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A space ship etiquette question

Captain Goren Fox

Active Member
  1. iPhone
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Steve F.
Once the first seat is filled (generally by the launch initiator) is it bad etiquette to fill the remaining fuel requirement so the ship can launch immediately? Doing so potentially eliminates additional available sears for other players, but you’re not waiting around for hours for other players to join. I’m fairly new to the space program and did not see this question detailed in the various guides. Thanks!
It depends. If you’re launching with people from forum or in launch threads, you’d better ask if it’s ok. But I can tell you that launches with veteran players usually don’t take too much time before they’re lifted.
sometimes people are waiting for qls, sometimes waiting for several of them. If a launch you joined has a QL, don’t fill to lift, unless it is about to fail, which is almost impossible to happen.
Pay attention to some message in the owner’s name, as “wait 2ql” which means that you shouldn’t add points until 2ql are in.
In the end, the keys are communication and knowing your neighbors launching style.
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