if anyone can gift me a Nano Coating, I would appreciate it
The very thing is... its drop rate is VERY SELDOM. And before you can obtain it, that destination would get hit by another bad weather and prevent you from getting it. Then you gotta fly to another place that can drop you another weather item. Rinse and repeat, until you can't fly anymore and hope/ask for neighbours to send you the needed items.Every plane type has a destination which drops the Nano Coating too...
True. I've been there, to much frustration. Solutions are typical: bonus or buy your way out...The very thing is... its drop rate is VERY SELDOM. And before you can obtain it, that destination would get hit by another bad weather and prevent you from getting it. Then you gotta fly to another place that can drop you another weather item. Rinse and repeat, until you can't fly anymore and hope/ask for neighbours to send you the needed items.