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How To Sell Your Surplus Warehouse Buildings And How To Move Your Buildings Into The Warehouse Inventory

If you have a surplus of buildings stored in your warehouse, beyond the maximum number of six permitted in your game, you may have decided to sell some or all of them. The surplus of buildings, up to a maximum of 100 for each building, will have come about through many months of patient game play, in some cases across a number of years, and would have been obtained through a number of outlets, from within your game.

Before you make the decision to sell you will want to know how much you will earn, from the sale of each building. The user guide will provide you with the information. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to sell any of your buildings, direct from your warehouse, this option will not be available to you. You will first need to sell the buildings from your game site and replace them with buildings from your warehouse. You will have the option to sell the buildings, it will not be necessary to wait for them to become solid and live to do so. There are currently no restrictions as to the number of times you can repeat this process.

It will be important to keep in mind that a number of the buildings, purchased from the game store, will require upgrade gift items to complete and make solid the buildings, Pharmaceutical Lab, Furniture Factory, Sweet Factory, Laundry. If you do not have the required upgrade gift items, stored in your warehouse, you will not be able to rebuild. Whereas buildings obtained by through other outlets will not require any upgrade gift items to complete and make solid the buildings. Because of this, you will most likely not have any surplus buildings purchased from the game store. Instead you will have surplus buildings obtained through other outlets from within your game.

To sell a building you will first need to select the 6th icon (the four sided green arrow) located along the bottom row of your game screen, then select your building, then select the first icon of three (the yellow money pig), when the circular menu appears on your screen. You will then be able to see how much you will receive for the building with coins. It will be at this point you will need to make your decision, to sell or not to sell. It will be important for you to be well informed, before you make your decision. As has already been mentioned, you will be able to sell your buildings, without the need to wait for them to become solid and live first.

It will be important to understand that you will make a financial lose when you come to sell, the amount will depend on the building, and if it were purchased through the game store with coins, silver tokens, gold tokens or green notes. If the buildings came to you through the completion of flight collections, the completion of events, obtained through the mystery building chests, through the mystery super building chests, then no coins, tokens or green notes would have been spent (please note, it is important to understand that if you first purchased buildings with silver tokens, gold tokens or green notes, you will only receive coins when you come to sell).

It will be for you to decide if it really is worth undertaking, knowing what you know, you may decide to leave the buildings stored in your warehouse, since it will do no harm leaving them in storage. If, on the other hand, you do decide to sell, it will be adviser able to sell the buildings in batches, otherwise it will take forever if you sell them one at a time. Although you will not earn yourself huge amounts of coins, from selling your surplus buildings, the money you raise in coins could be put to good use, towards your long term game, rather than have them sitting in your warehouse.

Below is a three table alphabetical list of buildings and structures which can be sold, where they originally came from (Flight Collections, Mystery Building Chests, Mystery Super Building Chests, Mystic Super Building Chests, Christmas Super Building Chests, Romantic Super Building Chests, Easter Super Building Chests, Mail Super Building Chest, Special Events, Game Stores, Bank Discount Sales, Discount Super Sales, Special Sales, Special Events Sales), how much you will receive if you sell the buildings and how much it will cost to move the buildings into inventory. There is also a table list of buildings which can not be removed and sold from your game.

Each building will have a single line of information, some entries will be longer, while other entries will be shorter. The length of the line will be determined by the number of sources from where a building can be obtained. Some buildings can only be obtained from one source (the line will be shorter), while other buildings can be obtained from multiple sources (the line will be longer). Because of this, I have used a series of abbreviations, in order to keep each of the building information on its own single line. It will make it far easier to read, when scrolling through the user guide, searching for a particular building.

FC - Flight CollectionDSS - Discount Super SaleSP - Special Event
MBC - Mystery Building ChestMSBC - Mail Super Building ChestBDS - Bank Discount Sale
ESBC - Easter Super Building ChestSEDP - Special Event Direct PurchaseDSP - Direct Store Purchase
SESP - Special Event Store PurchaseMSBC - Mystery Super Building ChestGSP - Game Store Purchase
MSBC - Mystic Super Building ChestCSBC - Christmas Super Building ChestRSBC - Romantic Super Building Chest

Abandoned Amusement Park (Special Event - Dark Skies) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Abandoned Hotel (Special Event - Dark Skies) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Academy of Sciences (Flight Collection - Knowledge Is Its Own Reward) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Acute House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 46,500 coins - Inventory 372,000 coins
Aquarium (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Aero Club (Flight Collection - Clear Prop!) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Airforce (Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Alamo (Mystery Super Building Chest 10, Special Event - The Land of Opportunity) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Alien Legacy (Flight Collection - A Space Odyssey) Sell 1,500 coins - Inventory 12,000 coins
All Stars Movie Theatre (Mystery Super Building Chest 1) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,200 coins
Alpine House (Flight Collection - Conquering Everest) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Amalthea Ice (Special Event Store Purchase - It Came From Outer Space) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins​
American Casino (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
American Mansion (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Amphitheater (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Ancient Dig Site (Special Event - Age of Ash) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Ancient Greek Temple (Flight Collection - The Ancient World) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Ancient Sanctuary (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Angel Monument (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 20 coins - Inventory 60 coins
Animal Shelter (Flight Collection - Sky Adventures) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Apartment Hotel (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 69,000 coins - Inventory 552,000 coins
Apartment House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 87,000 coins - Inventory 696,000 coins
Arboretum (Mystery Super Building Chest 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Arcade Park (Special Event - Airport City) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Archaeological Camp (Flight Collection - Shadow of The Past) Sell 200 coins - Inventory 1,600 coins
Art Centre (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Artisan Lodge (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Armillary Sphere (Special Event Store Purchase - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Arrow Marketing (Special Event Store Purchase - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Art Gallery (Flight Collection - Can't Let You Go) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Art Supplies Store (Flight Collection - A Walk Through Montmartre) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Ashen House (Special Event Purchase - Age of Ash) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Ashen Oak (Special Event Purchase - Age of Ash) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Astronaut Academy (Mystery Super Building Chest 9) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Asylum (Special Event - Holiday Rush, Mystery Super Building Chest 10, Mystic SBC) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Atelier (Mystery Building Chest 1) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins
Atomium (Mystery Super Building Chest Four - Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Automobile Factory (Discount Super Sales) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Aviary (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 300 Coins - Inventory 2,400 Coins
Aquarium (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Aviation Museum (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Aztec Pyramid (Flight Collection - Aztec Legacy) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins

Bakery (Easter Super Building Chest, Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Bank (Special Sale - Gold/Silver) Sell 140,000 coins - Inventory This purchase option is no longer on sale
Bank Branch (Game Store Purchase - Gold/Silver Tokens) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Baseball Stadium (Special Event - The Land of Opportunity, Mystery Super Building 12) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Base Jumping School (Flight Collection - Adrenaline Rush) Sell 70 coins - Inventory 560 coins
Base Station (Flight Collection - Call Me Maybe) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4800 coins
Bauble Plant (Special Event - Holiday Rush) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Bazaar (Flight Collection - Sling Blade) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Bearing Wall House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 220 coins - Inventory 1,760 coins
Beneath The Heavens Hotel (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Big Bang Business Centre (Flight Collection - Creation Myths) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Biker Bar (Special Event Store Purchase - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Black Station (Special Bank Sales - Mystery Metro Station) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Black Queens Castle (Special Event Direct Purchase - Down The Rabbit Hole) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Blue Station (Special Bank Sales - Mystery Metro Station) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Boat Store (Flight Collection - Rapid Descent) Sell 70 coins - Inventory 560 coins
Book Store (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 65 coins - Inventory 520 coins
Botanical Gardens (Mystery Super Building Chest 3) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Bottomless Well (Special Event Store Purchase - Dark Skies) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Bowling Alley (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 110 coins - Inventory 880 coins
Brazilian Cottage (Game Store Purchase, Special Event - The Great Game) Sell 20 coins - Inventory 160 coins
Brazilian Villa (Game Store Purchase, Special Event - The Great Game) Sell 70 coins - Inventory 560 coins
Brick House (Bank Discount Sales Purchase) Sell 300 coins - Inventory 2,400 coins
Brick Mansion (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Bridal (Special Event - On The Wings of Love - Game Store Purchase) Sell 200 coins - Inventory 1,600 coins
Broadcast Tower (Mystery Super Building Chest 2, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Burial Vault (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Business Centre (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 120,000 coins - Inventory 960,000 coins

Campus Park (Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Candle Business Centre (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Candy Mansion (Special Event - Holiday Rush, Store Purchase - Santa's Bad Mood) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Car Dealership (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 35 coins - Inventory 280 coins
Card Castle (Mystery Super Building Chest 6) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Card Tower (Mystery Super Building Chest 6, Special Event) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Cardiology Clinic (Flight Collection - Space Medicine) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Carefree House (Flight Collection - Foam of Days) Sell 660 coins - Inventory 5,280 coins
Carpet Workshop (Flight Collection - Persian Carpets) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Carriage Workshop (FC - What Women Want, Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Casa Batilo (Mystery Super Building Chest 1) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Castle Rock (Special Event Direct Purchase - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Casino (Special Sale - Gold/Silver) Sell 90,000 coins - Inventory This purchase option is no longer on sale
Cemetery (Flight Collection - Collection of The Seal, Special Event - Dark Skies) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Central Library (Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Central Mall (Mystery Super Building Chest 6, Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Central Post Office (Mystery Super Building Chest 5, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Central Square (Special Event - Dark Skies, Christmas Super Building Chest) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Central Telegraph (Mystery Super Building Chest 9, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Coffee Bar (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 60 coins - Inventory 480 coins
Chalet (Mystery Super Building Chest 6) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Cheese Factory (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Chemistry Laboratory (Flight Collection - Astrochemistry) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Chess Club (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 130 coins - Inventory 1,060 coins
Chess Park (Special Event Store Purchase - Down The Rabbit Hole) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Chinese Restaurant (Mystery Building Chest 1) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Chinese Shop (Special Event - Dragon Rising, Flight Collection) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Chocolate Factory (Mystery Super Building Chest 4) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Christmas Cafe Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Christmas Cafe Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Christmas Cafe Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Christmas Gift Shop (Special Event - Holiday Rush, Dark Skies, Christmas SBC) Sell 250 coins - Inventory 2,000 coins
Christmas Fair (Special Event - Dark Skies, Holiday Rush, Christmas Super Building Chest) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Christmas Palace Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory N/A
Christmas Palace Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory N/A
Christmas Palace Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory N/A
Christmas Windmill Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Christmas Windmill Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Christmas Windmill Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Circus (Game Store Purchase - Green Notes) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
City Bench (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
City Hotel (Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Clay House (Flight Collection - House Hunting) Sell 660 coins - Inventory 5,280 coins
Clifftop Palace (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Cloud Castle (Flight Collection - Cloud Atlas) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Cloud Nine Restaurant (Special Event Direct Purchase - On The Wings of Love) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Cocktail Bar (Flight Collection - Sunshine Bay) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
College of Music (Mystery Super Building Chest 6) Sell 200 coins - Inventory 1,600 coins
Collider (Mystery Super Building Chest Nine - Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Colosseum (Flight Collection - Roman Holiday) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Collection Agency (Game Store Purchase) Sell 700 coins - Inventory 5,600 coins
Comet Hotel (Special Event - Riding The Comet) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Comic Book Store (Special Event - Airport City) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Concert Hall (Flight Collection - Riding The Comet) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Condominium (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 38,000 coins - Inventory 304,000 coins
Conservatory (Mystery Super Building Chest 1) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Contemporary Arts Centre (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 14,500 coins - Inventory 116,000 coins
Contemplation Palace (RSB Chest, Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Cottage (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 4 coins - Inventory 32 coins
Country House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 80 coins - Inventory 640 coins
Courthouse (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 82,500 coins - Inventory 660,000 coins
Co Working Office (Special Event - Airport City) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800
Cranberry Sauce Factory (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800
Cricket Field (Special Event Store Purchase - Down The Rabbit Hole) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Crop Circles (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space, Flight Collection - The Truth Is Out There) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800
Crystal Manor (Romantic SBC, MSB Chest 8, Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Crystalline Supertall (Special Event Bank Purchase - Age of Ash) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Custome Workshop (Special Event - Cinemania) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Dali Theatre and Museum (Easter SBC, MSB Chest 5, Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Dance School (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Dark Castle (Special Event - Holiday Rush, Mystic Super Building Chest) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Data Centre (Flight Collection - Omnia Mea Mectum Porto) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Dark Tower (Flight Collection - Night Shift) Sell 690 coins - Inventory 5,520 coins
Delivery Service (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Deluxe Condominium (Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800
Dental Office (Special Events - Down The Rabbit Hole, Mystery Super Building 11) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Design Centre (Game Store Purchase) Sell 1,000 coins - Inventory 8,000 coins
Detox Hotel (Flight Collection - Secrets of A Long Life) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Dino Park (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Distribution Centre (Mail SBC, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 14,950 coins - Inventory 119,600 coins
Dolphinarium (Mystery Building Chest 1) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Donuts (Game Store Purchase - Green Notes) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins
Dormitory (Special Event Store Purchase - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Dragon Gate (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Drive-In Theatre (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 160 coins - Inventory 1,280 coins
Drum School (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Easter Fair (Easter Super Building Chest, Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Easter Fountain (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Easter Palace (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Easter Tree (Easter Super Building Chest, Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Easter Workshop (Easter SBC, MSB Chest 8, Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Eatery (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 7 coins - Inventory 56 coins
Eco-Friendly House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Education Centre Level 1 (Special Event - Back To School) The building can not be removed and sold
Education Centre Level 2 (Special Event - Back To School) The building can not be removed and sold
Education Centre Level 3 (Special Event - Back To School) The building can not be removed and sold
Egeskov Castle (Flight Collection - Treasures of Asgard) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Einstein Tower (Mystery Super Building Chest 9 - Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Eiffel Tower (Flight Collection - Life Is Beautiful) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Electricity Museum (Flight Collection - High Voltage) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Electrical Substation (Flight Collection - Power Reserve) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Emergency Spaceport (Flight Collection - The Theory of Everything) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Emerald House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 21,000 coins - Inventory 168,000 coins
Emperor's Tower (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
English Egg (FC - Wind Through Keyhole, Special Event - Down The Rabbit Hole) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Enigma House (Mystery Super Building Chest 10) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Entertainment Centre (Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Esports Arena (Special Events Direct Purchase - Airport City) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Exhibition Centre (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 170 coins - Inventory 1,360 coins
Fair (Special Event Store Purchase - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Fairy Ring (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Fall Mansion (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Fall Park (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Family Dinner (Mystery Building Chest 1) Sell 300 coins - Inventory 2,400 coins
Farmer's House (Flight Collection - Generous Land) Sell 660 coins - Inventory 5,280 coins
Farmer's Market (Flight Collection - Easter Eggs, Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Festival Camping (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 200 coins - Inventory 1,600 coins
Festive Flowerbed (Special Event - Santa's Bad Mood, Holiday Rush) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Field Laboratory (Flight Collection - It Came From Outer Space) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Fighter Monument (Mystery Super Building Chest 5) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Fireworks Factory (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
First Plane (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Fish Market (Flight Collection - Big Catch) Sell 300 coins - Inventory 2,400 coins
Fishing Store (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 10 coins - Inventory 80 coins
Fitness Club (Special Event - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Fitness Park (Special Event - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Five Star Hotel (Game Store Purchase) Sell 310 coins - Inventory 2,480 coins
Flea Market (Flight Collection - Old Curiosity Shop) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Floral Arch (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Flower Airliner (Special Event Direct Purchase - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Flower Castle (Special Event Store Purchase - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Flower Garden (Mystery Garden Square, Urban Green Event, Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins, Inventory 4,800 coins
Flower Square (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Food Truck (Special Event Store Purchase - The Great Game) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Football Monument (Mystery Super Building Chest 3) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Football Museum (Mystery Super Building Chest 3) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Forbidden City (Flight Collection - City Lights) 2,500 Sell coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Forester Lodge (Mystery Super Building Chest 4, Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Fort (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Fortune Teller (Special Event Store Purchase - Dark Skies) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Forsaken Abbey (Special Event - Dark Skies) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Futuristic House (Game Store Purchase - Green Notes) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins

Galway Castle (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Game Museum (Special Event - Airport City) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Game Studio Level 01 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Game Studio Level 02 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Game Studio Level 03 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Game Studio Level 04 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 200 coins - Inventory 1,600 coins
Game Studio Level 05 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 300 coins - Inventory 2,400 coins
Game Studio Level 06 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins
Game Studio Level 07 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Game Studio Level 08 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 800 Coins - Inventory 6,400 coins
Game Studio Level 09 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 1,500 coins - Inventory 12,000 coins
Game Studio Level 10 (Flight Collection - Handwork, Special Event - Airport City) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Gaming Club (Special Event - Airport City) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Garden of Eden (Flight Collection - Welcome To The Jungle) Sell 750 coins - Inventory 6,000 coins
Garden of Love (Mystery Super Building Chest 1) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Garden of Meditation (Flight Collection - Dialectic of Enlightenment) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Gravity Museum Level 01 (Direct Purchase - Riding The Comet) - Sell 000 coins - Inventory 0000 coins​
Gravity Museum Level 02 (Building Upgrade - Special Event - Riding The Comet) Sell 1750 coins - Inventory 14,000 coins
Gravity Museum Level 03 (Building Upgrade - Special Event - Riding The Comet) Sell 1750 coins - Inventory 14,000 coins
Gravity Museum Level 04 (Building Upgrade - Special Event - Riding The Comet) Sell 2750 coins - Inventory 22,000 coins
Gravity Museum Level 05 (Building Upgrade - Special Event - Riding The Comet) Sell 3500 coins - Inventory 28,000 coins
Gas Station (Flight Collection - Black Gold) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Gates of Amun (Mystery Super Building Chest 6) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Gauss Skyscraper (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Gazebo (Special Event - On The Wings of Love - Game Store Purchase) Sell 30 coins - Inventory 240 coins
Generic Research Institute (MSB Chest Two - Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Geologist Camp (Special Event Store Purchase - Age of Ash) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Gift Shop (Special Event - The Land of Opportunity) Sell 30 coins - Inventory 240 coins
Gingerbread House (Special Event - Dark Skies, Santa's Bad Day, Christmas SBC) Sell 600 coins Inventory 4,800 coins
Golf Club (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 30 coins - Inventory 320 coins
Golden High Rise (Flight Collection - Gold Rush) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Graphic Design School (Mail SBC, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 14,950 coins - Inventory 119,600 coins
Grand Hotel (Game Store Purchase - Silver Tokens) Sell 15,000 coins - Inventory 12,000 coins
Great Pyramid (Flight Collection - The Dawn of Man) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Greenhouse (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Green Station (Special Bank Sales - Mystery Metro Station) Sell 160 coins - Inventory 1,280 coins
Grey High Rise (Mystery Building Chest 2) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins
Grocery Store (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 9 coins - Inventory 72 coins
Grotto of Love (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Guest House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 15 coins - Inventory 120 coins
Guitar Sculpture (Special Event - Rock The Sky) Sell 000 coins - Inventory 0000 coins
Gym (Mystery Super Building Chest 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Halloween Shop (Flight Collection - Witch Costume, Special Event - Dark Skies) Sell 100 Coins - Inventory 800 Coins
Half Timbered House Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Half Timbered House Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Half Timbered House Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Hanging Gardens (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Hardware Store (Mystery Building Chest 1) Sell 450 coins - Inventory 3,600 coins
Haunted Hotel (Special Event Store Purchase - Dark Skies) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Haunted House (Special Event - Holiday Rush, Dark Skies, MSB Chest 1, Mystic SBC) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Henhouse (Easter Super Building Chest, Special Event Store Purchase - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Hero's Square (Flight Collection - Pride And Glory) Sell 750 coins - Inventory 6,000 coins
High Rise Hotel (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 61,000 coins - Inventory 488,000 coins
Hypoponic Greenhouse (Flight Collection - Space Garden) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Hippodrome (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 9,600 coins - Inventory 76,800 coins
History Museum (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 310 coins - Inventory 2,480 coins
Hockey Field (Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Holiday Train (Special Events Direct Purchase - Santa's Bad Mood, Winter Dream) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Hotel (Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Hotel Casino (Flight Collection - Winds And Dragons) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
House of Dark Shadows (Special Event - Holiday Rush, Mystic Super Building Chest) Sell 800 coins - Inventory 6,400 coins
House of Disturbance (Flight Collection - Joy Ride) Sell 310 coins - Inventory 2,480 coins
House of Doubts (Flight Collection - Puzzles of The Past) Sell 190 coins - Inventory 1,520 coins
House with a Pool (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 65 coins - Inventory 520 coins
House of Miracles (Special Event Store Purchase - The Land of Opportunity) Sell 800 coins - Inventory 6,400 coins
House In Verona (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 1 coins - Inventory 10 coins
House of Wax (Flight Collection - The Art of War) Sell 410 coins - Inventory 3,280 coins

