have set up their games with these map flights in mind. You will also need to do the same, if you are to fly maps, it does need to be planned for in advance.


To collect these types of maps (also known as Purple Maps) you will need to be part of an established and successfull alliance group, and regularly finish in the Top 100 Alliance Group Table. These types maps can only be obtained from the following five map sets, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Sigma and Omega. They will form part of the two chest rewards for finishing in the top 100 alliance group table each week. These types of maps can not be purchased with green notes or gold coins, they are only available through alliance groups.

The alliance maps which you collect, during long term game play, will be stored in the Warehouse Flight Maps section, which you can access through the 7th icon, located along the top row of the warehouse menu. You can can access the warehouse through the Brown Crate, the 4th icon, located along the bottom row of the game screen. Once activated, each of the alliance maps will last for 6 hours. Each of the maps will have three stars to collect, and a total of 500 flights across three stages (1st stage 50, 2nd stage 250, 3rd stage 500). You will be able to fly as many of each plane type, to their associated map flight destinations, as you wish:

Acapulco Maps

Swift Planes

Alicante Maps

Condor Planes

Baden Baden Maps

Owl Planes

Bath Maps

Falcon Planes

Bern Maps

Raven Planes

Bilboa Maps

Condor Planes

Canterbury Maps

Falcon Planes

Cartagena Maps

Swift Planes

Cologne Maps

Hawk Planes

Cordoba Maps

Condor Planes

Corinth Maps

Thunderbird Planes

Denver Maps

Eagle Planes

Des Moines Maps

Eagle Planes

Dusseldorf Maps

Hawk Planes

Exeter Maps

Falcon Planes

Geneva Maps

Raven Planes

Granada Maps

Condor Planes

Hamburg Maps

Hawk Planes

Heraklion Maps

Thunderbird Planes

Indianapolis Maps

Jumbo Planes

La Paz Maps

Swift Planes

Lausanne Maps

Raven Planes

Le Mans Maps

Jumbo Planes

Luxembourg Maps

Owl Planes

Maranello Maps

Jumbo Planes

Modena Maps

Jumbo Planes

Monaco Maps

Owl Planes

Monza Maps

Jumbo Planes

Munich Maps

Hawk Planes

Norwich Maps

Falcon Planes

Patras Maps

Thunderbird Planes

Philadelphia Maps

Eagle Planes

Phoenix Maps

Eagle Planes

Rapid City Maps

Eagle Planes

Rhodes Maps

Thunderbird Planes

San Diego Maps

Giant Planes

San Jose Maps

Giant Planes

San Marino Maps

Owl Plane

San Pedro Sula Maps

Swift Planes

Santa Barbara Maps

Giant Planes

Santa Cruz Maps

Giant Planes

Santa Rosa Maps

Giant Planes

Saville Maps

Condor Planes

Stuttgart Maps

Hawk Planes

Tegucigalpa Maps

Swift Planes

Thessaloniki Maps

Thunderbird Planes

Vaduz Maps

Owl Planes

Winterthur Maps

Raven Planes

York Maps

Falcon Planes

Zurich Maps

Ravem Planes

For further detailed information with regards to alliance map flight destinations, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Alliance Groups - How To Create, How To Join And Alliance Group Statistical Data Explained, which will provide you with all the information you need, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/how-to-create-an-alliance-group-how-to-join-an-alliance-group-and-alliance-group-statistial-data-v8-18-31.19174/


To collect these types of maps you will need to have a well established space program, which will take time to set up. You will need the full spectrum of Green, Blue and Red launch pads and their associated rockets and shuttle. You will also need to have the Mission Control Centre in place, for each coloured launch pad.

It will be important you are well stocked with space program resources, Powerful Explosive Bolt, Main Stabilizer, Large Fuel Tank, Explosive Bolt, Additional Stabilizer, Solid Fuel, Small Fuel Tank and Liquid Fuel to fuel your three space vehicles. You will also need a healthy and reliable number of neighbours to fly with.

