Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  1. olly 333

    List of Neighbors with Laundry & Level 8 Items

    Okay thanks for the info, I'm not so far in the game but its nice to have one or two...
  2. olly 333

    List of Neighbors with Laundry & Level 8 Items

    I have not one demodulator yet, don't know where I can use them but please send them to me? Thanks! I'll sent you compass!
  3. olly 333

    Wow that was really fast your blue launch, thanks I could join you!

    Wow that was really fast your blue launch, thanks I could join you!
  4. olly 333

    Houston! We are ready for take off.....

    Sorry for now, my lander returns later this evening, so I don't know how much time you have before time's running up?
  5. olly 333

    Quantum Leap Launch on 11th and 12th February

    I'm sure I can join one of your launches, don't know for now what time it will be, but not the launches at night (GMT)
  6. olly 333

    My lander returns within 1h15 and then I join your Ne2 launch, without tulips but with goofy ;)

    My lander returns within 1h15 and then I join your Ne2 launch, without tulips but with goofy ;)
  7. olly 333

    Can you add my game to your captain game? Then I can launch with you... My code is ac8qpin

    Can you add my game to your captain game? Then I can launch with you... My code is ac8qpin
  8. olly 333

    now finally I know who 501 and 502 is....

    now finally I know who 501 and 502 is....
  9. olly 333

    Sunday 2nd February 2014 - Android Daily Trade Thread

    Its so sad, the max of 20 gifts, I like to send more and more but there is a max, sorry guys I have to wait till reset Thanks for all the gifts!
  10. olly 333

    Thats not me, sorry. Thats someone withe the same avator I had, very seldom, but no I'm playing...

    Thats not me, sorry. Thats someone withe the same avator I had, very seldom, but no I'm playing as goofy. Hope the launch wil be a success.
  11. olly 333

    Yes I had that avator, but now as I'm playing as goofy I liked this avator. So whats the name of...

    Yes I had that avator, but now as I'm playing as goofy I liked this avator. So whats the name of the person who launched?
  12. olly 333

    Hey I dont know what you mean, but I have no launch. The last launch was yesterday with Blesk...

    Hey I dont know what you mean, but I have no launch. The last launch was yesterday with Blesk... Is it on my name goofy? My oldest game olly dont exist anymore
  13. olly 333

    Friday 31st January 2014 - Android Daily Trade Thread

    I have updated my signature, thanks for all the gifts, I need items for the laundry (who doesn't?? :sneaky:)
  14. olly 333

    Thursday 30th January 2014 - Android Daily Trade Thread

    Good morning hansle10 and Juvenal, with the new update I cannot send more route maps, sorry, don't know why but it disappeared Many neighbours: I have nnot much time so I pushed the return button for level 8 items, hope you're happy with it If I can help you with something specific let me know...
  15. olly 333

    Wow nice to have new tasks!

    Wow nice to have new tasks!
  16. olly 333

    Houston! We are ready for take off.....

    Yeah I thought: time for upgrading, like GI did :D
  17. olly 333

    Wednesday 29th January 2014 - Android Daily Trade Thread

    I have add you, I think you like it if I send you a lvl 8 itme tomorrow? :p
  18. olly 333

    En je bent zo gul met al je spullen, dankjewel!

    En je bent zo gul met al je spullen, dankjewel!
  19. olly 333

    Hoi, ik zal eerst je andere spellen moeten toevoegen, ik stuur je mijn code oke? dan kan ik de...

    Hoi, ik zal eerst je andere spellen moeten toevoegen, ik stuur je mijn code oke? dan kan ik de wasmachines morgen sturen
  20. olly 333

    Wednesday 29th January 2014 - Android Daily Trade Thread

    I have my sign also updated and I'm going for the new items!
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