800+ Star Club
My issue is that I may wind up being penalized for an eye condition that I was born with called ocular albinism. You can read about this condition at
Briefly, the condition, causes me to to mishandle light, causes involuntary eye movement (nystagmus), impaired depth perception. nearsightedness, inability for the eyes to work together, and crossed-eyes (lazy eyes). There may a few other things. But I think this eye condition is effecting my ability to play the mini-game and get lab flasks. I have attempted to compensate for this buy building the "Neutrino Observatory", spending about some greenies so that I can make more attempts, buy a "student pack", and by upgrading my Residence Hall and Educational Center to the maximum level. I have gotten to level 11 (I bought the premium pass package with all the extras). But I still worried that I will not do well because this issue even with any strategies I use to compensate. Earlier, I mentioned that I had to a special consideration when taking the ACT test that is the test given to high-school seniors for college admission). The adaption of the test was that it was untimed where the standard ACT test is timed.
Briefly, the condition, causes me to to mishandle light, causes involuntary eye movement (nystagmus), impaired depth perception. nearsightedness, inability for the eyes to work together, and crossed-eyes (lazy eyes). There may a few other things. But I think this eye condition is effecting my ability to play the mini-game and get lab flasks. I have attempted to compensate for this buy building the "Neutrino Observatory", spending about some greenies so that I can make more attempts, buy a "student pack", and by upgrading my Residence Hall and Educational Center to the maximum level. I have gotten to level 11 (I bought the premium pass package with all the extras). But I still worried that I will not do well because this issue even with any strategies I use to compensate. Earlier, I mentioned that I had to a special consideration when taking the ACT test that is the test given to high-school seniors for college admission). The adaption of the test was that it was untimed where the standard ACT test is timed.