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  • Thanks for the launch help far too much for a silver cheers pal:):):)(y)(y)
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    Reactions: affa f20
    My pleasure bud. Have too many PEBs. Don’t know what to do with them. no more crazy QL parties like the old days where we would launch 100 reds/blues a week.
    Hi, I used to be your neighbour in the pre 2016 days, I have restored my game now. Would you mind adding me as your neighbour again? Thank you, Old nickname 12:34
    New nickname : 23:45
    Friend Code: 04u7n2ttz
    Hi Rsorour
    I lost all my neighbours after update can you give me code of both games?
    Thank you♡
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    Reactions: affa f20
    I am sorry to hear that and so sorry for the late reply. I have been very busy lately. I have one game and it is RSKIAD
    Hi Captain Ramy,
    My 2nd game minime lost all neighbors and GI support said they cannot restore friends list.
    Would you please add minime (code: 040ghx0q )
    to your game?
    Thanks in advance.
    Jay ...its always good talking to you. i hope all is well. I am currently experiencing major AC woes. waiting on support to save my profile so i can delete the app, reinstall and hopefully restore. My app has risen to 21GB and is about to crash my tablet. The game has been non-functional for the last 5 days. once i get the game up and running with everything that built over the years intact, i will re-link minime
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    Jay J
    Jay J
    I am very sorry about your game. Hope yours will get fixed soon. Looking forward to becoming neighbors again with minime, Ramy.
    And very happy talking to you too. Wish it was for something more fun. :)
    Hi Rsorour,
    I'm back in the game after some break. Beginning of the year you were my neighbor. Would you pls accept my neighbor request.
    Thanks in advance, Pit1024 (IOS player)
    Ciao! Ti prego di accogliermi nel tuo aeroporto.Code is aeowyyp .Sembra che abbiamo fatto numerosi lanci red insieme.Grazie mille
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    Reactions: Rsorour
    I wish i can but my AC game does not start when i'm online after downloading the new update. I can only play offline. Thus, i can't send a friend request. G! are working on a fix. once complete and my game works, i will send you a friend request.
    Ramy a lot going on, I have lost you on all games so you will have to delete and resend. I can't keep up with the alliance messages, no rush as we all have a lot of rearranging to do. Hopefully we can sort for Sunday
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I can see you on captain tneil and ne2 have sent another invite from captain ne2 but you are not waiting? Check put your end
    i lost you though on Ne2 so you need to delete and we can try again.
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I have you waiting on ne2 and captain ne2 should be ok this time
    Hi, I'm after a few things to complete terminal 9. I need some infrared cameras, motion sensors, coffee machines and observation drones. Is there anything I can help you with. Biggles857.
    i can only return coffee machines. so you have to send me the corresponding gift for terminal 9 in your list and when i hit return, it should convert to coffee machines. other folks should be able to help with the other times.
    Hi! I would like to add you to my neighborhood, would be glad if you accept me from your waiting list.
    I started 1 for my kiddo but there alot problems with the game. incompatibility and the game hasn't been updated. maxes at Lvl 30.
    Hi, sorry I sent you a wrong gift today, no need to return it. I'll try to send something more useful tomorrow
    No worries ...I go with first item in your username unless instructed otherwise
    Hi Ramy!

    I saw your post- bum deal that your game is crashing!

    >>> Do you think you could send me 'Amperemeter' for a few days? I need 3 of them (to upgrade Repair Base).

    I'll keep sending you Fuel Catalysts and Landing Lamps, unless you'd like something else I can send. I know you really want earplugs & Lollipops- when I get to level 51 I'll start sending those to you!

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    Reactions: Rsorour
    Jay...my apologies for the late reply. Life has been pulling in all directions these past few days. I will send you ampere meter later tonight (1900 EST) Just let me know when you are sorted out.
    Ramy! Thanks so much, mate! Received the Amperemeter; it completed the requirement! (Some dropped from flights).

    Could you switch to send 3 'Laser Cutter's? For that same build.

    No worries; life is more important my friend! (The game is fun and pulls us in tho). Anytime is fine.

    Wish I could send you the higher-level stuff you need- will get there eventually.

    Have a great night & weekend! Thank you!
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    Reactions: Rsorour
    No worries about higher Lvl stuff my friend. I am fine with fuel catalysts. I do actually need them from time to time. I will send you laser cutters tonight
    hi! i just added you in game please accept so i can visit your carriage works :D
    Yes thank you but that is what happened! I cannot see them for you. I do have a two neighbors who have Carriage Works I can see so I will have to rely on them and thank goodness I'm building one at the moment - annoying you can only speed this building up with greens. GI so smart $
    Um just re-visited the thread and read Tom's post that the Carriage Works of Neighbors don't even drop Quest Items...!!!
    That is also true. I can't visit folks anyway as my game crashes every time I perform a task in the game. I am just limping along right now. It doesn't look good for all of us though. We got screwed with this one. What's troubling, is that, despite all the shortcomings, I love that friggin game. Hi! My name is Ramy and i am an addict.
    Hi Rsorour!
    Hope you're doing well!

    >>> Could you send me 'Stapler' (green in color)? Thank you bud! (I need 2 for upgrading Town Hall).

    (I'll keep sending you Fuel Catalysts and Landing Lamps).

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    Reactions: Rsorour
    Will do ...top priority as soon as my gifts reset. Unfortunately that will be 1900 EST.
    Good deal, thank you very much!!
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