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Building - Item Drops


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Not sure if there is a topic on this already but has anyone noticed if the buildings drop items more on a particular period and then stops giving drops for another period of time?

For example, I think about a month ago, I can click on my neighbor townhouses and they would give me at least 1 skin care products daily. Now no matter how many townhouses I click, nothing dropped except the usual passengers. The good news is I am getting drops from neighbor universities, villas and rock shops these days. I have clicked on multi-story building, alien legacy, exhibition centers and sports shop for a month or so and they never dropped any item.

What is your building item drop experience?
  1. Android
Good question, most of the time when I visiting my (10) neighbors the drop is random. Sometimes 3 of the 5 buildings give me items, sometimes there are no items at all. I was used to be visit those neighbors which buildings drops a lot, but after 2 or 3 times they dropped nothing. I remember I visited a neighbor who is not very active on this moment on the forum and wow, I got 5 items! So for me I thought: some airports have so many visitors the drops became seldom. And all the buildings can drop items, anytime, no special period or something else. But thats my theory of course. :D
I'm with you diwata just curious about what other neighbors think about this.


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
You're right. I noticed too that if I visit a neighbor one day and get a lot of items from their Research Labs and come back again and again the next days the item drops become less and less, sometimes even none. :cry:
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