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Gift support game transferred to a new device

Hi neighbors,
I have moved my gift support game from ios to android. The game was transferred well by GI but (as I was advised prior to transfer by them) it lost all its neighbors.
So pls, accept invitation from PitGifts2Pit1024 (04vdnfl9) and delete the old Pit1024GiftSupport, as it will be blocked by GI today or tomorrow:
@jimstreet @Stacey anne @Andy Brodd @Airport Arne @Bali Hi @wydaho @Captain WH Rollins @cats are awesome @crescent moon @Crujoness33 @Bob1977 @LAX @Husam @zenmie @Jaume @wydaho2 @Jon Allen @LenR @Long @Meagansoroka @Mike47 @Raschuma @Sazaville @suzy @Ten33go @Wabbitgirl @Angry Bear
BR, Pit1024

P.S. Sorry for posting this late - I was busy the whole day. Apologies for creating the noise to those who already accepted my invitations.
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