These space maps will be obtained from the following, Interstellar Set, The Stars My Destination and Edge of Tomorrow. The maps will be stored in the Warehouse Flight Maps section 7th icon, access through the 4th Brown Crate icon, located along the bottom row of the game screen. These types of maps can not be purchased with Green Notes or Gold Coins, they can only be obtained by being in first place seat position during Green, Blue and Red launch flights. Once activated, each of the space maps will last 3 hours for green launch, 12 hours, 30 minutes for blue launch and 17 hours for red launch:

Alexandria Maps

Blue Launch Reward

The Stars My Destination

Hawk Planes

Bangalore Maps

Green Launch Reward


Owl Planes

Berkeley Maps

Green Launch Reward


Owl Planes

Beverly Hills Maps

Red Launch Reward

Edge of Tomorrow

Jumbo Planes

Edmonton Maps

Green Launch Reward


Owl Planes

Glasgow Maps

Red Launch Reward

Edge of Tomorrow

Jumbo Planes

Miami Maps

Blue Launch Reward

The Stars My Destination

Hawk Planes

Nagoya Maps

Blue Launch Reward

The Stars My Destination

Hawk Planes

Novosibirsk Maps

Green Launch Reward


Owl Planes

Perth Maps

Green Launch Reward


Owl Planes

Potsdam Maps

Red Launch Reward

Edge of Tomorrow

Jumbo Planes

Puerto Rico Maps

Blue Launch Reward)

The Stars My Destination

Hawk Planes

Sacramento Maps

Blue Launch Reward

The Stars My Destination

Hawk Planes

Vienna Maps

Red Launch Reward

Edge of Tomorrow

Jumbo Planes

Zagreb Maps

Red Launch Reward

Edge of Tomorrow

Jumbo Planes

For further detailed information with regards to the space maps and the space program, you will need to read through the following two user guides, The Airport City Space Program - How To Undertake Apogee, Prometheus And Lunar Space Mission Launch Flights, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-space-program-how-to-undertake-apogee-prometheus-and-lunar-space-mission-launch-flights-v8-7-17.20076/


To obtain these type of maps you will first need to have the Airship Dock building in place, the building will cost you 3,000 gold coins to purchase, and will have a construction time of 1 hour. You will also need to complete the side bar Sky Fair mission (there will be eight small tasks to perform). You will need to be at game level 10, to purchase the airship dock building.

Once the building is solid and live (it will require eight items to do so), the Airship will be able to dock, you will then have access to the Airship Store. The docking procedure will take place twice a week, on Monday's and Thursday's. Each of the single maps will cost 2,000 gold coins to purchase, and the map flight times will vary depending on the type of plane, Owl plane (6 hours), Eagle plane (6 hours), Hawk plane (6 hours), Jumbo plane (6 hours), Falcon plane (3 hours), Thunderbird plane (5 hours), Condor plane (12 hours) once they are activated:

