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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  1. air canillas

    Friday 29th March 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

    Silver sickles for me too, please ;).
  2. air canillas

    New Android update!! Easter mission

    At the moment, works for me.
  3. air canillas


    fool64. It works for me.
  4. air canillas

    Thursday 28th March 2013-Android Daily trading thread

    Hi, thanks for your gifts. Today I've sent: Nav. module to vayka1. DND sign to vayka1 noya12. Gyroscope to diwata and Red Fox One. Powerful radio tr. to karen and Kei 2. Jet engine to olly 333. Catering to Long. Deicer to antony1406. Fuel hose to stevel2606. Fuel supply to Sorumbas, Kei and...
  5. air canillas

    Thursday 28th March 2013-Android Daily trading thread

    Ouch, I'm sorry. Works for me.
  6. air canillas

    Thursday 28th March 2013-Android Daily trading thread

    In TribeZ there's a gift code (fool88). Do you know if there's someone in AC?
  7. air canillas

    Wednesday 27th March 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

    Hi, happy easter for all of you. My gifts sent today are: Gyroscope to Phantom. Nav. module to Phantom 2 and vayka1. Passengers to Maqu86. Fuel hose to Suresh. Make up to syapik. Jet engine to olly 333. Fuel supply to Metrohenrik, Kei and Donclyde. Archive box to kd8ov. Did you received it? O...
  8. air canillas

    The TribeZ game - issues and updates

    The time for explorate anomalies it's reduced in a half for 72 hours:ROFLMAO:.
  9. air canillas

    The TribeZ game - issues and updates

    Melanie, you were right. Balloon launched and got the fantastic half time prize. What a shit prize.
  10. air canillas

    The TribeZ game - issues and updates

    I obtained the last item, only 3 hours up to the launch. Murlods island still black.
  11. air canillas

    Wednesday 27th March 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

    kd8ov, here's the screeshots from my two "smd" neighbours. Yesterday I sent the archive box to the level 22 one, so I think the correct is the level 21. Can you confirm it? I'll delete the incorrect, OK?
  12. air canillas

    Where abouts is everyone from?

    Tenemos una casa pequeña pero si estamos en agosto y vienes a Madrid te enseñaremos nuestra ciudad, verás cómo te gusta. Espero que no te importe el calor, porque en agosto no bajamos de 40 grados.
  13. air canillas

    Where abouts is everyone from?

    Hola, también está Maqu86, que es de Argentina. Si quietes conocer España ya tienes de guías a mi mujer y a mí.
  14. air canillas

    leaving the game, been a pleasure guys

    We will all miss you, friend :(.
  15. air canillas

    Tuesday 26nd March 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

    My gifts went to: Nav. module to Phantom and cap'n5. Fuel hose to Phantom 2, Joe and I Fly 2. Cockpit glass to olly 333. Whisky to Sorumbas. catering to diwata, nsari, myriam and Beer Baron darrell. Spare wire to Rob W and Donclyde. Deicer to antony1406. O. beacon to melony and Long. Archive box...
  16. air canillas

    The TribeZ game - issues and updates

    I need one more orchids garland (direct translation from spanish) to launch the balloon.
  17. air canillas

    Where abouts is everyone from?

    Qué bien se entiende el español :ROFLMAO:, bienvenida desde España Dulcesakura.
  18. air canillas

    The TribeZ game - issues and updates

    I just received from GI: Kate Melnikova, Mar 26 19:12 (MSK): "Thank you for reporting this matter and providing me with the details requested! Our engineers have been informed and are taking necessary measures to troubleshoot the problem. Anticipating your question on the time when the issue...
  19. air canillas

    The TribeZ game - issues and updates

    Thanks Melanie, I've tried it but doesn't work. My game is still black.:cry:
  20. air canillas

    Monday 25th March 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

    Heeey friends, how are you? Here's what I sent: Passengers to Maqu86 and olly 333. Landing lamp to karen, Sorumbas and Kei 2. O. beacon to melony and Long. Fuel hose to I Fly 2, diwata, Phantom 2 and Suresh. Spare wire to Donclyde. Deicer to antony1406. Fuel supply to Kei. Nav. module to...
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