The 100 item limit....the biggest change to Airport City that shook the AC world for months. The reason for implementation for the limit (according to GI) is that it improved the profitability of the game, so even after the months of pleading that happened last year, the change happened for all with 7.0. We have all been placed under the limit for about a year now....our "new normal" in AC world. Since then, you have many who have adapted and even thrived in the "new normal" of Airport City. However, there are many who still struggle with the limit or who are just annoyed that there is a limit to begin with. For those who want more information about adapting to the "rule that isn't going anywhere", I figured a "one stop shop" for every bit of information regarding the 100 item limit and ways to adapt and even thrive under these rules can be placed here. For struggling players, you can ask your questions and share your difficulties, and for the players who are thriving, feel free to answer those questions and share your own tips and tricks. Lets drop some knowledge!