Iceberg Bar (Special Event - Holiday Rush) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Ice Castle (Flight Collection - Cold Winter, Special Event Collection - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Ice Cream Shop (Mystery Building Chest 1) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Ice Hotel (Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Ice Sculpture Park (Flight Collection - Five Continents, Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Igloo (Special Event Game Store - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Imperial Lion (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Independence Hall (Special Event - Land of Opportunity) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Indian Egg (FC - Her Majesty's Service, Special Event - Down The Rabbit Hole ) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Indian Restaurant (Flight Collection - Oriental Spices) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Infinity Skyscraper (Special Event Direct Purchase - It Came From Outer Space) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Innovation Centre (MSB Chest Ten - Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Institute of Biology (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Institute of Seismology (Special Event - Age of Ash, Mystery Super Building 9) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Institute of Tectonic Geology (Special Event - Age of Ash) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Institute of Volcanology (Special Event - Age of Ash, FC - Volcanologist Equipment) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800
Internet Cafe (Flight Collection - Out of This World) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Investment Bank (Flight Collection - Strangers On A Tram) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Irish Castle (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns, MSB Chest 7) Sell 700 coins - Inventory 5,600 coins
Irish House (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Irish Mansion (Mystery Super Building Chest 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Irish Pub (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns, MSB Chest 5) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Irish Ruins (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Italian Restaurant (Mystery Building Chest 1) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins
Ivy Covered House (Discount Super Sales) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Japanese Garden (Special Event Store Purchase - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Jazz Club (Flight Collection - All That Jazz) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Jefferson Memorial (Special Event - Land of Opportunity) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Jewelry Store (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Jupiter Storm (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Karaoke Palace (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Kiss Cafe (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Knitwear Shop Level 1 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Knitwear Shop Level 2 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Knitwear Shop Level 3 (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins

Labyrinth Garden (Game Store Direct Purchase) Sell 80 coins - Inventory 640 coins
Lake of Romance (Special Event Store Purchase - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Laser Tag (Special Event - Airport City) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Leprechaun Museum (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Liberty Tower (Special Event Direct Purchase - The Land of Opportunity) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Library of Alexandria (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse, MSB Chest 11) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Library of Congress (Special Event Store Purchase - The Land of Opportunity) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Library of Ireland (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Lilac Building (Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Lincoln Memorial (Special Event Store Purchase - Land of Opportunity) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Little Versailies (Mystery Building Chests 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Locomotive Monument (Flight Collection - Transport Empire) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Loft (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 8,700 coins - Inventory 69,600 coins
Loft Condominium (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 38,000 - Inventory 304,000
Logistical Centre (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 700 coins - Inventory 5,600 coins
Lotus Pond (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Lord of Weather (Special Event Direct Purchase - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 - Inventory 4,800 coins
Lounge Bar (Flight Collection - Upward Flow) Sell 90 coins - Inventory 720 coins
Luna Park (Flight Collection - Magnificent Desolation) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Mad Scene (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Magical Bauble (Special Event Store Purchase - Santa's Bad Mood, Santa's Bad Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Magical Christmas Tree (MSB Chests, Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Magnolia (Flight Collection - Secret Locations, Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Mailboxes (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Mail Kiosk (Flight Collection, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 7 coins - Inventory 56 coins
Malt House (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns, MSB Chest 11) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Manor (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 33 coins - Inventory 260 coins
Mansion (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 25 coins - Inventory 200 coins
Mars Plateau (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Mausoleum (Special Event Store Purchase - Dark Skies) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Meeting House (Flight Collection - Boston Tea Party) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Mega Mall (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 280 coins - Inventory 2,240 coins
Merry Go Round (FC - A Plush Pleasure, Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Sell 180 coins - Inventory 1,440 coins
Merry Manor (Special Event - Dark Skies, Mystery Super Building Chest 4, Christmas SBC) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Meteorite Research Centre (Special Event - Riding The Comet) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Mexican Restaurant (Flight Collection - Mexican Dishes) Sell 300 coins - Inventory 2,400 coins
Military Academy (Flight Collection - Test Pilot) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Milk Farm (Mystery Super Building Chest 4) Sell 200 coins - Inventory 1,600 coins
Minimarket (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 50 coins - Inventory 400 coins
Ministry of Communications (Mail SBC, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 14,950 coins - Inventory 119,600 coins
Ministry of Plenty (Flight Collection - A Miracle of Science) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Ministry of Posts (Mail Super Building Chest, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 14,950 coins - Inventory 119,600 coins
Ministry of Sport (Special Event - The Great Game) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Ministry of Truth (Game Store) Sell 25,000 coins - Inventory 200,000 coins
Mint (Special Sale - Gold/Silver Tokens) Sell 200,000 coins - Inventory This purchase option is no longer on sale
Miracle Mill (Special Event Store Purchase - Holiday Rush) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Mirror House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 16,500 - Inventory 132,000
Moa Statues (Flight Collection - Polynesian Triangle) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Modular House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 27,500 coins - Inventory 220,000 coins
Money Tree (Special Event Store Purchase - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 - Inventory 4,800 coins
Monster Truck Arena Level 1 (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell N/A - Inventory 4,800 coins
Monster Truck Arena Level 2 (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell N/A - Inventory N/A
Monster Truck Arena Level 3 (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell N/A - Inventory N/A
Motel (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 200 coins - Inventory 1,600 coins
Motorbike Workshop (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Movie Company Office (Special Event - Cinemania) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Movie Palace (Special Event - Cinemania) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Movie Prop (Special Event - Cinemania) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Movie Set (Mystery Super Building Chest 7) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Movie Theatre (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 80 coins - Inventory 640 coins
Mulled Wine Factory (Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Multi-Storey Building (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Museum of Achievements (Special Event Direct Purchase - Celestial Festival) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Museum of Geology (Special Event - Age of Ash) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Museum of Gold (Flight Collection - In Search of Eldorado) Sell 50 coins - Inventory 400 coins
Music Arena (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 500 Coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Music Hall (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Mystery Cabin (Special Event - Holiday Rush, Mystery Super Building Chest 2, Mystic SBC) Sell - Inventory
Mystery Manor (Special Event - Holiday Rush, MSB Chest 4, Mystic SBC)) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 2,000 coins
Mystery Ship (Special Event - Cinemania, Mystery Super Building 11) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Natural History Museum (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 21,000 coins - Inventory 168,000 coins
Neutrino Observatory (Special Event Direct Purchase - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Newlyweds House (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds, Mystery Super Building 12) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Newspaper Building (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 280 coins - Inventory 2,240 coins
Night Club (Flight Collection - Moonwalk) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Notre Dame de Paris (Flight Collection - Voices of The Past) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins

