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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. Robbie Laker

    Windows Quest leagues unavailable

    Hello Game Insight (if you are checking the forum) Many players cannot join quest leagues. It has been like this for months. Please fix.
  2. Robbie Laker

    Awarded 1400 Stars

    To all my neighbours, you are the best. Thank you all so much for your consistent, reliable work in helping me reach this goal.
  3. Robbie Laker

    Livery Amendments

    Wiki pages for the Rocking Plane and Orbital Plane liveries do not state with which event they are associated. Further the descriptions under Benefit for those 2 liveries omit stating that a percentage figure is involved eg. Orbital Plane states "Item drop from flight: +20".
  4. Robbie Laker

    Game Studio

    The Wiki claims that these buildings increase the maximum population by 20. Where does it say this in-game? See the attached pic for in-game details. The game studio actually increases the population level, not the maximum allowed.
  5. Robbie Laker

    Windows Wind Charm/Lucky Clover corrupted

    Is anyone else experiencing strange behaviours from these bonuses? eg. on my main game I activated 1 of each bonus, then immediately landed 2 guest planes. Doing so dropped the count on each from 20 to 15. I then sent off the 2 guest planes and the count dropped another 5 on each bonus...
  6. Robbie Laker

    Resolved Star Club Defunct?

    Three players have posted their progress in this forum in the past ten days, yet none have been allotted their new badge. Has this part of the forum been abandoned?
  7. Robbie Laker

    Awarded 1300 Stars

    Please admit me to the 1300+ star club. Thanks Admin. As always, my eternal gratitude to my consistent and reliable neighbours for helping me achieve this goal; from your own experience you know just how much it would be impossible without you. Special thanks once again to @DrB and @Cayo for...
  8. Robbie Laker

    Launch Reminder

    Provide a 6-hour, 4-hour, 2-hour reminder notification before a launch expires. Players are busy and do not always keep track of time.
  9. Robbie Laker

    Extra bonus

  10. Robbie Laker

    Windows Airframe Time parameter not zeroed when purchasing a new plane

    My level 5 Reserve Hangar is maxed on slots and all are occupied. When I sell a plane to purchase a new one, the old Airframe Time parameter relating to the old plane is transferred to the new plane. This may be immaterial right now, but if in the future GI introduce a feature dependent on...
  11. Robbie Laker

    Awarded 1200 Stars

    Please admit me to the 1200+ star club. Thanks Admin. Many thanks as usual to my consistent, reliable neighbours for the many gifts painstakingly sent every day. Special thanks to @DrB and @Cayo for your outstanding generosity.
  12. Robbie Laker

    Fuel Station Error

    The info on : https://www.airportcitygame.com/wiki/fuel_station/ for the (plane) fuel station states incorrectly that the 2nd contract taking 10 mins produces 10 units of fuel. In fact it results in only 8.
  13. Robbie Laker

    Awarded 1100 Stars

    Please admit me to the 1100+ star club. Thanks Admin, and to all my neighbours.
  14. Robbie Laker

    'Are you sure?'

    This check is very much needed after the 'Take all' button has been clicked. Yes I've just lost a lot of gifts from accidentally clicking it. The check could be activated if there are more than, say, 10 gifts in the queue, but skipped otherwise. It's probably been said before, but it's being...
  15. Robbie Laker

    When will the 'top' alliances ...

    ... reach the 1 billion mark?
  16. Robbie Laker

    Awarded 1000 Stars

    Please admit me to the 1000+ star club. Thanks admin ... ... and thank you to all my reliable, consistent neighbours who helped me achieve this goal.
  17. Robbie Laker

    Looking for Daily Trading Partners

    I have several trading slots available for daily trades, most of which can gift as high as E-Reader. I am looking to connect to reliable players who want to trade game-name items or F20. Trades must be made regularly every day. If interested please contact me by private message. Rob
  18. Robbie Laker

    Awarded 900 Stars

    Please admit me to the 900+ Star Club. Thanks Admin.
  19. Robbie Laker


    I have not been admitted to the group at : https://www.airportcitygame.com/medals/users?medal_id=9 even though the badge has changed; please rectify Admin. Thanks
  20. Robbie Laker

    Awarded 800+ Stars

    Please admit me to the 800+ Star Club. Thanks Admin.
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