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Android space launch preparation question

  1. Android
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Hello everyone
I just would like to know how to do a space launch and how to make sure it's successful. I have gathered all the things for a green launch and now it says I could start one or join a neighbor's. My question is, can a launch fail? If it fails, will all my items associated with the launch be lost?
What preparation do I need to do to make sure the launch will be successful?
hope someone can help!
Thank you so much!
The answer for first question is yes it can fail.
After the 24 hour mark if the require points have not been met .. the launch fails.

The answer for second question is yes.
All items (space collections and rocket fuels) is gone .. poof ..

So you must be sure that you have the require 1600 points in rocket fuels.
Or have dependable neighbour that willing to help you launch the rocket.
Don't forget .. inisiator of the launch have to take first place unless you say otherwise on the forum.

Happy launching !

Sambhav Jain

700+ Star Club
  1. Android
Sj_(items I need)
Hello everyone
I just would like to know how to do a space launch and how to make sure it's successful. I have gathered all the things for a green launch and now it says I could start one or join a neighbor's. My question is, can a launch fail? If it fails, will all my items associated with the launch be lost?
What preparation do I need to do to make sure the launch will be successful?
hope someone can help!
Thank you so much!
Hi chenlovo.

U are not fully aware about game.. So my suggestion to u is...

Do not start your own launch( Start a new one.) always try to join someone.
Because launching is all about reputation.
People do not tend to join new players.
So gather some fuel and them do launching.

Wish u luck for ur launch


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Hello everyone
I just would like to know how to do a space launch and how to make sure it's successful. I have gathered all the things for a green launch and now it says I could start one or join a neighbor's. My question is, can a launch fail? If it fails, will all my items associated with the launch be lost?
What preparation do I need to do to make sure the launch will be successful?
hope someone can help!
Thank you so much!
My golden rule for launches, as juvenal said above, is to never attempt a flight unless you have enough fuel to launch by yourself.
And, as Sambhav Jain said above, it's a good idea to join other launches until you get the hang of it. You won't need to spend a lot of fuel and you pretty much can be assured of a successful launch.
That said, the really good rewards only happen if you finish first. Have patience ... join a few launches to get a feel for how it's done ... then start your own. Letting your neighbors know about your launch on the appropriate forum thread is also very helpful.
A word about launch etiquette: it's very bad form to hijack a launch, i.e. joining someone else's launch then adding so much fuel that you take over first place. It's a quick way to ruin a reputation.
Once you are comfortable doing launches, then there's the Quantum Leap bonus which speeds up landings by quite a bit ... but that's another story entirely.
  1. Android
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The answer for first question is yes it can fail.
After the 24 hour mark if the require points have not been met .. the launch fails.

The answer for second question is yes.
All items (space collections and rocket fuels) is gone .. poof ..

So you must be sure that you have the require 1600 points in rocket fuels.
Or have dependable neighbour that willing to help you launch the rocket.
Don't forget .. inisiator of the launch have to take first place unless you say otherwise on the forum.

Happy launching !

Sounds like I'd better get my cosmic fuel station finished first, thanks so much for the answers!
  1. Android
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Hi chenlovo.

U are not fully aware about game.. So my suggestion to u is...

Do not start your own launch( Start a new one.) always try to join someone.
Because launching is all about reputation.
People do not tend to join new players.
So gather some fuel and them do launching.

Wish u luck for ur launch

Okey dokey, thanks for the suggestion!
  1. Android
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My golden rule for launches, as juvenal said above, is to never attempt a flight unless you have enough fuel to launch by yourself.
And, as Sambhav Jain said above, it's a good idea to join other launches until you get the hang of it. You won't need to spend a lot of fuel and you pretty much can be assured of a successful launch.
That said, the really good rewards only happen if you finish first. Have patience ... join a few launches to get a feel for how it's done ... then start your own. Letting your neighbors know about your launch on the appropriate forum thread is also very helpful.
A word about launch etiquette: it's very bad form to hijack a launch, i.e. joining someone else's launch then adding so much fuel that you take over first place. It's a quick way to ruin a reputation.
Once you are comfortable doing launches, then there's the Quantum Leap bonus which speeds up landings by quite a bit ... but that's another story entirely.
Thank you so much, Tom! And thanks for the reminder on the etiquette, too. I'd better work on my fuel first before I go anywhere near a launch :D


