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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com


  1. Blue Skies

    Red Launch Launched, 24 Hour return

    1st place taken need crew
  2. Blue Skies

    Red Launch Launched, 2 hour return

    1st place position taken, looking for crew. Hijackers not welcome.
  3. Blue Skies

    Red Launch Launched, 24 Hour return

    Red is on the pad, Captain wants to remain #1, crew is needed for a quick launch.
  4. Blue Skies

    Red Launch Launched, 24 Hour return

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I have a Red on the pad, captain is waiting for crew.
  5. Blue Skies

    Red Launch Launched

    Nov 19 Red is mostly fueled & itching to get off the ground.
  6. Blue Skies

    Red Launch Red-bird on the pad

    I Joined up as captain with Evgenij 654's group launch. We need help to get this bird going.
  7. Blue Skies

    Red Launch Launched and Thanks

    11/6/16 Many thanks to my crew for a quick launch. Crscnt-plg,reader (with QL), Crscnt2, Section165, and Xilikon. Nice to have you all along for a quick journey. (y) I plan to launch another quickly when this one returns. I want to build 3 more Rocket Gardens so captain is my priority for now.
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