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General Fleet


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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What is the point to have the same type of planes in the fleet? It seems that some features were designed in opposite way, say quests that requires different types of planes or weather station that gives you flights for different planes. How to deal with this? Should one have different types in reserve hangar?


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. Windows PC
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In my game, I have 10 hangars / 10 active flights and 6 slots in the Reserve Hangar.

As I progress through the game levels, I focus on the destinations that require the most stars. I tend to have 5 planes for the majority of flights at my current level, with 3 planes for the previous level and 2 planes for the next level. As a I approach the goal of three-starring the destinations, I sell the lower-level aircraft and purchase next-level aircraft, but for the most part, at any one time I have 3 different types of aircraft actively flying.

I keep 3 planes in reserve to fly to the weekly alliance missions. I also use the reserve hanger to ensure that I have at least two of each aircraft type (other than propeller-driven) for events.

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