Acámbaro Maps

North American

Condor planes

Alesia Maps


Eagle planes

Assur Maps


Falcon planes

Athens Maps

Ancient World

Jumbo planes

Avaricum Maps


Raven planes

Babylon Maps


Falcon planes

Bergen Maps


Jumbo planes

Basel Maps

Western Europe

Giant planes

Bibracte Maps


Eagle planes

Brooklyn Maps

New World

Falcon planes

Cairo Maps

Ancient Egypt

Eagle planes

Caprese Maps

Southern Europe

Jumbo planes

Carthage Maps

Ancient Rome

Hawk planes

Chengdu Maps

Ancient China

Condor planes

Chennai Maps

Ancient India

Thunderbird planes

Chernihiv Maps

Eastern Europe

Giant planes

Chichen Itza Maps


Hawk planes

Cirta Maps

Ancient Africa

Thunderbird planes

Constantinople Maps

Ancient Rome

Hawk planes

Delphi Maps

Ancient World

Jumbo planes

Dorchester Maps

North American

Condor planes

Ephesus Maps

Ancient Rome

Hawk planes

Florence Maps

Southern Europe

Jumbo planes

Funafuti Maps


Giant planes

Gergovie Maps


Raven planes

Guangzhou Maps

Ancient China

Condor planes

Heliopolis Maps

Ancient Egypt

Eagle planes

Helsingborg Maps


Jumbo planes

Honolulu Maps


Giant planes

Hyderabad Maps

Ancient India

Thunderbird planes

Kanpur Maps

Ancient India

Thunderbird planes

Kolkata Maps

Ancient India

Thunderbird planes

Kom Ombo Mapa

Ancient Egypt

Eagle planes

Kyiv Maps

Eastern Europe

Giant planes

Lagash Maps


Falcon planes

Londinium Maps


Eagle planes

Los Lunas Maps

North American

Condor planes

Luoyang Maps

Ancient China

Condor planes

Luxor Maps

Ancient Egypt

Eagle planes

Machu Picchu Maps


Owl planes

Manhattan Maps

New World

Falcon planes

Memphis Maps

Ancient Egypt

Eagle planes

Meredith Maps

North American

Condor planes

Merida Maps

Ancient Rome

Hawk planes

Montpellier Maps

Western Europe

Giant planes

Moundsville Maps

North American

Condor planes

Mumbai Maps

Ancient India

Thunderbird planes

Murom Maps

Eastern Europe

Giant planes

Nairobi Maps

Ancient Africa

Thunderbird planes

Nanjing Maps

Ancient China

Condor planes

Nineveh Maps


Falcon planes

Novgorod Maps

Eastern Europe

Giant planes

Queens Maps

New World

Falcon planes

Quetzalcoatl Temple Maps


Hawk planes

Salzburg Maps

Western Europe

Giant planes

Samoa Maps


Giant planes

Siena Maps

Southern Europe

Jumbo planes

Skara Maps


Jumbo planes

Smolensk Maps

Eastern Europe

Giant planes

Staten Island Maps

New World

Falcon planes

Sparta Maps

Ancient World

Jumbo planes

Strasbourg Maps

Western Europe

Giant planes

Tahiti Maps


Giant planes

Tenochtitlan Maps


Hawk planes

Thebes Maps

Ancient World

Jumbo planes

The Bronx Maps

New World

Falcon planes

Timbuktu Maps

Ancient Africa

Thunderbird planes

Tipaza Maps

Ancient Africa

Thunderbird planes

Tollan Maps


Owl planes

Tripoli Maps

Ancient Africa

Thunderbird planes

Trondheim Maps


Jumbo planes

Troy Maps

Ancient World

Jumbo planes

Uppsala Maps


Jumbo planes

Ur Maps


Falcon planes

Valencia Maps

Southern Europe

Jumbo planes

Veii Maps

Ancient Rome

Hawk planes

Vinci Maps

Southern Europe


Wellington Maps


Giant planes

Xi'an Maps

Ancient China

Condor planes

Zaragoza Maps

Western Europe

Giant planes

For further detailed information with regards to the adventure maps, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Excavation Maps And Adventure Maps And The Airplane Types Required To Undertake Flight Destinations, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-excavation-maps-and-adventure-maps-and-the-airplane-types-required-to-undertake-flights-destinations-v8-7-17.21310/


To obtain these type of maps you will first need to have the Airship Dock building in place, the building will cost you 3,000 gold coins to purchase, and will have a construction time of 1 hour. You will also need to complete the side bar Sky Fair mission (there will be eight small tasks to perform). You will need to be at game level 10, to purchase the airship dock building.

Once the building is solid and live (it will require eight items to do so), the Airship will be able to dock, you will then have access to the Airship Store. The docking procedure will take place twice a week, on Monday's and Thursday's. Each of the single maps will cost 2,000 gold coins to purchase, and the map flight times will vary depending on the type of plane, Owl plane (6 hours), Eagle plane (6 hours), Hawk plane (6 hours), Jumbo  plane(6 hours), Falcon plane (3 hours), Thunderbird plane (5 hours), Condor plane (12 hours) once they are activated.