Oak House (Special Event Store Purchase - Down The Rabbit Hole) Sell 410 coins - Inventory 3,280 coins
Observatory (Flight Collection - Across The Universe) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Oceanarium (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre (Flight Collection - De Vinci Genies) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Old Oak (Mystery Garden Square, Urban Green Event, Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Old Mill (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Omega Hotel (Game Store Purchase - Gold Tokens) Sell 250,000 coins - Inventory 200,000 coins
Optical Store (Flight Collection - Photo Opportunity) Sell 20 coins - Inventory 160 coins
Opera (Mystery Building Chest 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Opera House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 310 coins - Inventory 2,480 coins
Orange Station (Special Bank Sales - Mystery Metro Station) Sell 160 coins - Inventory 1,280 coins
Outdoor Cinema (Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Outdoor Pool (Special Event - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Pagoda (Special Event - Dragon Rising, Mystery Super Building 12) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Palm Tree (Flight Collection - Secret Locations, Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Panda Park (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Paper Factory (Mail Super Building Chest, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 14,950 coins - Inventory 119,600 coins
Parallax Hotel (Special Event - Riding The Comet) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Park of Kisses (Romantic SBC, MSB Chest 9, Special Event - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Paul Bunyon Statue (Flight Collection - I've Sharpened My Axe) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Pawn Shop (Game Store Purchase - Gold/Silver Tokens) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Pet Shop (Flight Collection - Cat Figurines) Sell 300 coins - Inventory 2,400 coins
Perfume Store (Flight Collection - Path To Passion) Sell 70 coins - Inventory 560 coins
Perfumery (Special Event - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Pharaoh's Palace (Mystery Super Building Chest 6) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Pharaoh's Statute (Mystery Super Building Chest 10) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Pharmaceutical Firm (Mystery Building Chest 1) Sell 330 coins - Inventory 2,640 coins
Pharmacy (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 50 coins - Inventory 400 coins
Pneumatic Post Office (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail, Mystery Super Building 12) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Philately Museum (Special Event Direct Purchase - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Photo Studio (RSBC, Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Physics Laboratory (Flight Collection - The Wonders of Physics) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Pigeon House (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Pine Tree (Flight Collection - Secret Locations, Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Pioneer Lodge (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Playground (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Planetarium (Mystery Super Building Chest 2) Sell 750 coins - Inventory 6,000 coins
Police Station (Game Store Purchase - Gold/Silver Tokens) Sell 700 coins - Inventory 5,600 coins
Pottery Workshop (Flight Collection - Terracotta Army) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Post Office (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 400 Coins, Inventory 3,200 Coins
Postal Museum (Mystery Super Building Chest 7, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Postal Union (Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Practice Wall (Special Event Store Purchase - The Great Game) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Press Centre (Mail Super Building Chest, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 14,950 coins - Inventory 119,600 coins
Print Shop (Mystery Super Building Chest 5, Special Event - Long Awaited Mail) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Private Clinic (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 7,900 coins - Inventory 63,200 coins
Private Conservatory (Flight Collection - All Flesh Is Grass) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Private School (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 35,000 coins - Inventory 280,000 coins
Prop Warehouse (Special Event - Cinemania) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Public Library (Flight Collection - Signs of Fate) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Pumpkin Bed (Special Event - Dark Skies, Holiday Rush, Mystic SBC) Sell 250 coins - Inventory 2,000 coins
Pumpkin House (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Puppet Theatre (Special Event - Dragon Rising, Flight Collection - City of Dolls) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Quiet Place (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Quantum Skyscraper (Mystery Super Building Chest 8) Sell 1,000 coins - Inventory 8,000 coins

