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Daily Trading Thread for Monday 2nd July 2012

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To try and make the trading experience as easy as possible, we have now moved onto having a daily trading thread.

Please post the following details below:

Friend Code
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.

This thread will be open for posting on Monday 2nd July 2012

Is there any one can help me to get some items that i need as Iam just new to this form.....

My id is :- charls
My frnds code is :- iz2f64
Items that i need :-

Hull parts :- 3 nos ( i have sent 20 - 25 flight to sydny but not get)
All inclusive barcelet :- 3 nos

That all for now....

Thnks in advance
  1. Android
Friend Code
MG (What I Need)
Hoping to finish up my repair base, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Cartwright,
Can not send you TV Panel or Controller unfortunately...sorry. But can send you Navigation Module, Fuel Hose or Oscillating Beacon. I notice you have a controller you can gift. Would LOVE to receive that...
Thank you to all who sent gifts.
My gift counter did not reset yesterday, thankfully it did so today, so I could finally send out gifts today.

101 ->sent you Spare Wire
@hdalrymple1 ->sent you Catering
Bernard Koh ->sent you Fuel hose
BirdEyes ->sent you Cooling Chamber
deidei ->sent you Catering
Eta ->sent you Catering
I007791 ->sent you Passengers (10)
Jack ->sent you Catering
jackjackeli ->sent you Grinding machine
JS1114 ->sent you Passengers (10)
Lucky ->sent you catering
PrAnky ->sent you Landing Lamp
S.John ->sent you Catering
Sky Ranger ->sent you Spare Propeller
snow ->sent you Cooling Chamber
Vangees07 ->sent you Navigation Module
Morning all, sent out the following gifts, would be most grateful for some to be sent in return;

Air caniles: fuel - please send fuel
Bali Hi: flight catering - please send fuel
Cap'n5: landing gear - please send fuel
Frood: flight catering - please send fuel
HD: flight catering - please send fuel
Joe: fuel supply - please send fuel
Ruaware: flight catering - please send fuel
Sky Ranger: spare propeller - please send fuel
Twisted UK: oscillating beacon - please send server rack

I have updated my signature with my new giftables, and put it in alphabetical order so it's a bit easier.

Thanks guys, have a good day!
Thank you all :D

Deidei… catering
Jackjackli… fuel addictive
Vangees07 …navi module
Bali Hi…catering
101… spare wire
Joe… archive box
FRD…landing lamp
Bernard Koh… fuel hose
@hdalrymple1… spare propeller
Air canillas… archive box
Snow…packing machine
Ruaware…landing lamp
VI… passengers 10
HD… osc.beacon
Zen…landing lamp
HL…addition radar
Sky ranger…spare propeller
Cartwright4… navi module
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