Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com


1 January 1980 (Age: 45)
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code


Game name: Pascal-Airport
friendcode: wp8j8co (Not a zero)
Level: 18

I can sent these gifts:
Passengers (5 and 10) fuel (3 units), fuel catalysator, horseshoe, don not disturb sign, benche, airco unit,
single malt whiskey, cockpit window, welding machine, landing light, photo album, radar, u-bar, strong radio transmiter,
assambly robot, flighthelm, eau de toilet, fuelsupply, jet engine, stapler, powersupply, fuel additives, solarcell, silver sikel, amp. meter, Sparewheel, Lasercutter.

I need stuff to compleet my:

Town hall:
Master Plan, City Model, Shredder, Stamp
Shredder, Stamp, Cash Counter, Server Rack

For a different game on android

Game name: netje
friend code: ah7bo1j

I can send:
fuel (3, 20 units), fuel catalysator, silver sikel, do not disturbe sign, computer, skin care products, cockpit window
welding machine, photoalbum, landinglight, copier, u-bar, powerfull radio transmitter, videowall, assembly robot, packaging machine, glass display, candy, fuelsupply, airplane tier, calculator, fuel additives, isolation, solar cell, extra radar, parfum, shredder, spare tier, part of plaine, passenger seat, light becon, flight catering, cooling chamber

items i need:
2 Master Plan, 2 City Model, 2 Shredder, 2 Stamp


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