Rabbit Farm (Mystery Super Building Chest 7, Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rabbit Hole (Easter Super Building Chest, MSB Chest 2, Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Radio Controlled Toys (Flight Collection - Conquering Heights) Sell 50 coins - Inventory 400 coins
Radio Telescope (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space, MSB Chest 5) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Recording Studio (Mystery Super Building Chest 1) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Red High-Rise (Mystery Building Chest 1) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins
Red Maple (Flight Collection - Secret Locations, Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Red Station (Special Bank Sale - Mystery Metro Station) Sell 160 coins - Inventory 1,280 coins
Rehab Centre (Special Event Store Purchase - The Great Game) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rehabilitation Hospital (Flight Collection - Necessary Roughness) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Rehearsal Garage (Special Event Store Purchase - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rehearsal Hall (Mystery Super Building Chest 8, Special Event - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Research Centre (Mystery Super Building Chest 7 - Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rest Camp (Flight Collection - Storm Has Set The Heavens Scowling) Sell 200 coins - Inventory 1,600 coins
Retro Movie Theatre (Special Event - Cinemania) Sell 360 coins - Inventory 2,880 coins
Rock Music Museum (Special Event - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rock Climbing Centre (Mystery Building Chest 2) Sell 600 - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rock And Roll Walk of Fame (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rock Club (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rock Diner (Mystery Super Building Chest 8) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rock Garden (Mystery Super Building Chest 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rock Music Museum (Special Event - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rock Shop (Mystery Super Building Chest 1, Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Rockstar Mansion (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Roller Coaster Park (Flight Collection - Riding The Bullet) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Romantic Cafe (Special Event - On The Wings of Love - Game Store Purchase) Sell 38 coins - Inventory 304 coins
Romantic Castle (Special Event Direct Purchase - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Romantic Corner (Special Event Store Purchase - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Romantic Park (Mystery Garden Square, Urban Green Event, Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins, Inventory 4,800 coins
Romantic Rotunda (Romantic SBC, Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Rose Garden (RSBC, MSBC 3 - Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Sell 750 coins - Inventory 6,000 coins
Round House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 290 coins - Inventory 2,320 coins
Russian Egg (Flight Collection - Fungus Kingdom, Special Event - Down The Rabbit Hole ) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Sagrada Familia (Flight Collection - The Art of Transmutation) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Sakura (Flight Collection - Secret Locations, Special Event - Celestial Festival) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Samurai Castle (Special Event Direct Purchase - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Santa's House (Flight Collection, Special Event Collection - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Santa's Workshop (Special Event - Dark Skies, Christmas SBC) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Sarcophagos (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Sauna (Flight Collection - Warm Welcome) Sell 10 coins - Inventory 80 coins
School For Gifted Children (Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
School of Martial Arts (Flight Collection - Kung Fu Master) Sell 1,000 coins - Inventory 8,000 coins
Sea Food Restaurant (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 55 coins - Inventory 440 coins
Serapeum (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Serenity Garden (Romantic Super Building Chest, Mystery Super Building Chest 7) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Science Park (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 26,500 coins - Inventory 212,000 coins
Science Museum (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 42,000 coins - Inventory 336,000 coins
Shady Park (Mystery Garden Square, Urban Green Event, Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins, Inventory 4,800 coins
Shopping Mall (Special Event - Dark Skies, MSB Chest 10, Christmas SBC) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Showroom (Flight Collection - Fantastic Voyage) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Side Wing (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 18 coins - Inventory 144 coins
Silent Hill (Mystery Super Building Chest 9) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Skate Park (Special Event Store Purchase - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Skating Rink (Flight Collection, Special Event Collection - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 100 coins - Inventory 800 coins
Ski Resort (Mystery Super Building Chest 3) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Ski School (Special Event - Holiday Rush, Dark Skies, Christmas SBC) Sell 200 coins - Inventory 1,600 coins
Skiing Facility (Flight Collection - On A Ski Slope) Sell 250 coins - Inventory 2,000 coins
Small Lake (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 6 coins - Inventory 48 coins
Soccer Association (Special Event Direct Purchase - The Great Game) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Soccer Field (Mystery Super Building Chest 6, Special Event - The Great Game) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Spa Hotel (Special Event Direct Purchase - On The Wings of Love) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Spanish Egg (Flight Collection - Mad Tea Party, Special Event - Down The Rabbit Hole) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Sphinx (Flight Collection - Riddle of the Pharaohs) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Spring Lake (Special Event - Spring Is Here) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Smart House (Flight Collection - Smart and Smarter) Sell 60 coins - Inventory 480 coins
Smoke Sauna (Flight Collection - Enjoy Your Bath!) Sell 300 coins - Inventory 2,400 coins
Snow Fort (Special Event - Santa's Bad Mood) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Snow Globe Manor (Special Event Direct Purchase - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Snowman (Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 10 coins - Inventory 80 coins
Snow Melting Facility (Flight Collection - Into The White) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Snowmobile Hire Station (Special Event - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Sound Store (Flight Collection - Does It Come In Black?, Special Event - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
South Park (Mystery Garden Square - Urban Green Event - Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Spa Place (Mystery Building Chest 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Space Base (Special Event - Riding The Comet) Sell 1,000 coins- Inventory 8,000 coins
Space Carousel (Flight Collection - The Little Ones) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Space Museum (Special Event Purchase - Riding The Comet) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Space Needle (Flight Collection - The Outer Limits) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Space Research Institute (Special Event - Riding The Comet) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Spacious Cottage (Mystery Building Chests 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Star Observatory (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
State University (Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Steel Skyscraper (Mystery Super Building Chest 9) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
St. Patricks Cathedral (Special Event - Dancing With The Leprechauns) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Sports Arena (Special Events - The Great Game, Mystery Super Building Chest 9) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Spooky Camp (Special Event Store Purchase - Dark Skies) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Sports Bar (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 240 coins - Inventory 1,920 coins
Sport Shop (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 70 coins - Inventory 560 coins
Square House (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 11,000 coins - Inventory 88,000 coins
Stadium (Flight Collection - It's A Goal!, Special Event - The Great Game) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Statue of Liberty (Mystery Super Building Chest 3) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Statue of Wealth (Special Event Store Purchase - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 - Inventory 4,800 coins
Star Ship Monument (Flight Collection - Orphans of The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Steel Institute (Flight Collection - Spacewalk) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Streetball Court (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Street Food Festival (Special Event - Time To Rock) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Street Performance Area (Special Event Store Purchase - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Street Photo Area (Special Event - Holiday Rush) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Stone Castle (Game Store Purchase - Green Notes) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Stone Cottage (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 420 coins - Inventory 3,360 coins
Stonehenge (Flight Collection - Guardians of The Forest) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Stone Skyscraper (Flight Collection - The Roaring Twenties) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Student Residence Hall (Level 1) (Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Student Residence Hall (Level 2) (Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Student Residence Hall (Level 3) (Special Event - Back To School) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Studio (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 98 coins - Inventory 784 coins
Studio Stage (Special Event - Cinemania) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Stunt School (Mystery Super Building Chest 7) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Summer Mansion (Mystery Building Chest 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Supporters Pub (Special Event - The Great Game, Mystery Super Building 11) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Swing (Mystery City Square - Bank Purchase) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Sweet Shop (Special Event - On The Wings of Love - Game Store Purchase) Sell 60 coins - Inventory 480 coins
Symbol of Love (Special Event Store Purchase - On The Wings of Love) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Taj Mahal (Flight Collection - Rhythm of My Heart) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Tattoo Salon (Special Event - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Tax Service (Game Store) Sell 25,,000 coins - Inventory 200,000 coins
Tea House (Flight Collection - A Game of Shadows) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Tea Party Spot (Special Event Store Purchase - Down The Rabbit Hole) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Temple of Ah Cacao (Flight Collection - Out of Place Artefacts) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Temple of Artemis (Special Event - Valley of The Kings Curse) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Temple of Knowledge (Special Event - Back To School, Mystery Super Building 11) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Terranium (Flight Collection - Snakes On A Plane) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
The Capitol (Special Event - Age of Ash, Mystery Super Building Five) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
The Kremlin (Flight Collection - The Wheel of Time) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
The Motherland Calls (Mystery Super Building Chest 5) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
The Louvre (Flight Collection - Sands of Time) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
The Rural Life Restaurant (Easter SBC, Special Event - Easter Cheer, MSB Chest 11) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Thermal Spa (Special Event - The Spring Has Come, Mystery Super Building 11) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Time Tower (Mystery Super Building Chest 10) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Totem Pole Park (Mystery Super Building Chest 4, Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Tour Truck Park (Mystery Super Building Chest 10, Special Event - Rock The Sky) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Tower of Babel (Flight Collection - Writing On The Wall) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Tower of London (Flight Collection - A Midsummer Nights Dream) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Tower Building (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 490 coins - Inventory 3,920 coins
Townhouse (Game Store Purchase - Green Notes) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins
Traditional Medical Centre (Special Event - Dragon Rising) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Training Base (Special Event Store Purchase - The Great Game) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Training Centre (Special Event - Riding The Comet) 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Tranquil Abode (Special Event - Easter Cheer) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Travel Agency (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 140 coins - Inventory 1,120 coins
Travel Bureau (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 730 coins - Inventory 580 coins
Triumph Hotel (Flight Collection - Road of Fame, Special Event - Cinemania) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Tree (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 4 coins - Inventory 32 coins
Tree of Life (Mystery Super Building Chest 4) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Tree of Love (Special Event Store Purchase - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Trevi Fountain (Romantic SBC, Special Event - On The Wings of Love, MSB Chest 12) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Truck Terminal (Flight Collection - Tracks In The Sand) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Turf House (Flight Collection - Ariade's Thread) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Twisting Tower (Mystery Super Building Chest 5, Special Event - A Walk In The Clouds) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

