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Windows Goldfinch Helicopters

Captain WH Rollins

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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
How many flights can you do with goldfinch helicopters before one breaks down? I have two level 3 helicopter pads, 1 of 2 goldfinch helicopters, I haven't updated repair base H to level 3 yet, and this could be some time away.
Hello and good morning from the UK on this Sunday.

I constructed my Repair Base H Level 3 building (and obtained all the additional items required to make the building solid and live) before buying my Goldfinch helicopters, I was then ready to repair when they broke down. As for how many flights before breakdown takes place, is hard to say. It will most likely not be the same number of flights for all players. It is never that straight forward with this game.

Captain WH Rollins
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