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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Change Resolution?

  1. Windows PC
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Is there any way to zoom out or change the resolution in the PC version. I would like to see more of the area at once.
Is there any way to zoom out or change the resolution in the PC version. I would like to see more of the area at once.
I don't think so. Used to be, but not now. What if you try changing the resolution on your monitor? My one screen at 1600 x 900 shows a lot more than my other screen at 1680 x 1050.
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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I am already on maximum screen resolution 1680 x 1050 and while changing the resolution to something smaller I did see a little more but not enough to have the bother of an odd resolution on one of my screens. Apart from the scrolling around the issue for me is that my passenger total is obscured by the coin count - I would be much happier if they just made the heading panels and side icons smaller so that they dont cover so much of my screen.


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@Brian777 @crescent moon @Husam @gbswales wa

There is a way to zoom in and out courtesy of @sophiaelizebeth

Hold down the shift key, press down and keep pressed left mouse button, and move mouse up or down !

That helps with seeing more of the field (for lack of a better word), but there is still the problem of the coins overlapping the number of passengers. What I have to do is open the game, move the game to my smaller screen, close the game and reopen it (it then opens on my smaller screen and looks appropriate), then I move it back to my main screen. Kind of a pain in the keister, so I leave it open most of the time. Thanks for the hint on zooming, tho - very helpful!
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