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issue with event!!!

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So... I guess by your standards, if I am a level 65 player, I should already have the Falcon Plane and the Sweets Factory in my possession. Because in the event it is trying to get me to 'Take a flight to Roskilde. What can I do here to refresh to get a different mission?
Screenshot (212).png
Screenshot (211).png

plane fan

800+ Star Club
Teamwork Int'l
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A pfan-(gifts needed)
Unfortunately I've had the same issue in the past with this particular event. There's no way to refresh to get a different mission, the only way to make it go away is by buying a Falcon and taking the flight. If you don't wanna do that then you can contact GI support and see if they will give you some sort of redemption.
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04XAZQZM5 and 20JJ8850Y
The tasks in this event are based on assumptions from the game developers, that is, if you are already at level 65, they assume that you already have Falcons in your hangar, since these are available from level 51. A terrible failure of part of them. I also had a problem like this, I only have Condors in my hangar and ramps and they send me flight tasks with Falcons and Jumbos.

If you contact technical support, they will only apologize and give you 1 Junior Pilot and 10 airport cash (green). XD


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Comeback Flyers
  1. Android
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It's no consolation that I'm not alone here. I'm a level 54 player. I have two tasks that require planes I don't have. One Jumbo and one Falcon. I can't buy until I upgrade my Control Tower ($1,000,000 and takes 6 days, if you dont spend AC and or or sell existing planes), buy a Sweets Factory, upgrade my runway, my Repair Base, and maybe some other hidden gems that I don't have yet.

I contacted support twice, and was very polite in my concern for their poor programming, and they offered no compensation. What can be done? Nothing but just pick up where you left off. This is the first event that has asked to complete things I don't have. It seems a little crazy, but here we are.

We can only hope for good luck in getting as far as we can in this event. 🤷‍♀️
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