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
I will send you a neighbor request from my Waverly huff game. If you like, when you're ready to try an Apogee (green) launch, PM me (start a conversation) and we can arrange a time (I live in California) and I can walk you through it. I've got plenty of fuel so we'll have an easy launch ... if you have enough fuel, you can take first.
  1. Android
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I will send you a neighbor request from my Waverly huff game. If you like, when you're ready to try an Apogee (green) launch, PM me (start a conversation) and we can arrange a time (I live in California) and I can walk you through it. I've got plenty of fuel so we'll have an easy launch ... if you have enough fuel, you can take first.
Thank you so much! But I haven't finished building my cosmic fuel station yet :p so other than having completed the collections to start a launch, I actually don't have anything at all. Can I still join your launch without contributions or do I need to at least have something?


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
While the Cosmic Fuel Station is important at the beginning, it becomes less so as you go along. It gives a Solid Fuel, which is one of the lesser fuel items.
The critical items are the ones that add a lot of fuel to the launch: Large Fuel Tank, Main Stabilizer and Powerful Explosive Bolt.
Those can only be obtained by getting the Launch Ready chests. When you open a Launch Ready chest you get one of the seven fuel items. It's all random so you might get a Small Fuel Tank or a PEB or something in between.
You get the Launch Ready chests by earning the Space Collections. See the Space Tab in the Collections folder.
You get the items necessary to complete a Collection by tapping on your space buildings (but, because you're just starting out you probably don't have a lot of those) or your neighbors' space buildings: Planetarium, Training Center, Alien Legacy, Mission Control Center, Launch Pads, Space Travel Monuments and so forth.
Unless there's a quest going on, every day I visit those neighbors that have these buildings. I concentrate on neighbors with multiple Planetariums, because those give out the best items.
Doing this almost always gives me about ten Launch Ready chests a day. In time, these add up. After a while I open them and hope for PEBs.
To join a launch, you should have some fuel. When you get a little fuel, let me know! We can agree on a time that I will start a green launch. Then you join my Waverly huff launch, add a little fuel, I will add the rest and we will launch.
  1. Android
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While the Cosmic Fuel Station is important at the beginning, it becomes less so as you go along. It gives a Solid Fuel, which is one of the lesser fuel items.
The critical items are the ones that add a lot of fuel to the launch: Large Fuel Tank, Main Stabilizer and Powerful Explosive Bolt.
Those can only be obtained by getting the Launch Ready chests. When you open a Launch Ready chest you get one of the seven fuel items. It's all random so you might get a Small Fuel Tank or a PEB or something in between.
You get the Launch Ready chests by earning the Space Collections. See the Space Tab in the Collections folder.
You get the items necessary to complete a Collection by tapping on your space buildings (but, because you're just starting out you probably don't have a lot of those) or your neighbors' space buildings: Planetarium, Training Center, Alien Legacy, Mission Control Center, Launch Pads, Space Travel Monuments and so forth.
Unless there's a quest going on, every day I visit those neighbors that have these buildings. I concentrate on neighbors with multiple Planetariums, because those give out the best items.
Doing this almost always gives me about ten Launch Ready chests a day. In time, these add up. After a while I open them and hope for PEBs.
To join a launch, you should have some fuel. When you get a little fuel, let me know! We can agree on a time that I will start a green launch. Then you join my Waverly huff launch, add a little fuel, I will add the rest and we will launch.
hi Tom, now I know what those chests are for :D I got one of each of Large Fuel Tank, Main Stabilizer and Powerful Explosive Bolt, but no cosmic fuel station should I wait?


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
If you really, really want to start a green launch, we can do it today. Just let me know!
Or, you can wait until your Cosmic Fuel Station is built and you have more Launch Ready chests to open.
It's up to you.
  1. Android
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If you really, really want to start a green launch, we can do it today. Just let me know!
Or, you can wait until your Cosmic Fuel Station is built and you have more Launch Ready chests to open.
It's up to you.
Hahaha maybe I should at least finish the fuel station first :D I will keep you posted! I am still missing quite a few things though, might take a while :banghead:


350+ Star Club
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spearman78*item needed*
Hahaha maybe I should at least finish the fuel station first :D I will keep you posted! I am still missing quite a few things though, might take a while :banghead:
@chenlove Just keep posting what you need in the daily trading forum. You'd be amazed how helpful everyone here is in helping with what you need.(y) It still amazes me at times
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