UFO Attraction (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space, MSB Chest 7) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
UFO Monument (Mystery Super Building Chest 3) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
University (Flight Collection - Knowledge Is Power, Special Event - Back To School) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Unique Gifts (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Ufologist's House (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Venus Whirlwind (Special Event - It Came From Outer Space) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Veterans Memorial Museum (Ballad of A Soldier Collection ) Sell 300 coins - Inventory 2,400 coins
Villa (Game Store Purchase - Green Notes) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Vintage Radio Station (Special Event - Rock The Sky, Mystery Super Building 12) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Vinyl Museum (Special Event - Rock The Sky) Sell 000 coins - Inventory 000 coins
VISA Centre (Game Store Purchase - Gold/Silver Tokens) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins
Volcano House (Special Event - Age of Ash, Mystery Super Building 11) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Volcanic Lake (Special Event Store Purchase - Age of Ash) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Volcanic Villa (Special Event - Age of Ash) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
VR Ride (Special Event - Airport City) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Washington Monument (Mystery Super Building Chest 3) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Watermill (Special Event - The Spring Has Come) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Water Park (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 460 coins - Inventory 3,680 coins
Water Purification Station (Flight Collection - Thirst For Life) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Weather Station Levels 1-3 (Game Store Purchase - Coins) The building can not be removed or sold
Wheel of Madness (Special Event - Time To Rock) This building can not be sold - Inventory 4,800 coins
White House (Mystery Super Building Chest 1) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Wigwam Cafe (Special Event - Thanksgiving Day) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Wild Corner (Special Event - Santa's Bad Mood, Holiday Rush) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Windy House (Flight Collection - Chasing The Storm) Sell 660 coins - Inventory 5,280 coins
Winery (Special Event - On The Wings of Love) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Winter Castle (Special Event - Holiday Rush) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Winter Holiday Gift Shop (Special Event Game Store - Santa's Bad Day) Sell 250 coins - Inventory 2,000 coins
Winter Hotel (Flight Collection - Flips and Spins) Sell 150 coins - Inventory 1,200 coins
Winter Machinery Plant (Special Event - Winter Dream) Sell N/A - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Winter Palace (Flight Collection - Tale of Bygone Years) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins
Winter Zoo (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 600 Coins - Inventory 4,800 Coins
Witch House (Special Event - Holiday Rush, Mystic Super Building Chest) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Wonder Park (Special Event - Down The Rabbit Hole, Mystery Super Building 12) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Yoga Centre (Mystery Building Chest 2) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins

Zoo Level 1 (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 50 Coins - Inventory 400 Coins
Zoo Level 2 (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 50 Coins - Inventory 400 Coins
Zoo Level 3 (Special Event - World of Wildlife) Sell 50 Coins - Inventory 400 Coins

Coal Station (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 800 coins - Inventory 6,400 coins
Cosmic Fuel Station (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins
Electrical Substation (Flight Collection - Power Reserve) Sell 600 coins - Inventory 4,800 coins
Flight Catering Facility (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 8,000 coins - Inventory 64,000 coins
Furniture Factory (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 50,000 coins - Inventory 400,000 coins
Laundry (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 10,000 coins - Inventory 80,000 coins
Nuclear Power Plant (Flight Collection - Atoms For Peace) Sell 1,000 coins - Inventory 8,000 coins​
Phamaceutical Lab (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 100,000 coins - Inventory 800,000 coins​
Power Plant (Game Store Purchase - Coins) - Sell 10 coins - Inventory 60 coins​
Powerful Wind Turbine (Game Store Purchase - Green Notes) Sell 300 coins - Inventory 2,400 coins​
Research Lab (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins​
Rocket Garden (Flight Collection - Water World) Sell 1,500 coins - Inventory 12,000 coins​
Solar Panel (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins​
Solar Power Station (Game Store Purchase - Green Notes) Sell 450 coins - Inventory 3,600 coins​
Space Travel Monument (Flight Collection - History of Space Travel) Sell 2,500 coins - Inventory 20,000 coins​
Sweet Factory (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 30,000 coins - Inventory 240,000 coins​
Tesla Power Plant (Game Store Purchase - Green Notes) Sell 1,500 coins - Inventory 12,000 coins​
Training Centre (Mystery Super Building Chest 1) Sell 500 coins - Inventory 4,000 coins​
VIP Lounge (Special Event - Cinemania) Sell 180 coins - Inventory 1,440 coins​
Windmill (Special Bank Purchase Sale) Sell 400 coins - Inventory 3,200 coins​

Helicopter Pad L1 (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 1,200 coins - Inventory This option is not available
Helicopter Pad L2 (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 0000 coins - Inventory This option is not available
Helicopter Pad L3 (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 0000 coins - Inventory This option is not available
High Tech Plant (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 4,500 coins - Inventory This option is not available
Mechanical Plant (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 800 coins - Inventory This option is not available
Resource Base L1 (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 15 coins - Inventory This option is not available
Resource Base L2 (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 250 coins - Inventory This option is not available
Resource Base L3 (Game Store Purchase - Coins) Sell 2,800 coins - Inventory This option is not available

Airship Dock, Airline Alliance HQ, Alliance Office, Baggage Hall (Levels 1-4), Boarding Bridge (Levels 1-14), Bus Terminal, Command Centre, Control Tower (Levels 1-13), Duty Free Shop (Levels 1-3), Education Centre (Levels 1-3), Flight School, Fuel Station (Levels 1-3), Fuel Station H (Levels 1-6), Large Oil Refinery, Meteorological Lab, Mission Control Centre (Levels 1-3), Parking Lots (Levels 1-13), Powerful Oil Refinery (Levels 1-4), Repair Base (Levels 1-7), Reserve Hangar (Levels 1-5), Resource Base (Levels 1-7), Terminal (Levels 1-12), Terminal Sections (Levels 1-13), Thermal Spa (Special Event - The Spring Has Come), Town Hall (Levels 1-11), Service Vehicle Park, Small Oil Refinery (Levels 1-4), Space Program Launchers (Green Rocket, Blue Rocket and Red Shuttle), Weather Station (Levels 1-3)

To begin the process you will first need to select the 6th icon (it will be the four sided green arrow) along the bottom row of your game screen, then select your building, then select the second icon of three (it will be the brown box with the downward pointing green arrow), when the circular menu appears on the screen. The selected building will appear in the centre of the menu, between the four green wedges, which will surround your chosen building. You will then be able to see how much it costs to move your building into inventory, when the message appears on your screen.

As you will have seen from the above three tables, it can be extremely expensive, to move buildings from your game into your inventory. Where about you are with your game and how long you have been playing will be an important part of your decision. The decision will be made all the more easier if you have been playing for a considerable amount of time, and have accrued ten's of millions of coins, during long term game play. It will also be easier if you are able to generate large amounts of coins, to replenish those that you have spent, in order to move your buildings.

If you are not in this fortunate position, your decision may not be so easy to make. Whatever you do decide to do, you should not rush into making a decision. You should allow yourself plenty of time to think about things, and what is best for your long term game. Once you have made your decision, and acted on it, you will not be able to undo your decision, so do be careful.

At some point you will decide to move a building or buildings back into your game, (most likely on the city side of your game, rather than the airport side), perhaps in preparation for a special event due to start. You will need to go to your Warehouse, by first selecting the Brown Crate (the fourth icon along the bottom row of your game screen). You will then need to select the Building icon (the first icon of eight icons long the top row of the warehouse menu), select the building you want to move, then select the Use button. You will need to decide where in your game you want the building to be located. Only one building can be moved at a time. You will therefore need to repeat the process, if you have more than one building to move. No expense will be incurred during the building replacement process.

