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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. NJC159

    What do you think of such a mobile phone?

    to be honest its only available through ebay uk and the seller is located in Hong Kong
  2. NJC159

    What do you think of such a mobile phone?

    it's available in UK at around £1200 which is more than the latest iphone or samsung and not much less than my current car (Alfa Romeo 159) cost :ROFLMAO:
  3. NJC159

    What do you think of such a mobile phone?

    that's one hell of a camera! (y)
  4. NJC159

    Green Launch My first launch - Can someone help me?

    Get it over 980 and you'll get 1st place. Keep it a private launch until you hit that threshold to avoid hijackers but IMHO I'd wait on starting until you know you can fill 1600 yourself or that you definitely have a second that will fill the remainder. There are loads of helpful folks on here...
  5. NJC159


    I sent a message to Support about a week ago after all the problems that arose on here to express our concerns for the future of the game and for the wellbeing for whatever skeleton crew had been left behind. Today I got a reply. I'm no good at screenshotting but this is what it said. "I can...
  6. NJC159

    Space map flights - how to start them

    Once you activate a space map it should then appear in the flight list for the required plane. I literally did my first one today to Berkeley, tapped on the map in the warehouse and then found it activated on the Owl flight list. Hope that helps you out :)
  7. NJC159

    Alliance Missions

    Aww, I have time on my hands so I'll make you one lol :)
  8. NJC159

    Disappointed with Game Insight

    Sorry, just trying to be helpful
  9. NJC159

    Disappointed with Game Insight

    Try just going through the bank as that worked for me today
  10. NJC159

    Disappointed with Game Insight

    Well the greenies sale is back so there is still hope for an expansion sale in the future :) Who knows, maybe in the near future someone may be able to buy it as a going concern for next to nothing. Stranger things have happened :ROFLMAO:
  11. NJC159

    Disappointed with Game Insight

    Well at least while there are no events forthcoming we can focus on other things like Alliance flights etc. While we are in this hiatus I have given my 6yr old son the green light to build a couple of things he's been keen on like lvl 3 helipad and lvl 2 launchpad as he was quite upset when he...
  12. NJC159

    CD / DVD PC Games vs Today's Common Game Play

    Manic Miner and Spectipede on the zx spectrum 48k, Arctic Fox on the zx spectrum +3 are my earliest memories of game enjoyment. Then there's a jump to F-Zero, Super R Type and Super Ghouls n Ghosts on the SNES. N64 Shadows of the Empire, Zelda Ocarina of time. I loved C&C Red Alert on PS1 and it...
  13. NJC159

    Rock the sky - oh come on.

    After reading the all the above I feel strangely relieved that it's not just me that thinks the tasks are nigh on impossible. I was hit with a Falcon flight on day one, after much ad watching to complete the sweet factory I finally managed to get that bird in the air yesterday for it to break...
  14. NJC159

    Airport City Planes real life versions

    Coincidentally I was only just reading an article about that one earlier today. You're right about the name though, marketing team clearly thought in relation to the sonic boom but as a passenger boom is not a word you want to associate with a plane
  15. NJC159

    Airport City Planes real life versions

    All looks spot on to me :love:
  16. NJC159

    Riding The Comet 2022 Award

    All done! :)
  17. NJC159

    Airport City Planes real life versions

    @Navigata07 nice find on the Gulfstream G200 @Chloe11111 This list from @Navigata07 certainly gets my vote. Again a big thank you to you all for the effort and research. I've ordered a 1/144 scale An-24B and will be making it a Rainbow Owl (a good test of my airbrushing skills lol) with more...
  18. NJC159

    Airport City Planes real life versions

    Plastic is what I do a whole lot of. I have 2 boys (6&4yrs old) and the ceilings of their bedroom is adorned with planes both here (modern) and at their mums (WW2). Think this may be my next purchase https://www.scalemates.com/kits/amodel-1464-antonov-an-24b-passenger-airliner--224985
  19. NJC159

    Airport City Planes real life versions

    Going on all the clearly well researched info we have seen so far, this is how it looks to me:- **Swallow/Swift = mix of Saab 340 & Beechkraft King Air Owl = Antonov An-24 *Hawk = Boeing 737-700 / Tupolev Tu-204 *Raven= Boeing 727-200 / Tupolev Tu-154 **Eagle = Body/Tail Antonov AN-225, Main...
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