Is the Mystery Bonus 8,000 coins at the Duke worth buying? What is usually in it?
If you're lucky - an alarm clock, family ticket or vintage weathervane. Frequently you get lucky cap, which normally is totally useless, but now with the 5 new levels, might come in handy .(It increases XP from flights) I buy the bonus every time Duke visits.Is the Mystery Bonus 8,000 coins at the Duke worth buying? What is usually in it?
Don't forget Sky captain (rare but very useful). I also found that golden key is worth to get it for later stages where you cannot repair plane with items (from giants above)If you're lucky - an alarm clock, family ticket or vintage weathervane. Frequently you get lucky cap, which normally is totally useless, but now with the 5 new levels, might come in handy .(It increases XP from flights) I buy the bonus every time Duke visits.
I don't know if I've ever gotten a sky captain from a mystery bonus. I think all of mine were from adventure flights and drops from my collection buildings. But yes, very useful.Don't forget Sky captain (rare but very useful). I also found that golden key is worth to get it for later stages where you cannot repair plane with items (from giants above)
All bonuses are described here:Is the Mystery Bonus 8,000 coins at the Duke worth buying? What is usually in it?
There was a glitch few months ago - you can buy every item endless number of times (depending on your budget) by just exiting Duke shop and reentering. It was resolved then (that's why we have that ghost Duke during last 3 hours of monday and thursday).I bought one in the last visit from Duke a couple of days ago. You can generally only but one, however I double checked with only a few hours to go and both the $8k bonus and maps had all reset! Double buy all around. Is that normal for it to reset while still in port or have I discovered something new? Maybe it's a glitch? Shhhhhhh