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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  1. rxxxxxx

    Lost my phone with all my progress, sadly :(

    thanks guys, I will try to contact GI in the game, if I'm understanding correctly;)
  2. rxxxxxx

    Lost my phone with all my progress, sadly :(

    I lost my phone with all my progress recently, now if I start a new game on my new phone, will I be identified as cheating?
  3. rxxxxxx

    Time To Rock 2019 - award

  4. rxxxxxx

    Red Launch CU next time - WEEKLY Sunday "LowCarb-Launch" (SF/EB burning)

    my bad,just saw a lunch in the game and joined, didn't check this forum frequently and didn't know what is going on.
  5. rxxxxxx

    Red Launch CU next time - WEEKLY Sunday "LowCarb-Launch" (SF/EB burning)

    Fine, I just thought more contribution will be appreciated
  6. rxxxxxx

    Blue Launch On pad 176/2000 all the positions available

    That is me, the code is correct :)
  7. rxxxxxx

    Blue Launch On pad 176/2000 all the positions available

    @Wes @Captain RC of SA @Alf Sorry guys,launch failed. I don't know why I can't receive your requests, but I've already sent my requests to you, maybe we can launch together in the future~
  8. rxxxxxx

    Blue Launch On pad 176/2000 all the positions available

    Sorry but I didn't receive your request, I have sent my request to you~
  9. rxxxxxx

    Blue Launch On pad 176/2000 all the positions available

    I started a launch by an accident, but I have not enough supply storage, so there is a high chance that you may be the 1st. Please feel free to join~ 04nyj7by, I will respond after 10 hours.
  10. rxxxxxx

    All spots open just hop on

    hi~ I've sent you my request
  11. rxxxxxx

    Red Launch CU next time - WEEKLY Sunday "LowCarb-Launch" (SF/EB burning)

    hi,glad to cooperate, request is sent to you
  12. rxxxxxx

    Hi, I just sent friend request to Gmrdr for the blue launch, my ID is rxxxxxx. Could you...

    Hi, I just sent friend request to Gmrdr for the blue launch, my ID is rxxxxxx. Could you please add me? Thank you very much!
  13. rxxxxxx

    Hi every body~

    I'm new here and currently my level is 25and 33 stars, 4 hearts my code is 04nyj7by my id in the game is rxxxxxx (There are 6 xs~) Items I can send: Wheel Block || Computer || Fuel(3/20) || Fuel Catalyst || Disposable Shampoo || Pearl Earings || Paint || Generator || Tour Review || Landing...
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