So I've been playing with the numbers a bit today, and here are preliminary results of top producing buildings (standard so far).
For into - I've been looking into cost of the buildings, size, population requirements and electricity cost at this point.
Since everybody has different city, strategy, city size and green cash flow, here are different TOP 5 buildings:
TOP 5 buildings - per day/24hrs coin production
1) High-Rise Hotel - 4.752
2) Car Dealership - 2.592
3) Eatery - 1.440
4) Bowling Alley - 1.392
5) Hotel - 1.368
As stated - this is 24 hrs production. I prefer to have more 4/8/12hrs production buildings since I can collect more times per day.
TOP 5 buildings - Per square space per day (optimum, less size, more coins)
1) Eatery - 1.440 per sq
2) Grocery store - 1.296
3) High-Rise Hotel - 1.188
4) Flower Shop - 1.056
5) Donuts - 960, but since it costs green, Coffe Bar - 864
TOP 5 Buildings - Per population cost/day
1) Eatery - 180
2) Grocery - 162
3) Flower shop - 132
4) High-Rise Hotel - 119
5) Car Dealership - 118
So HighRise Hotel is great for per day, sq, population, but RoI is 128 day - in a fact - every building after Private clinic, has minimum of RoI time of 128 days, up to 2.291 days for Courthouse!
When I add all other buildings, I will post excel table...
So I've been playing with the numbers a bit today, and here are preliminary results of top producing buildings (standard so far).
For into - I've been looking into cost of the buildings, size, population requirements and electricity cost at this point.
Since everybody has different city, strategy, city size and green cash flow, here are different TOP 5 buildings:
TOP 5 buildings - per day/24hrs coin production
1) High-Rise Hotel - 4.752
2) Car Dealership - 2.592
3) Eatery - 1.440
4) Bowling Alley - 1.392
5) Hotel - 1.368
As stated - this is 24 hrs production. I prefer to have more 4/8/12hrs production buildings since I can collect more times per day.
TOP 5 buildings - Per square space per day (optimum, less size, more coins)
1) Eatery - 1.440 per sq
2) Grocery store - 1.296
3) High-Rise Hotel - 1.188
4) Flower Shop - 1.056
5) Donuts - 960, but since it costs green, Coffe Bar - 864
TOP 5 Buildings - Per population cost/day
1) Eatery - 180
2) Grocery - 162
3) Flower shop - 132
4) High-Rise Hotel - 119
5) Car Dealership - 118
So HighRise Hotel is great for per day, sq, population, but RoI is 128 day - in a fact - every building after Private clinic, has minimum of RoI time of 128 days, up to 2.291 days for Courthouse!
When I add all other buildings, I will post excel table...