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iPad Daily Trading Thread for October 2012 (Part 1)

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600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Well that was sure exciting. For those who missed it, this site was hacked and down for a number of days. Anyway, I spent the time grinding away, getting more stars and Universities. I haven't been able to send gifts for two days now. And visiting neighbors is just as difficult as it was days ago. Still no update from the techies. Hopefully everything will be back to what passes for normal soon.
Tom (Waverly huff)
  1. iPad
Good to be back! Since I still can't see names I'm sending flight items or returning gifts.
I can visit most blanks, can't visit anyone with a name (Daddy Boo, PatrickMast)

I don't have any urgent needs but if anyone needs something I can send try to add me and tell me your level and any distinguishing features of your city.

I do have 3 universities.

And a belated thanks to the blank person who sent a city model!
  1. iPad
I'll give GI another 2 days to fix the Neighbours problems and extend the end time of the University event to compensate, or I will send them a support case, and I hope everyone else will too.
What a fiasco.
  1. iPad
Indeed, good to be back. !

Updated my signature (moved up 5 levels and 13 stars while site being hacked ;-) at least that is positive)

Anyone finished the University mission yet ? I am only 4 items away of full completion.

Still sending gifts blind, most of the times flight items.


So, is anyone else still having issues adding people? Hopefully the board will pick back up now that the hack is gone, and people will start adding me again. In the mean time, I'll just keep giving flight catering to everyone I still have available.

Oh. How do you get the collider?


1000+ Star Club
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cpt bob
hello my fello blanks,

good to be back alright.

signature updated I guess we have to wait untill the blank issue is fixed, but thank you to all who have been sending gifts.

happy flying.
  1. iPad
Hi all, it's great to be back in touch with you again!! There was a slight glitch on my signing on again so I have created a new account. Ginwig1 is now Charles Prince, as my airport. No time now to do a new signature but will get it created tonight. in the meantime, it's business as usual - I.e. lots of blank neighbours. I have finished the University Challenge (for UK players only, probably!) so now back to usual flights.

Charles Prince, was/is Ginwig1. Level 31 with 61 stars (the University Challenge was good for that, at least!)
Hi all,

sig updated, everyone still blank. Have just been returning gifts sent to me and then sending out gifts that I would like in return. Sorry if the gift you get is pointless. I just hope that this glitch is sorted soon. Have now got 3 universities. :cool:
  1. iPad
Danbrojr, the collider comes when you finish the University Challenge. And should have said thanks to Dave and those working behind the scenes to get rid of that Arab! I was quite worried when I first saw him :( was wondering what on earth was going on!!!
Gotta update signature, but status quou on the neighbors. Just about all of you I have been able to add are blank. When I receive a "blank" neighbor gift, I simply return it. For my other "blank" neighbors, I am sending flight catering for the time being.

I did open a support ticket with GI, and got the same response: they are aware, working on it, and should be fixed next update. However, no one knows when that will happen.
  1. iPad
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Sankukia, (iPad) Sankukia2, (iPhone)
Hi all back up and running again, my game was totally deleted , so had to start from scratch!
Please add me, New neighbour name is Sankukia, (as I can't use my original)
It's good to have the website back and running !
I missed the social aspect of the item exchange in the meantime.

The university mission is sometimes frustrating, I just need one bicycle to completely finish the quest and I always get the other items (I have beteen 5 and 12 of the others).

Sig updated of course.

I don't know if a fix was done or if it is just some temporary luck but I can now see all the names of my neighbors.
Anyone else experiencing that ?
For one moment all the blanks were filled in again..alas it didn't last.. Maybe they are near a fix????

I have finished university mission ( Canada based, not UK!) & back to accumulating stars & money so landing lamps, additional radars, towels & bracelets very welcome.

Obviously sending gifts blind, will continue to do so until... At least this site is now up again!
Good to be back.

I got the Collider as well. It always makes me feel good to get something finished.

Hopefully GI could fix existing problems soon.
Welcome back everyone! It wasn't as fun flying solo. I still haven't updated yet. I almost did during the blackout period as I wasn't able to get any news if everything had been fixed or not but I guess I'm still going to wait now. The only drawback is that I can't participate in the University challenge but then I figure everyone will have 20 universities for me to visit when I'm ready :D

Happy flying. Updated sig below (but I just realized I forgot to add Flight Catering).
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