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Android Daily Trading Thread for Wednesday 19th September 2012

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To try and make the trading experience as easy as possible, we have now moved onto having a daily trading thread.

Please post the following details below:

Friend Code
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.
Thank you Sophie2 for your Fuel (20)!!-------------------------------------> Returned Sp.Wire
Thank you Wikech for your Fuel!---------------------------------------------> Returned Fuel
Thank you Droidair for your Sp.Wire!----------------------------------------> Returned Sp.Wire
Thank you Gregory for your Fuel!--------------------------------------------> Returned Fuel
Thank you HP for your Passengers!-----------------------------------------> Returned Passengers
Thank you Bibigarf for your Great Shots!-----------------------------------> Returned Album
Thank you Superhoops for your Disp. Shampoo!-------------------------> Returned Fuel
Thank you s8s for your Sp.Wire!---------------------------------------------> Returned Sp.Wire
Thank you Koergi for your Passengers!-------------------------------------> Returned Passengers
Thank you Grizzzlyyy for your Fuel!------------------------------------------> Returned Fuel
Thank you Hung for your Sp.Wire!-------------------------------------------> Returned Additional Radar
Thank you Stevel2606 for your Fuel!----------------------------------------> Returned Fuel Supply
Thank you Joe for your Single-Malt Whiskey!------------------------------> Returned Flight Catering
Thank you ShinyBaubles for your Bath Towel & Chocolate Candies!--> Returned Bath Towel
Thank you Bali for your Deicer & Flight Catering!-------------------------> Returned Deicer & Choco. Candies
Thank you Copymachine for your Chocolate Candies!-------------------> Returned Choco. Candies
Thank you Yabba for your Osc. Beacon!------------------------------------> Returned Flight Catering
Thank you AirAkl for your Fuel!------------------------------------------------> Returned Fuel
Thank you Syl for your Fuel!---------------------------------------------------> List Overloaded
Thank you New for your Passengers!----------------------------------------> List Overloaded
Thank you I need textbook for your Passengers!--------------------------> List Overloaded
Thank you Knh for your Passengers!----------------------------------------> List Overloaded

Thanks everyone! My sending list is Overloaded... I'll have to send items with priority from top to bottom.
Please drop by my airport to say hi and update your daily trading trend! I'll send the items you need according to the trend updates.


Thanks for all the help! I do check your sig. daily.
Username: Dream Airways
Friend Code: 5uk1cg

Up to date~
Items Requesting:
1 Weather Display (Control Tower Lv3)
Others (Order of Priority):
Single-Malt Whiskey / Fuel

Items I Can Send:
ATM , POS Terminal, Fuel (3 units), Chocolate candies, Eau de Toilette, Make up, Do not disturb sign, Cockpit glass, Welder, Album, Landing lamp, Projector, Passengers (10), Powerful Radio Transmitter, Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, White Board, Fuel Additives, Drill Machine, Additional Rador, Cash Counter, Spare wire, Lining plate, Landing gear, Flight Catering, Oscillating Beacon, Defroster, Navigation module, Master plan, Fuel hose, Gyroscope, Spare propeller, Deicer, Grinding Machine
  1. Android
Friend Code
Thanks for everyone's help, it would certainly be much slower progress without it. Special thanks to Sophie, Melony and BaliHi for helping me complete the flight school yesterday! I'm about to start sending gifts (checking the lists here). Sig updated.
joe, could you send me defrosters for the next 2 days if possible and will send you what you need back

see signiture for what i need

if you add me please sent me a pm so i no your off here as got way to many friends atm,lol
  1. Android
Friend Code
i need :
Travel Agency - 2 X Album
Flight Catering Facility - 3 X Defroster
Terminal (Level 5) - 3 X Archive Box + 3 X Ergonomic Chair
Duty Free Shop (Levele 2) - 1 X Anti-Theft Gate

i can send :
Fuel (3 unit), Great shots, Radar, Landing Lamp, Passanger X 10 , fuel supply, jet engine, cash counter, lining plate, packing machine, city model
  1. Android
Good morning everyone, and thank you for your shipments. New neighbors to remind them that the all-inclusived bracelet must be buy because it can not be sent as a present.
Good luck to everyone with your projects.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Sophie-Item needed
Hello!!! Sig has been updated and some gifts have gone out. Thanks for all the help everyone has been giving me, the terminal is complete and the control tower and town hall are almost there! Thanks again!
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