The Excavation Maps can be purchased from the Airship Store for 2,000 gold coins (one single map), Excavation Map Sets can be purchased for 5 Green Notes (the chest will contain 20 single maps, all identical) and Map Set  can be purchased for 12 Green Notes (5 single maps, all different). You can also purchase an Excavation Map Set, from the Game Store (the resources section), for 5 Green Notes, (the chest will contain 20 single maps, all identical):

Owl Planes

Excavation Maps (Mesoamerica) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Mesoamerica) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Chichen Itza, Machu Picchu, Quetzalcoatl Temple, Tenochtitlan, Tollan

Hawk Planes

Excavation Map (Ancient Rome) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Ancient Rome) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Carthage, Constantinople, Ephesus, Merida, Veii

Raven Planes

Excavation Map (Stonehenge) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Stonehenge) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Alesia, Avaricum, Bibracte, Gergovie, Londinium

Eagle Planes

Excavation Map (Ancient Egypt) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Ancient Egypt) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Cairo, Heliopolis, Kom Ombo, Luxor, Memphis

Jumbo Planes

Excavation Map (The Ancient World) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (The Ancient World) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Athens, Delphi, Sparta, Thebes, Troy

Jumbo Planes

Excavation Map (Southern Europe) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Southern Europe) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Caprese, Florence, Siena, Valencia, Vinci

Jumbo Planes

Excavation Map (Scandinavia) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Scandinavia) - 20 Singe Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Bergen, Helsingborg, Skara, Trondheim, Uppsala

Giant Planes

Excavation Map (Eastern Europe) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Eastern Europe) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Chernihiv, Kyiv, Murom, Novgorod, Smolensk

Giant Planes

Excavation Map (Oceania) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Oceania) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Funafuti, Honolulu, Samoa, Tahiti, Wellington

Giant Planes

Excavation Map (Western Europe) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Western Europe) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Basel, Montpellier, Salzburg, Strasbourg, Zaragoza

Falcon Planes

Excavation Map (New World) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (New World) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, The Bronx

Falcon Planes

Excavation Map (Mesopotamia) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Mesopotamia) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Assur, Babylon, Lagash, Nineveh, Ur

Thunderbird Planes

Excavation Map (Ancient Africa) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Ancient Africa) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Cirta, Nairobi, Timbuktu, Tipaza, Tripoli

Thunderbird Planes

Excavation Map (Ancient India) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Ancient India) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Chennai, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai

Condor Planes

Excavation Map (Ancient China) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (Ancient China) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Chengdu, Guangzhou, Luoyang, Nanjing, Xi'an

Condor Planes

Excavation Map (North America) - 1 Single Map - 2,000 Gold Coins - Airship Store

Excavation Map Set (North America) - 20 Single Maps - 5 Green Notes - Airship Store, Game Store

Map Set - 5 Single Maps - 12 Green Notes - Airship Store

Five Map Destinations - Acámbaro, Dorchester, Los Lunas, Meredith, Moundsville

For further detailed information with regards to the excavation maps, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Excavation Maps And Adventure Maps And The Airplane Types Required To Undertake Flight Destinations, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-excavation-maps-and-adventure-maps-and-the-airplane-types-required-to-undertake-flights-destinations-v8-7-17.21310/


To provide you with a more complete picture it will be important to mention that there are two other types of maps available, which are separate from the four main maps. Map To Area 51, will allow you to send an Air Lab plane (once a Fighter Jet) to Area 51, during the 6 hour map activation period. The Air Lab plane can be obtained by completing the Above And Beyond collection, during the It Came From Outer Space special event. Map To Rovaniemi, the one time map will allow you to send a Swift plane to Rovaniemi, during the Holiday Rush special event. The map will also drop from nine flight destinations, Belize, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Chicago, Guadalajara, Lisbon, Moscow, Toronto, Washington DC, during the special event.


There is a great wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written them to help you with your game, those of you who are new to the game and those of you who are further along with your game. The user guides will provide you with all the information you need, to help make a success of your game.

Last Updated: Monday 20th January 2025 at 08.30am London UK Time

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