Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. Dan

    Pending Alliance-Top 100-looking for 1 more player

    The Pending alliance is looking for two more players. We are a top 100 alliance that trade daily and support each others space launches daily. Send a PM or check us out at 04RNW6MRZ -Dan
  2. Dan

    Established trading ring looking for a few more members

    Our trading ring is looking for a few more members in order to fill it all the way up. We use a google sheet to indicate what gifts we would like to receive from others and reference it when we are sending out our gifts to others. We use support accounts to gift to everyone's main game. We...
  3. Dan

    Join our item trading groups

    We are looking for some additional members to join our two existing trading groups. We use a spreadsheet to communicate what items are desired and can change the spreadsheet as often as your gifting needs change. We trade flight items, fuel, and event items. All members have a dedicated...
  4. Dan

    Trading Flight Items

    I am looking for people with a support account that want to trade flight items or fuel daily with multiple other people. We send you what you need and you send us what we need from the support account. Change your needed item as often as you want based on how you play your game. Send a PM if...
  5. Dan

    Pending Alliance-Top 100 searching for 1 new member

    The Pending alliance is searching for 4 additional members or even an full or partial alliance merge. We collectively accomplish half of the alliance tasks and get the 50% flight income bonus. So that means 1-2 tasks are accomplished by all of our members. Lately we have been finishing just...
  6. Dan

    Top 100 searching

    The pending alliance is a top 100 alliance and is searching for 2-5 additional players. Our alliance focuses on achieving 50% of the weekly alliance tasks in order to get the 50% flight income bonus. We are always in the top 100 and with the right players we could easily be in the top 50 or...
  7. Dan

    Top 50 alliance is recruiting-filled

    The Pending alliance is a top 50 alliance and we are searching for one new member. Looking for someone who can do 60k+ passengers a week as well as 1 or 2 tasks to help get the 50% flight income bonus. Check us out in the weekly ratings or at 04rnw6mrz Reply here or send me a PM if you are...
  8. Dan

    Top 100 alliance searching for 1 new member

    The Alliance Pending is searching for one new member after the weekly reset. We always place in the top 100 and usually in the top 50. We are searching for a player that can do 1-2 tasks a week (so that we always receive the 50% flight income bonus) as well as 60k passengers a week. Check us...
  9. Dan

    The Pending alliance (top 50) is searching for two members (filled)

    The pending alliance is scheduled to upgrade to a level 10 alliance on the 17th of January. We are currently searching for two players that can fly 100,000+ passengers a week as we attempt to move into the top 20 after we upgrade. We currently place in the upper 30's to low 40's and with the...
  10. Dan

    The Pending alliance (top 50) is recruiting for one

    The alliance Pending is currently searching for and recruiting one new member. Ideally what you would bring to the alliance is: -70,000+ passengers flown weekly -The ability to join and communicate on Discord (phone/tablet app or via web browser) for alliance communication -Red launch pad and...
  11. Dan

    Pending Alliance (top 50) is searching for one (filled)

    The alliance Pending is currently searching for and recruiting one new member. Ideally what you would bring to the alliance is: -60,000+ passengers flown weekly -The ability to join and communicate on Discord (phone/tablet app or via web browser) for alliance communication -Red launch pad and...
  12. Dan

    Pending Alliance is full (And potentially moving into the top 50)(position filled)

    The alliance Pending is currently searching for and recruiting two new members. The alliance will level up from 8 to 9 on the next weekly reset. Ideally what you would bring to the alliance is: -80,000+ passengers flown weekly -The ability to join and communicate on Discord (phone/tablet app...
  13. Dan

    Pending Alliance is Recruiting (and moving into the weekly top 100)-position filled

    The alliance Pending is currently searching for and recruiting one new member. Ideally what you would bring to the alliance is: -40,000+ passengers flown weekly -The ability to join and communicate on Discord (phone/tablet app or via web browser) for alliance communication -Blue launch pad and...
  14. Dan

    2QL searching for 3rd

    2 QL active, searching for 3rd QL. 576 rule in effect.
  15. Dan

    Where to get space items (searching for lost picture)(found)

    I have been looking for about a week now and cannot find the picture that I am looking for. The last time that I saw it was about three years ago and I have seen it in two separate space threads over the years. It was a horizontal photo (snippet from excel spreadsheet I thought) that laid out...
  16. Dan

    iOS visa center auto collect

    I ran a three hour contract in my four visa centers over night. I should have gotten around 3,000 passengers but only ended up with 293. It appears as if it only collected the passengers the very first grab when the contract was started and failed to continue to collect when the buildings...
  17. Dan

    Alliance Members Wanted-Closed

    Are you new to the game and want to join an alliance? Can you finish two alliance tasks? Is your current alliance full of inactive members that just hold a spot but don't participate? Do you want your contribution to an alliance to be returned with rewards? Look no further then here if this is...
  18. Dan

    Pending Alliance is recruiting-1 position open

    The alliance Pending currently has 13 of 14 members and is recruiting in order to fill up all of the positions. We typically finish the weekly alliance ranking around 150th place. We almost always receive the First Class bonus which gives an added 50% income to all flights completed. We are...
  19. Dan

    Pending Alliance is recruiting-Position Filled

    The alliance Pending currently has 13 of 14 members and is recruiting in order to fill up all of the positions. We typically finish the weekly alliance ranking around 150th place. We almost always receive the First Class bonus which gives an added 50% income to all flights completed. We are...
  20. Dan

    QL -Closed

    On the pad. All are welcome. Send an invite to "dan's small city"
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