Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. S

    Green Launch Green on pad / launched

    thanks for support
  2. S

    Green Launch Green on pad / launched

  3. S

    Green Launch Green on pad / launched

    I think we can give someone chance to join and wait about half an hour
  4. S

    Green Launch Green on pad / launched

    First two taken rest free 288 to go
  5. S

    Red Launch Red on pad / Launched and back

    first two taken rest free, all welcome 2100/3000
  6. S

    Red Launch Red LaunchRed successfully Launched thanks to @Ariadust and @n. and @Bakkies

    Please don't create new thread just change the name on yours launch thread, unnecessary threads make things only confusing
  7. S

    Multiple launch start in 10:00 PM (GMT +8) with 1QL

    thanks for the ride
  8. S

    Red Launch Red on pad / Launched and back

    Thanks for QL and support @crscnt and support of @david smith @Blue Skies thanks guys
  9. S

    Red Launch Red on pad / Launched and back

    first two taken rest free 1952/3000
  10. S

    All welcome

    258 to go first and second taken
  11. S

    Possible Fuel Catalyst ring

    Thread created all of you are added. Anyone else interested please pm me
  12. S

    Helicopters are here - Possible bugs and improvements.

    I've speed up the flight and unfortunately no change in flight time , still 8h for training flight H but I can tell you that beside the sky captain bonus you also get 5 greenies for this quest This is the last helies quest at least for now
  13. S

    Helicopters are here - Possible bugs and improvements.

    A long shot by it might be that only the first flight takes so long because of the reward from quest - sky captain bonus / I'll speed up it and see how it is on my fuel ring account BTW from what I see for now If you're not up for the stars and you can live without this sky captain bonus don't...
  14. S

    Possible Fuel Catalyst ring

    No I have not. Only few people had showed interest but we might still doeven if only with few people. Anyone interested in joining such a ring please do prepare a 5th level account for tomorrow and I'll will create a spreadshit an everything to start and running this ring even with small numbers.
  15. S

    Multiple Launches 1QL

    Many thanks to @Sazaville for hosting these launches and letting me take some of first spots and of course thanks to @Harcourt @TeresaLisboa and other who I forgot or don't know names for supporting and participation Regards Slawsk
  16. S

    Windows Game transfer from android to windows 10

    If it's not possible(likely) you can always use one of the android emulators on windows and there you can just log in with your google account which you use on adroid and you should be able to get your game progress without GI help
  17. S

    Blue Launch Blue on pad / launched

    Thanks for support @B797PolarisPro
  18. S

    Blue Launch Blue on pad / launched

    240 to go cheap 3rd avaible
  19. S

    Blue Launch Blue on pad / launched

    Hosted by my support account Z gift to Slawsk(049hyi4n) first two taken, 1310/2000 pm or tag me to add you
  20. S

    Red Launch Launched

    thanks for ride
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