As the game of Airport City continues to grow and develop, through issue of game updates throughout the year, new buildings will become available, obtained from Flight Collections, Mystery Building Chests, Mystery Super Buildings Chests, Special Events, Game Stores and Special Sales. When you become aware of any new buildings, which do not appear in this user guide, I would be very grateful if you would let me know. Now that the user guide has been established, it will be important to keep it up to date.

There is a great wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written them to help you with your game, those of you who are new to the game and those of you who are further along with your game. The user guides will provide you with all the information you need, to help make a success of your game.

Last Updated: Thursday 6th February 2025 at 10.45am London UK Time
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Harcourt - @crescent moon - following on from my message to the both of you earlier on today, I have now created this thread. You will understand what I'm working towards. Help from the both of you and from other forum members would be greatly appreciated.

Captain WH Rollins


150+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Hi may I know what event please?
The last one, "Airport City", i.e. the one with Game Studios and Bugs. (It was a nice event, but the name kinda sucks for referring to it without ambiguity.)

You got the Farmer's Markets from clicking the clouds, which occasionally dropped Easter Eggs from a collection - which completed gave one of these buildings as a reward.
  1. Android
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Friend Code
The last one, "Airport City", i.e. the one with Game Studios and Bugs. (It was a nice event, but the name kinda sucks for referring to it without ambiguity.)

You got the Farmer's Markets from clicking the clouds, which occasionally dropped Easter Eggs from a collection - which completed gave one of these buildings as a reward.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Those of you who are advanced in your game play, have a well developed game site and have some free time, I would be very grateful to receive your help with this user guide. I would like to know how much a building is worth if Sold and how much a building would cost to move to Inventory. I can then add the building information to Tables 1, 2 and 3 of the user guide. If you are able to help that would be great.

I will edit this post as buildings are moved from below into the user guide.

Please do be very careful with the figures.

Buildings From Events
Dental Office, Space Museum, Haunted Hotel

Buildings From Flight Collections
Forbidden City, The Kremlin, Temple of Ah Cacao, Tower of London, Eiffel Tower,

Mystery Building Chests
Ice Cream Shop, Family Dinner, Italian Restaurant, Hardware Store, Atelier, Yoga Centre, Spa Place, Summer Mansion

Mystery Super Building Chests
Rabbit Hole, Broadcast Tower, Gym, Mystery Cabin, Statue of Liberty, UFO Monument, Football Monument, Botanical Gardens, Football Museum, Rose Garden, Mystery Manor, Totem Pole Park, Chocolate Factory, Tree of Life, Milk Farm, Forest Lodge, The Motherland Calls, Dali Theatre and Museum, Fighter Monument, Print Shop, Irish Pub, Central Post Office, Stunt School, Rehearsal Hall, Einstein Tower, Silent Hill, Steel Skyscraper

Captain WH Rollins
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Here's a few:
Cloud Castle
Art Supplies Store
Tea House
Indian Restaurant
School of Martial Arts
Investment Bank??
Turf House
Mexican Restaurant
Animal Shelter

Just brilliant, many thanks for these, I will put them in shortly.

Captain WH Rollins

Jon Allen

600+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
All 4 eggs are the same : 600 if you sell 4,800 to move to inventory.

it gets more complicated if you already have 6 of the item and you want to keep exactly 6 with none in the inventory.
If you sell one, to be able use one up from the inventory then you get the benefit of the sell but the new one takes time to complete the build. During this time you are losing the income you would have received. Or you might be able to speed it but again that will cost coins. And you may need numerous items to complete the building too. So sometimes it’s just not worth trying to clean up the warehouse!

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Captain WH Rollins first of all thank you for this guide!
Here are some more:

House of Doubt: 190 coins - 1520 inventory
Farmers market: 600 coins - 4800 inventory
Luna park: 600 coins - 4800 inventory

Many thanks for the building information, I will update the guide shortly.

Captain WH Rollins
@Captain WH Rollins Here is Investment bank through Flea Market from your post #9, first number is sell, 2nd number is inventory. Sorry if any duplicates. Will work on some more later in the day.

Investment bank 500 4000
Cocktail Bar 500 4000
Locomotive Monument 500 4000
Golden HighRise 500 4000
Electricity Museum 500 4000
Truck Terminal 500 4000
Garden of Meditatiton 500 4000
Rehabilition Hospital 500 4000
Pottery Workshop 500 4000
Academy of Sciences 500 4000
Ministry of Plenty 600 4800
Internet Cafe 600 4800
Roller Coaster Park 600 4800
Meeting House 600 4800
Nuclear Power Plant 1000 8000
Caarpet Workshop 600 4800
Bazaar 600 4800
Gas Station 600 4800
Clay House 660 5280
Hotel Casino 600 4800
Jazz Club 600 4800
Garden of Eden 750 6000
Windy House 660 5280
Hero's Square 750 6000
Water Purification St. 600 4800
Carefree House 660 5280
Flea Market 600 4800
Hi @Captain WH Rollins ,

I have started at the bottom of your list

All the following sell for 600 and warehouse for 4800 except where noted differently.

All ………………………….600......………………………...4800
Puppet Theatre
Chinese Shop
Sound Store
Snow Melt Facility.....
Institute of Volcan….
English Egg
Spanish Egg
Indian Egg
Russian Egg
Crop Circles

Carriage Workshop..... 500......………………………….4000
Merry Go Round...……..180...…………...……………….1440
Santas House..…………;.100...…………………...………...800

I will do some more tomorrow

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Captain WH Rollins Here is Investment bank through Flea Market from your post #9, first number is sell, 2nd number is inventory. Sorry if any duplicates. Will work on some more later in the day.

Investment bank 500 4000
Cocktail Bar 500 4000
Locomotive Monument 500 4000
Golden HighRise 500 4000
Electricity Museum 500 4000
Truck Terminal 500 4000
Garden of Meditatiton 500 4000
Rehabilition Hospital 500 4000
Pottery Workshop 500 4000
Academy of Sciences 500 4000
Ministry of Plenty 600 4800
Internet Cafe 600 4800
Roller Coaster Park 600 4800
Meeting House 600 4800
Nuclear Power Plant 1000 8000
Caarpet Workshop 600 4800
Bazaar 600 4800
Gas Station 600 4800
Clay House 660 5280
Hotel Casino 600 4800
Jazz Club 600 4800
Garden of Eden 750 6000
Windy House 660 5280
Hero's Square 750 6000
Water Purification St. 600 4800
Carefree House 660 5280
Flea Market 600 4800

My great thanks for the building information, I will update the table shortly

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Hi @Captain WH Rollins ,

I have started at the bottom of your list

All the following sell for 600 and warehouse for 4800 except where noted differently.

All ………………………….600......………………………...4800
Puppet Theatre
Chinese Shop
Sound Store
Snow Melt Facility.....
Institute of Volcan….
English Egg
Spanish Egg
Indian Egg
Russian Egg
Crop Circles

Carriage Workshop..... 500......………………………….4000
Merry Go Round...……..180...…………...……………….1440
Santas House..…………;.100...…………………...………...800

I will do some more tomorrow

My great thanks for the building information, I will update the table shortly

Captain WH Rollins
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