Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

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    Please add me as a neighbor. Code: 20tppkg1d Alpha Pilot

    Please add me as a neighbor. Code: 20tppkg1d Alpha Pilot
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    Android Crashing Planes

    Chloe11111, I lost all of my neighbors. Please re-add me to your list. FR: 0tppkg1d Alpha Pilot
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    Recent S3 map runners?

    ArGi1981, I lost all of my neighbor list. Please accept me as a neighbor. V/,r AlphaPilot 20tppkg1d
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    Green Launch Green Launch 11/7

    R3d_F1v3: Please add me as a freind. I lost my neighborlist. : 20tppkg1d
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    ZoLou, Please add me as a friend. I lost my friend list. : 20tppkg1d

    ZoLou, Please add me as a friend. I lost my friend list. : 20tppkg1d
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    Please add me as a friend. I lost my friend list. : 20tppkg1d

    Please add me as a friend. I lost my friend list. : 20tppkg1d
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    Major Tom, Please add me as a neighbor. I lost my neighbor list. : 20tppkg1d

    Major Tom, Please add me as a neighbor. I lost my neighbor list. : 20tppkg1d
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    Sahilkataria.... Please add me as a friend. I lost my friend list. : 20tppkg1d

    Sahilkataria.... Please add me as a friend. I lost my friend list. : 20tppkg1d
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    AWESOME!!! Thanks. Looking forward to sharing some of my QL launches with you!

    AWESOME!!! Thanks. Looking forward to sharing some of my QL launches with you!
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    I lost everything except the cash and place. MY NR code is: 20tppkg1d I even lost my spot with...

    I lost everything except the cash and place. MY NR code is: 20tppkg1d I even lost my spot with my alliance
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    Had to reinstall and transfer my previous city, so i am rebuilding my 'old' friend list hope i...

    Had to reinstall and transfer my previous city, so i am rebuilding my 'old' friend list hope i can add you again AlphaPilot gamename: AlphaPilot {ItemNeeded} id: 20tppkg1d
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    Awarded Just Reached 150 Stars

    Don't know what that means but I've reached another Airport City Goal!!!
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    Share your top 3 weekly rank

    I now have a couple of QL to party with!!!!!
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    Had a question about how to start a support account and the best way to manage it. Any advice...

    Had a question about how to start a support account and the best way to manage it. Any advice would be appreciated. AlphaPilot
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    Student Residence Hall & Educational Halls

    I have a SRH2, ECL1 by the circus tents. NR code: 20t79ngoe
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    Please send me a friend request: 20t79ngoe

    Please send me a friend request: 20t79ngoe
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    Riding The Comet 2020 Award

    Just Completed... Thank you forum members who were willing to let me tag along on their QLs!!!!
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    Quick Launch party Saturday 28-08

    FR sent to all above from AlphaPilot. Would like to join in on the fun!
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    How was your college experience? -AlphaPilot

    How was your college experience? -AlphaPilot
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