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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. cooldogmsa

    Bertron I have sent you an friend request. I desperately need Tesla Lightning Rods. I will...

    Bertron I have sent you an friend request. I desperately need Tesla Lightning Rods. I will send whatever I can that you need or want.
  2. cooldogmsa

    Holiday Code

    I have tried it twice on iOS still no luck!
  3. cooldogmsa

    Add me

    Nicole add me my friend code is below! Please advise when you send request so I know it’s you.
  4. cooldogmsa

    Android Stabilizer before Lv30

    Thank you so much for that Tesla rod please keep them coming!
  5. cooldogmsa

    General Wind Charm

    So I had a few wind charms and thought I would activate one. I did not see any fortunate event on my flights. Almost all of the flights were still affected by bad weather and none of those went away. I hurried all of my flights twice to see a difference and did not. Am I misunderstanding how...
  6. cooldogmsa

    Another new update coming?

    Well I like to try to stay positive so maybe the update will be a good one with additional drop rate, new locations, new buildings with higher coin or greenie payout!
  7. cooldogmsa

    Android Stabilizer before Lv30

    If you friend me and advise I can gift you stabilizers!
  8. cooldogmsa

    How drop rates work - my thoughts on it

    My drop rate sucks. I currently have no massive spotlights and every location that can drop them requires one to fly there and I only have 6 friends none of which can send me one. That part of drop rate needs to change!
  9. cooldogmsa

    Always accepting friends

    Always accepting friends
  10. cooldogmsa

    iOS Tesla Lightening Rod

    DaneGuy71 if you want add me as a friend and notify me it’s you I will send as I could use some too.
  11. cooldogmsa

    Looking for two Alliance Members

    I would join if you would allow me too.
  12. cooldogmsa

    Looking for Alliance

    I am an active player leveling up as soon as I can looking to join an Alliance. Please allow me to join your today! You won’t regret it, I promise.
  13. cooldogmsa

    Reason I joined

    Invite sent thank you
  14. cooldogmsa

    Reason I joined

    im hoping to join an airline alliance. I am active normally about 1-5 times daily. I am struggling trying to get coins and greenies. I am also hoping to find some active friends on here to help me and send me stuff I need as I will do my best to send stuff you need.
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