1600+ Star Club
Green Rocket Party tonight
- Green launches: around 100
- I run out with fuel so I need #1 for aDarekK so I will contribute 100 x 576 points plus lots of 120 points,
- #2, #3 is free. Outcast will put 94 points.
- 2QL from aDarekK and Outcast, so we need 3rd and 4th QL to make flights quickly.
- Expected time active: from 16.00 UTC (16 Jan) until 18.00 UTC (16 Jan)
Everybody welcome.
Please notice that I don't have spare space for new neighbors.
For actual 40K active players, 500 now is really a too low number.
Green Rocket Party tonight
- Green launches: around 100
- I run out with fuel so I need #1 for aDarekK so I will contribute 100 x 576 points plus lots of 120 points,
- #2, #3 is free. Outcast will put 94 points.
- 2QL from aDarekK and Outcast, so we need 3rd and 4th QL to make flights quickly.
- Expected time active: from 16.00 UTC (16 Jan) until 18.00 UTC (16 Jan)
Everybody welcome.
Please notice that I don't have spare space for new neighbors.
For actual 40K active players, 500 now is really a too low number.